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The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame Chapter 28

The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame

Chapter 28 K*iss

Harper Alizah Grace’s POV

“Think whatever you want.” I said coldly and averted my eyes on him.

This conversation is useless.

“I understand well why you hated me but, can’t you give another chance to prove myself to you?”

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Ha, prove himself on me? I would like to see him try. I gazed at him once again and smirked.

“Do it, don’t tell.” I said meaningfully.

“So, is that a yes?” he asked me hopefully.

“No, do your best to earn my trust. I’m telling you, it’s really h*ard to gain my trust.” I warned him. I’m not kidding about that. Of all the persons I know, Amanda is the only one I trust.

“I’ll do my best.” He said and smiled at me sweetly.

Well, let’s just see.

After that, we didn’t talk anymore. A few hours had been passed, and finally we reached the Rivermoon Pack’s boarder.

“How many of them live here?” I asked him.

“Two hundred plus? I don’t know the exact number of Population.” He answered calmly. Oh, just a small pack. I see.

I nod my head and never bother to ask again. A few minutes had passed we reached the pack house. The car stopped, I was about to get down when he stopped me.

“Wait,” as he said that he went down.

My brow furrowed as I watched him opened the door for me to get out. He leaned his hand in front of me. I just stared on his hand and didn’t accept it.

Nah, I don’t need his help. I can get down with my own.

I got out of the car without accepting his head. His lips form into tight line and put down his hand.

“Welcome to Rivermoon pack, your highness.” I removed my gaze on him and looked on the persons in front of us.

There are more than ten persons who’s kneeling down on the ground.

“All rise.” He emotionless commanded them. All of them stand-up straight, but they aren’t looking us.

“We’re pleased to see you here to help, our king.” A man bravely talked and looked at him. I assume, it’s the Alpha of this pack.

I saw he only nod. How rude.

“We’re happy to help, alpha.” I answered for him. All of them looked at my direction.

They were confused, they didn’t know me yet.

“Don’t look at her like that.” He warned them all. They quickly averted their eyes on me.

“If you don’t mind your highness, may we know who is this human besides you?” Human… geez.

He glared at the person who called me human. Ha! He called me human before but now he hated me being called human by others?

“This woman you just called human was my mate and your queen.” Why I wanted to roll my eyes on him? I still remember the time he said that I will never going to be the queen of werewolves. See how fast the situation changed.

Their eyes widened at what they heard and immediately bowed their heads.

“pardon us queen.” They all greeted. I frowned on what they did, I’m not pleased at all.

“All rise up.” I ordered them.

They slowly looked at me.

“We’re really sorry, we don’t know that you found your mate our highness.” The Rivermoon pack alpha apologized sincerely.

It’s not their fault that they didn’t knew me.

“Why are you apologizing on me? apologized to her.” He dangerously said to him.

Why is he angry? Am I the one who supposed to be mad right now because they were belittling me in their eyes? Human.

“We’re sorry, our queen.” They said and bowed their heads. What a dramatic way of welcoming us.

“What’s happening here?” We all looked on Zandea when she arrived on our place. We reached here first than them? What keep them so long?

“Princess!” They all greeted as soon they saw her approaching us. Zandea walked closer to my direction and she stopped besides me.

“So? What’s happening?” She seriously asked. The Rivermoon Alpha’s body stiffened.

“Nothing serious Zandy, don’t scared them.” I said amusedly when she narrowed her eyes on them. She gazed at me and chuckled.

“Right, so bad of me.”

“By the way, I’m Alpha Jiro of the Rivermoon pack and this is my wife Gaea. My beta Oscar and my gamma, Adams.” I looked one by one to those persons he pointed. Gaea, the alpha’s wife smiled at me.

Why there’s something about her smile that I don’t like? I just shrugged and set aside that thought. But, I’m going to observe her, I just wish that I was wrong about her.


“Cut this crap, and every move now.” My mate authoritatively ordered. All of them nodded their heads and bowed.

“Sure, your highness,” Alpha Jiro said calmly.

“Please come inside,” Gaea politely and gently invited us.

“Don’t you feel that?” Zandea whispered on me so I looked at her. Feel what?

She secretly pointed Gaea who’s guiding us.

“What about her?” I asked.

“Don’t you feel that there’s something strange about her?” Oh, she felt it too?

