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The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame Chapter 25

The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame

Chapter 25 Safe and Sound

Harper Alizah Grace’s POV

“Run!” He yelled so loudly when the rouges started attacking me. Damn, I can’t use my power nor ability now.

I can’t afford them to know who I am. I shut my eyes tightly and prepared myself to bitten by the rouges but after a few seconds later, nothing happened.

I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was him protecting me. He looks fierce while fighting against the wild rouges.

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For the first time in my life, I feel safe and sound with him.

I can’t help but to admire him, he really cared for me right now. If he wanted to k*ill me, he should let the rouges will do the task.

I watched him cracked the neck of the last rouge who tried to attacked me. He was bathing with blood right now, but those blood was not came from him.

He looked at my direction. From the stares he was giving me, I know he’s mad, deadly mad.

“What did I told to you to do?” he darkly asked me when he reached my place. I shut my mouth tightly and lower down my head.

Heck, only if I can be myself.

“Answer and look at me!” he growled.

I took a d*eep breath and glanced at him.

“I’m sorry.” That’s the only two words that came out in to my lips. I don’t want to explain my side, he won’t believe it either.

I heard him let out a sigh. He’s calming himself down.

“What really happened?” He asked me calmly. I looked in his eyes, is he really going to believe me?

I shook my head.

“It’s my fault, I defy your order—”

“That’s not an order, I did that for you to be safe but you still left the car.” He cut me off.

My lips form in to tight line and never dared to talk. See, he won’t believe my answer. I felt him hold my arm and made me looked at him.

“I’m sorry, I yelled at you. I shouldn’t do that, but I’m just worried.” His voice softened so I looked at him again.

Did he thought that I’m scared of him? Nah, I won’t be scared of him even if he’s the strongest werewolf all over the world.

But then since then he saved me from those rouges, I’ll be nice on him too.

“It’s fine,” I answered and get his hand off my arm. He looked at me intently before finally letting me go.

I observed the surroundings, there no alive rouges left. I guess it’s a failed ambushed.

“Harper!” I looked sideward when I heard Zandea called me. I saw her running towards my direction.

“Are you alright?” she asked me worriedly. I gave her a small nod and a curt smile.

“I’m fine.” I answered. She went near to me and checked my whole body.

I chuckled softly.

“Seriously Zandy, I’m perfectly fine. How about you? Are you alright?” I asked her.

She stopped checking me but she hugs me. Is she’s that worried about me?

“I’m fine, I just got small scratches on my arm and leg but I’ll be fine later. Perk of being a werewolf.” She said while letting me go. I smiled and tapped her shoulder.

“Good to hear.” She smiled too and looked around.

“Gather all of their corpse and burnt it down.” My mate ordered and looked at me.

“Come on, let’s go back in the car.” He called me.

“Okay.” I answered but before I started walking away, I looked at Zandea.

“You should go back in your car too, and your mate might looking for you.” I told her. She nodded her head.

“Alright.” As she said that I nod and walked towards my mate now.

“Let’s go.” I mumbled.

We head out back in to the car, this place was so messy. As soon we got there, he let me sat first on the passenger seat.

“Wait for me here, I’ll just sort out the situation. I promise, I’ll be back quick.” He told to me. I just nod my head and didn’t say any word.

“I need you voice, mate.”

“Alright, you can go now.” I replied and leaned on the car’s chair. He nodded his head and closed the car’s door.

“when he’ gone, I opened the window. I wanted to hear what’s going on outside.

“Six of our royal warriors were dead, and two of them were badly injured.” I heard a man said. I assumed that’s Hiro.

If six was dead and two were injured, meaning to say… there are only twelve fine warriors with us? And how long it will takes before we reached the Rivermoon Pack? Three? Two hours?

“What we should do now?” Hiro asked him. There’s a couple of silent before he answered his question.

“Send five warriors to accompany the injured warriors. And as for the dead persons, send them back also and gave them a proper burial. About their family, tell to them our greatest gratitude and sorry for their lose. I’ll manage the rest later when we go back.” He answered seriously. Oh, He’s not as bad as I thought.

“Okay.” Hiro answered. There’s a silent after that, so I assumed Hiro left already.

I sat properly when the car’s door suddenly opened. He entered and sat beside me.

“How’s the situation?” I asked even if I already knew what happened. He gazed at me and shook his head.

“Everything’s alright.” I don’t know why he answered that. It’s either he doesn’t want me to worry or he’s intentionally lying on me.

I just nod my head and sigh.

“don’t worry, everything was under control now. In just a few minutes, we will continue travelling.” He continued and give me a reassuring smile.

I nodded my head once again and leaned on the chair.

“How are you? Are you alright?” I asked without looking at him. I heard him chuckled softly and pulled me closer to him.

“Are you worried about me?” he asked me amusedly.

“Get off.” I warned while trying to get his hand off my waist. But instead of letting me go, his grip tightened and chuckled one more time.

“Don’t struggle, I love you in my arm.” He said gently and sweetly.

I stopped jerking away but I glared at him. Why is he very clingy again?

“Stop it will you? I’m just asking if you’re fine or not.”

“Chill haha,” He said and let go off me. I move at the edge of the seat, away from him.

“To answer your question. I’m fine, no harm has been done.”

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