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The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame Chapter 20

The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame

Chapter 20 Eden Garden

Harper Alizah Grace’s POV

“That’s one of the reasons why I’m here. I wanted to know why we still have the bonds.” I answered.

“So, you mean, you don’t have the intention come back here?” Amanda asked me.

“No, that’s not what I mean. Take a look on my situation, what if your mate rejected you, what will you do? Do you still want to face him?” I asked the both of them.

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They shook their heads.

“I will skin him alive.” Zandea fiercely answered and she acted like she’s tearing something apart.

“I will definitely going to cursed him to death.” See, they were so mad of thinking their mates rejected them.

“Your lucky guys because you didn’t experience rejection.” I said and smiled at them. I’m not sad, I just… a little hurt and disappointed.

“Mommy, aunt Alizah, aunt Zandy, what’s is mate?” we all looked at Matthew when he asked that innocently. Oh, we almost forgot we have him with us.

He’s been so quiet a while ago. I stopped walking and kneel down in front of him. I smiled before I answered his question.

“Mate is the other part of you, the person you are destined to love and spend the rest of your life.” I gently said. He innocently stared at me before he decided to asked me again.

“Do I have my own mate too?” Amanda kneeled down also.

“Of course, honey you have, but you can’t find her now.” She answered.

“Why?” he queried. My smile broadened, I held both of his arm.

“Because you will find her at the right time and right place.” I replied.

“But why not now?” he asked again innocently. I messed up his hair and chuckled.

“Because you’re still young, don’t rush everything Matthew. You’ll find the right and destined person for you.”

“Oh, I can wait.” He replied and then smiled.

“Mommy, I’ll meet my mate soon, I have a mate.” He said, happily. I hope he’ll find his true happiness.

“Anyway, Harper. I feel bad for you, I wish the king doesn’t rejected you. Oh well, since you and him had a second chance, none of you will ruin the chance, right?” and that’s what I can’t promise.

“I really don’t know, I can’t control his mind and his decision in life. And as for me, I won’t ruin the chance as long he won’t do something terrible to me.” I answered honestly.

He broke the bond once, it’s not impossible for him to break it again. Or this time, I might be the one who will break it.

It will so easy to me since he didn’t claim me yet or declared me as his mate in the publics.

“You have a point.” She answered and nodded her head.

“Anyway, let’s change our topic. How about I’ll tour you around since you’re not familiar to this place yet, right?”

“Hmm, let’s go.”

“Come on Matthew, I’ll carry you.” I called him.

He shook his head.

“No aunt, I can take care of myself now. I can walk in my own but thanks for the love and care.” He gently declined me.

Ow, that’s so matured of him. I nodded my head, “Alright then.” I said and smiled.

We go outside the palace.

“So, the place where we should go first is the Eden.” Huh? Eden? What kind of place is that?

“To where?” I asked her.

“The Eden. You’re not familiar with that?” she asked me too. I shook my head, I won’t ask her if I know.


“Oh, that’s place is well known to this kingdom.” She said like she can’t believe what I said.

Did she forget that I didn’t live here for how many years? I just came back a few weeks ago. Geez.

“I really don’t know, maybe you should lead the way now?”

“Sure, follow me.” she answered and started walking. Amanda, Matthew and I just followed her.

“For your information Harper, the Eden is actually a garden. It was created a hundred years ago but they renovate it. That garden is named after my great grandmother, Edena.” She informed me. Oh, that’s a nice trivia.

I nodded my head.

“Why it is famous?” I asked her. I don’t really know that garden. Oddly, I lived here for so many years but I don’t know about that.

“Hmm, It’s well-known because it’s historical. There are many pivotal events that happened in that place. So…” she shrugged her shoulder.

“It’s famous.” She continued. I nodded my head in understanding.

“That’s great, is it far?” I asked her once again. She shook her head.

“Not much, we will reach the Eden in just a few walks.”

“Oh…” That’s all I can say.

“Anyway, let’s change our topic. If it’s okay with you, can I ask where did you go when the king exiled you?” She asked me.

“In the human world.” I answered simply.

“Just like what I thought. Then… how did he find you? I know he’s been looking for you to many places but you’re nowhere to be found.”

“He found me in my old cabin in the middle of the forest not so far from here.” I replied.

“Oh, in your old cabin? I thought you were living with Amanda a few years ago?” she asked me once again.

“Yeah, but… before I met Amanda, I used to live alone.” She glanced at me. I saw curiosity in her eyes, she’s too curious about my life.

“In our world? World of werewolves? But isn’t too dangerous for you? I mean you’re a human, and this place is very dangerous.”

Nope, It’s not that dangerous. I’m not a human and I’m far from that. But again, I can’t say to her that I’m actually a tribid.

“Believe me Zandy, Harper can take care of herself well.” We both looked at Amanda.

“How could you say that so?” she asked her. Amanda looked at me and wink.

“Because…” I know what is she thinking right now, nope she won’t going to tell my secret.

“Because?…” Zandea asked her.

“Because she’s great in martial arts, judo and taekwondo.” She answered.

“Really? That’s awesome!” She amusedly exclaimed.

When did I become great in martial arts, judo and taekwondo? I’m not informed, well I’m naturally great in those kinds of stuffs. Perks of being a tribid.

“That’s one of the reasons why she survived here.” Amanda continued to say.

“That’s really cool, anyway let’s go again.”

We nodded and started to walked again. After five minutes, we finally reached the Eden.

One word to describe the whole place is ‘Wow’. This place looks so beautiful.

“So, here we are now. The Eden garden, it’s beautiful right?” she said so proudly. I nodded my head in agreement.

“Yeah, you’re right. This place is wonderful. Do you guys come often here?” I asked then and looked around.

“Yeah, I always come here.” Zandea answered.

“Me is I just come here when I’m not busy.” Amanda answered too.

“Dada and I come here often.” Matthew said too.

I looked at him. Dada?

“It’s my husband’s father.” Amanda said like she read my thought.

Oh, Matthew’s grandfather.

I looked around again, I’m enjoying the scene. There are so many plants and flowers around the place but from where are we right now, I saw an open space field.

“Why there’s no plant over there?”

Amanda and Zandea looked to the place I pointed.

“That’s the place we are setting up the venue of the events that taking place here. Like next month, the Lunar eclipse. We’ll celebrate that occasion.” Amanda answered my question.

Th Lunar eclipse. In my former pack, we used to celebrate that occasion too. I feel so sad suddenly, I missed my dad, the whole pack.

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