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The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame Chapter 3

The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame

Chapter 03 Meet Again

2 weeks Later

Her point of view

Every Monday and Thursday morning I’ll go outside to hunt, while during Tuesday and Saturday’s morning I’ll go for run and while Wednesday and Friday I’ll go outside to pick some herbal plants, wild fruits.

And during Sunday it was my training day. Today was Wednesday so meaning to say, Wendy will take over.

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I’m busy picking herbal plants when I heard noises near to me. I stop what I’m doing and look around.

Holly s*hit!

I saw Royal guards roaming around and then some of them were looking at me.

Did I go too far? The guys who is looking at me… He’s familiar. Oh, he’s Amanda’s brother.

Did he recognized me? I stepped back once when I saw them start approaching me.

“Do you wanted me to k*ill them all?” Venice devilishly asked me.

“No, Wendy let Venice take over, we need to escape this is not the right time,” I ordered.

“What? Why do you need to escape? We can k*ill them all in just one snap!” Venice sassed.

“We don’t k*ill for no reason Ven, so do what I’ve said!” I replied back.

They immediately switch, so before the Royal Guards can approach me I run fast as I can.

I know that they were chasing me behind. They swift in to their werewolf form while me, I just used my vampire speed.

Now they literally chasing me and shouting me to stop. Some of then were cursing me in their heads, well I can read minds.

After an hour of chase, I finally able to lost them. I’d escaped. I reach my house, I strengthened the barrier around my house.

I lay down on my couch and sigh.

“That was so close,” I mumble.

“Yeah right,” Wendy agreed.

“And hella exhausting,” Reenah commented.

“It’s better if we just k*ill them, “Venice said also.

Sometimes I’m thinking if I’m the one who one my body or them?

“We never k*ill for no reason Ven, how many times I’m going to tell that to you?” I scolded her

“No reason? They were chasing you and maybe they wanted to murder you. Is that still no reason? We have reason to k*ill them,” she reason out

“That’s not enough Ven, I don’t want to argue with you anymore. Let’s take some rest,”

“Yeah whatever,”

She’s really part of me.

I went to the kitchen and get a glass of water. I let out a sigh again, If that dumb king will able to find me what should I do?

Should I let him know who really I am and what I can do? No. I will still remain as a weak creature in his eyes.

But… I will make him regret for not even knowing who really I am. If he’ll come here later, I won’t let him k*ill me, instead I will k*ill him.

I don’t care if he’s the f*uc*king King of werewolves or my mate – ex mate precisely.

I stop thinking when I felt that someone were t*ouching my barrier. No someone is destroying my barrier.

He came here earlier than I expected huh. I went outside my house and I saw him, he’s the only one who came here.

I cross my arm and watch him destroying my barrier. He’s not in his wolf form but he’s damaging the barrier I made.

How powerful is this man is? We I just forgot, he’s a king. The king of werewolves. The Alpha of all Alpha.

I stepped back when I saw a crack, before he can destroyed the barrier I remove it. He was taken off guard because of what happened.

“Hot, he’s so handsome.” I heard Reenah commented. Geez.

“He’s not cute Reenah, “Venice disagreed. Here we go again.

“Stop arguing Reenah and Venice, you both aren’t helping. “I warned them. Thankfully they stopped.

I glanced at him again and I saw him staring at me with longing in his eyes. Well that’s bullshit! Maybe that’s was anger and despise.

We stared each other for few more minutes before he start waking towards my direction. He stopped walking right in front of me.

“What are you doing here? “He venomously asked me. I wanted to laugh right now and curse him to death.

“I know that I’m exiled and I’m not able to stay to this place but I’m not making any scene nor troubling you. “I answered, emotionlessly.

Oh wait, why am I explaining to him anyway? He remains silence and just stared at me.

“I want to live in peace, you rejected me already what else do you want from me?” I seriously continued.

He silently came closer to me and grab my waist.

“How come I didn’t felt your presence?” He whispered in my ear.

I wanted to smirk but I didn’t instead I tried to push him away.

“Answer my question woman!” He warned me and tightened his grip on my waist.

What the hell! It’s not my fault if he didn’t feel my presence of course he wouldn’t. Wendy cast a powerful spell, that spell masking my scent and presence.

If I’m not hiding my true Identity I know right now, we are fighting.

“I don’t know “I simply answered. His grip loosen up and seriously look at me.

“What are you?”

A powerful creature that you just rejected a*ss*hole, I wanted to answer but I stopped myself.

“I’m a human, isn’t obvious?” I sassed out. He harshly let go off me so I quickly glared at him.

What the heck?

“I want you to come with me,” He coldly said

What? Is he f*uc*king kidding me ?

“Go with him Alizah. I can still feel the bond, the bond was still there.” Reenah hopefully said to me

What? How can the bond was still there? He rejected me and I accepted it.

I feel the bond’s breaking and we lose the connection five years ago. And now how?