“Ho could you say so?” I asked her.

“You see, this is just the first time I met her. I thought Alpha Jiro doesn’t find his mate yet.” She told to me. Eh? Really?

“Maybe he just found her a few days ago?”

“I don’t know too, but… I have strong feelings that… she’s just acting nice in front of everyone. Ha, I’m being judgmental again. Well, let’s watch her moves.” She told to me which is I nodded.

We’re thinking the same.

“Hmm, I’ll help you to observe her. Let’s prove that we’re thinking wrong about her.” I replied lowly.

It will be h*ard, she might hear it. Zandea nodded on what I said.

“That’s a great idea.” She whispered back.

I glanced at Gaea who’s walking silently beside her mates. We reached the third floor of the pack house, it’s actually a huge mansion, probably have twenty or more bed rooms.

“Please choose what rooms you wanted to stay at.” Gaea calmly told to us and then smiled sweetly as she pointed the available rooms.

Great, there are ten rooms, maybe I can have my own. I was about to move towards my chosen room when my mate stopped me.

“Where are you going?” my gazed go down in his hand on my wrist then back to his face.

I sign him to let go off my wrist but he didn’t. Geez, stubborn.

“I’m asking you, mate.” Why he’s so serious this time?

“In my chosen room.” I replied shortly. He didn’t talk instead he pulled me closer and lifted me up.

My eyes widened on what he did. What the actual f*uc*k?

“We’ll take that room, chose yours.” As he said that he started to walk while still carrying me in his shoulder. Damn.

“Put me down, what the heck do you think you are doing!” I yelled as I struggle.

“Stay still.”

I punch his back. Damn, stay still?

“Put me down now!” I saw him entered in a certain room and he just let go off me when we are inside.

My back hit the soft mattress but damn, it still hurts. I quickly glared at him while t*ouching my head.

I heard the door clicked, it’s a sign that he locked the door.

“Let me leave, I want to sleep in the other room!” I said and got out of the bed.

But before I can get away, he picked me up and put me back on the bed. I cried out softly when my back t*ouches the bed once again. Dang!

“That won’t happen, love.” I cursed once again when he trapped me on the bed.

He’s grinning so widely like he found our situation amusing. What’s funny?

I put my hand on his chest to push him away but heck, he captured my hand and pinned it above my head.

What the f*uc*k is he doing? My eyes slightly widened.

“Let go!” I warned him.

He shook his head playfully and bite his lips sensually.

“Let me go, damn it.” I threatened him emphatically.

But the son of b*itch above me just sneered and move his face closer on mine.

I tried to pushed him away but his grip on my hand tightened.

“I warned you, don’t you ever think to do some—” I didn’t have the chance to continued what I will going to say because a soft lip like a feather t*ouches my lips.

Darn, my eyes involuntarily shut down as he k*issed me slowly but sensually. My back arc when his lips travelled down to my ear.

“You smell so good,” he huskily whispered in my ear that sends an unexplainable sensation all over my body.

What is this? Why I’m not pushing him away? I felt his k*issed my earlobe then playfully l*icKed it as if he’s teasing me. Damn!

I tried to get my hand off in his grip but I still failed. If I won’t stop him now, I might not able to stop myself. The bonds were so strong to control.

“Please.” F*uc*k, it came out in my lips as a moan, that supposed to be a warning voice.

He stopped teasing me and looked directly in my eyes. I saw proudness in his face, heck… he might thinking now that I’m naïve.

“Please what?” he asked me and l*icKed his on lips. My eyes followed his tongue and swallowed h*ard.

Get back to yourself, Alizah.

“Well?” I shook my head so many times and used my full force to pulled him. Gladly, I succeed.

I quickly got of the bed and run towards the bathroom. No freaking way, I let him k*issed me and teased me like that.

I heard him called me but I ignored him and locked the bathroom.

“Alizah!” He spoked while knocking on the door.

“Go away!” I yelled back and leaned on the wall.

“Let me talk to yo—”

“No, let’s talk later.” I cut him off. I don’t have to show, I firmly told to him before that I won’t fall for his charm but I just nearly did.

“Alright, I’ll wait.” He replied calmly. After than I felt him started to leave. I let out a sigh of relief and slowly sat of the floor.

What did I just do? I covered my face using my palm and closed my eyes.

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