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The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame Chapter 17

The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame

Chapter 17 I’m not a Human

Harper Alizah Grace’s POV

The maid stopped walking so do I. I looked in front to see where are we. I remembered this place, the place where he rejected me five years ago.

“The king was waiting for you.” The maid informed me. I looked at her and nodded.

She bowed and take her leave. I looked again at the door, what does he need from me? I just shrugged and entered without her permission.

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As I got in, I looked around. Nothing has change, the design of this place is still the same.

I can’t imagine that… I’ll stand in the place where I got rejected without any valid reason. And now, I’m standing here again, not knowing what’s the reason.

“Ehem!’ I heard someone cleared his throat to gain my attention. I looked back and I saw him staring at me.

I raised an eyebrow and gave him a questioning stare.

“What do you need?” I coldly asked him. Instead of answering my question, he started walking towards my direction. He only stopped when he’s in front of me.

“Where did you go?” Surprisingly, he asked me that calmly and gently. What king of stunt he was pulling now?

“Does it matter to you?” I answered back and smirk. As far I know, he doesn’t care about me, on what I think and what I feel. He only knows how to control me but sadly, he can’t control me.

The next thing he did confused the hell out o me. He smiled widely, I can’t point out if that’s real or not.

“Of course, It does matter to me. I’m worried about you.” I looked intently at him. What is he doing? He’s acting like I’m kinda important to him?

Huh, that won’t work at me.

“Crap that act.”

“I’m not acting, look… I’m sorry if I acted like an asshol—”

“You didn’t act, you’ve been really an a*ss*hole to me.” I corrected him.

He took a d*eep breath, is he calming himself? I told so, he’s just acting like a kind guy.

“Alright, I’m so sorry for treating you that way.” Huh? Is there something wrong about him? Why he’s acting this way?

I blink twice and then stared at him. Is he doing this to gain my trust? Nah, it won’t really work.

“What do you really want to tell?” I asked him serious.

“I just wanted to apologize, I realized I was wrong.” I’m not convinced. What was that? He changed that quick? He’s mad at me a few hours ago and now he’s not? Huh.

Who the hell is he kidding? If he can fool someone else well not me.

“You’re wasting your time, what do you really need?” I asked him once again.

He let out a sigh.

“I know you won’t believe me but I’m really sorry.” Sorry? Huh? I’m hella confused right now.

He was about to hold my hand but I stepped back.

“I don’t know what you wanted to happen now but can you please stop confusing me?”

“I’m not confusing you, I am really sorry. Let’s start over again, this time I’ll treat well.” What? Is he f*uc*king okay right now?

“You know what? If you don’t have anything important to say, I’ll take my leave now.” I remarks and I was about to start walking away when he pulled me back and pushed me against the wall.

“Don’t leave, I’m still talking to you?”

Still talking? But I think he’s not with himself. Apologizing to me was not really him. There’s something strange about that. Tsk.

“I’m sincerely apologizing to you. I know that you might find this weird and confusing at all but I’m serious. I want us to start again, I’ll try to accept you as my mate.” By the code word I’ll try. Ha! got you.

Slowly I smirk. He wanted to play this game huh, they I’ll play along with him.

“Alright, let’s start over again.” I agreed.

He immediately looked at me.

“Really?” he asked me. I nodded. Whatever game he started, I’ll make sure that I’ll going to win.

I pushed him away from me.

“Let’s forget about the rejection. Like what you said a while ago, you’ll treat me well starting from now.” I told him and smiled widely.

He nodded his head and then smiled too. He’s really good in hiding his true emotion, well let’s see what will happen next.

“You need something from me aren’t you?” I asked him straight forward.

“I solely need you.” He answered while looking directly in my eyes.

What the heck was going on? Did something happened a while ago when me and Amanda was gone?

He gently held my hand.

“I’ll earn your trust slowly, I’ll apologize to you until you forgive me.” he sounded so sincerely but I didn’t feel it.

Alright then, I’ll wait for him to gain my trust. But there’s one thing in my mind, he’s doing this because he needs something. I’m just not quite sure what it is.

“Don’t assume me to forgive you now your highne—” he didn’t let me to finished my sentence.

“From now on call me by my name.”

His name? King Zachary Vance Spencer? That’s kinda long.

“Call me Zach.” He continued like he read my head. I’m sure that I closed my mind, so no one can read what I thought.

“It’s obvious to your face darling.” Darling? Geez, that’s corny. I shook my head.

“Oh, so that’s it? No more words?” I asked him.

“No more.” He replied.

“if that so, I’ll leave now.”

“Wait!” he stopped me so I looked him.

“Oh nothing, you can go now.” Tsk, crazy.

I walked out in to his office and when I’m outside, I leaned against the wall. Well, that’s really weird. I really thought, he’ll create an argument with me again.

Another mystery to solve, why he acted that way?

I stand straight and go towards my room. When I got there, I lay down on the bed. I stared at the ceiling while thinking.

It could be easier if I can read his mind but oddly, he’s the only one I can’t manipulate. Why… is it because he’s my mate? Or something else?

I looked at the door when it suddenly opened. Five maids entered, where is their manner? I was about to talk when I saw him entered too.

What does he need?

“I forgot to tell, you will stay on my room too.” What? Said by who?

“Get her things now.” He commanded. The maids nodded their heads and started to move towards my closet. The others get my other things.

“Hold on.” I stopped them. Did I agreed on what he want? They stopped moving and looked at me.

I get off to the bed and go towards him.

“Kindly explain why I need to move on your room?” I seriously asked him.

He pulled me closer to him and chuckled. Huh?

“Of course, because you’re my mate.” He simply answered.

I put my hand on his chest and pushed him away but he only captured my hand and hold me even tighter.

“let go.” I warned him. He shook his head.

“That won’t happen. Go ahead, get her things.” He ordered the maids again.

“no, I’ll stay here.” I conquered.

He shook his head and looked in to my eyes.

“You agreed to start over again.”

“That doesn’t mean that I’ll going to stay in your room.”

“It does.” He still answered. Why is he being clingy right now? It is because he kicked all of his w*hores out of this palace?

“No! it doesn’t, get out now! Stop packing my stuffs”I ordered but they didn’t stopped packing my things.

I jerk away from his grip so he let go off me.

“Stop it now, this isn’t funny anymore. Why are you acting this way?” I can’t help but to asked him.

“I’m not acting Alizah, I just wanted to make it up with you.” He answered back.

He… he called me by my name? that’s the first time, well aside from when he rejected me. Is he really sincere about earning my trust?

“Were done packing the queen’s things King, we put it on your room now.” One of the maids said so we looked at that person.

“Good.” He simply replied and looked at me again.

They all nodded and leave with my things. Am I really going to stay in his room? We will share the bedroom, the comfort room? Sounds a nightmare to me.

When the door closed I looked at him. I saw him staring at me.

Ah… I need to leave now. I started moving towards the door but he captured my wrist to stop me from leaving.

“Don’t leave.”

I looked at him.

“Why you wanted me to stay?” I asked him.

He didn’t talk instead he stared my face.

“You still look and act the same.” He said that captured my attention. what does he mean? He’s talking like he knows me well.

“Rejecting you five years ago was a mistake and I wanted to correct that now.” He’s looking directly in my eyes while saying that to me. I just stared back and never dared to talk.

“Maybe Lance was right, not all human were the same.” He continued.

I am not a human, I wanted to say but I didn’t.

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