“Go with him and let’s find out the reason why you two still have the bond,” Wendy suggested.

“Why would you go with him? He’s a worthless son of b*itch!” Venice angrily said.

“Ven, watch your words!” Wendy warned her

“Yeah whatever, I’m just stating the truth.” I let out a sigh.

“Why would I go with you?”

He look at me with his dark and intense eyes

“Because you’re mine.”

I laughed because of what he said. Ok my his? Haha is he f*uc*king kidding me?

“It seems like you forgot your highness, you rejected me five years ago so you don’t have the right anymore to put claim on me.” That’s so damn hilarious. His guts.

“Rejected or not, you’re still mine, Mine alone and always.” I heard him said so damn serious.

This time I didn’t laugh instead I narrowed my eyes in him.

“Your claim on me is long gone, you had the chance and right five years ago but you ruined it. “I angrily said and every word I said were true and firm.

Pain flashed in his eyes but after a few seconds, the emotion vanished like nothing has been happened.

He’s really good at hiding his true emotion and feelings huh. His face became cold and h*ard.

“I’m not asking your permission to come with me, my words are clear and it’s an order,” he said with warning in his tone

Is he using his alpha voice on me? Did he also forgot that I’m bit belong to his pack? What an a*ss*hole.

“Okay, I’ll come with you.” I immediately look at me, he look slightly shock because of my reply.

I’ll go with him and I’ll make sure he will suffer later on he will regret on what he did.

“Really Alizah? You’ll go with him?” Reenah asked me with hope in her voice.


Reenah feel happy and I felt it.

“Alright then, let’s go.” He coldly said to me and turn around.

He’s really something.

“Hold on, “he stopped walking at glance at me.

“I have something to get first before I’ll go with you,” I seriously said.

He just nodded his head and without saying any word he turn his back on me again. Such a scumbag person he is.

I start going back inside my cabin and get my things. After I got my things I went outside and I saw him standing beside his expensive grey sports car. So he used car to go here.

“What are you waiting for? Come on let’s go now!” He ordered.

Jerk! Venice angrily murmured. Wendy and I agreed with her but Reenah, she’s jumping with joy right now.

I sigh if I’m not curious why we still had the bond, I won’t go with him in to his f*uc*king Mansion, castle whatever the called it.

I got in to the backseat of his car.

“What are you doing?” He asked me. I confusedly look at him, isn’t obvious?

“Sit here in front,” huh? Do I need to do that? What’s the difference? I’m still coming with him, me sitting in the backseat or in the passenger seat.

I just sigh and go out peacefully. I sat beside him and completely ignore his presence. I found him annoying as hell.

I start panicking when I felt him coming near to me. I can even smell his strong scent, the smell of Cinnamon and Vanilla.

He smells so good, Reenah was right. The bond still exist but how? I was taken back in to the reality when I saw him smirk and put my set up my seatbelt.

“Safety first,” oh right, he’s still thinking that I’m just a human who is weak and worthless.

So cool of him, note the sarcasm. Well I’ll just play cool and be weak in his eyes.

He starts the engine of his car and drove away from my cabin. I just looked outside the window of his car in the whole durable.

“How are you?” He suddenly asked me. Is asking me as if we’re friend, I ignore him and his question. He deserves to be ignore, silent treatment is a b*itch.

“I’m asking you,” he repeated but again, I just ignored him. I heard him sigh in defeat which made me proud of myself.

“Talk to him Alizah,” Reenah beg me.

“Not now Reenah, I don’t have the mood and reason to talk to him.” She didn’t replied, she understand and respect my decision.

After a few minutes, we reached the outskirts of the city. His castle was located at the top of a hill.

I really miss this place, I t*ouch the window of his car and smile a bit. It’s really good to be back here, I think if I weren’t his mate, I’m still living in this place so peacefully and happy.

I stop thinking the past when I heard his voice, he’s saying something.

“Welcome to my kingdom.” Welcome to my kingdom my a*ss. He easily said that as if he didn’t exiled me and nearly k*ill*ed me because of his anger issues. I just ignored him even if I wanted to curse him.

Suddenly the car stopped which made me stumbled a little. I immediately glared at him

“What the heck?” He’s also looking at me right now as if he wanted to murder me.

“Quit that b*itch attitude of yours or else…” his voice were venomous and full of anger. Yeah mad man. I met his eyes and gave him a challenging look.

“Or else what? “I challenged.

In just a matter of second he’s holding my arm so tight and I’m in his lap. The heck? I’m lying if I will said I’m not hurt because his grip made me feel sick.

“I won’t tolerate this attitude of yours, I will f*uc*king punish you if you’ll disrespect me again, you stupid weak human. I don’t care if you’re my mate, if you don’t f*uc*king behave and obey me I will make you pay. “He warned me while looking directly to my eyes.

Yeah I f*uc*king admit, he’s damn look scary right now. If looks can k*ill, I’m a cold and lifeless corps now.

“Understood? “I slowly nodded my head.

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