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The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame Chapter 29

The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame

Chapter 29 Talked about Heat

Harper Alizah Grace’s POV

I stayed in the bathroom for how many minutes without doing anything. I just sat down on the floor while thinking about what I did.

I seriously let myself being seduced by him? And I nearly k*issed back? What the heck, Alizah! What the heck are you thinking?

No, forget it. Act like nothing happened. That’s it, that what should I do now. I slowly stand up and took a d*eep breath.

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I opened the door and went out. As I go out, I didn’t see him anywhere. Maybe he went out?

I looked around and the I saw my baggage, I forget to carry that. Geez.

I was about to walk towards my bag when the door suddenly opened. My body stiffened at the sight of him, great he’s here now. Note the sarcasm please.

“Hey, are you fine now?” He asked me casually while walking towards my direction. Ha, he acts like nothing happened a while ago.

“Yeah, why would I won’t be fine?” If he can act cool, I can too.

He stopped walking and looked intently at me.

“Then why you runaway earlier?” Is he being sarcastic on me?

“I need to pee, is there any f*uc*king problem with that?” I reason out even if that’s not really what I did.

He smirked and continued to walk towards my direction.

“Really?” He asked me with amusement in his voice.

“Yeah.” I answered and looked directly in his eyes.

“Alright then, as you said so. Let’s go downstairs, Zandea were looking for you.” He informed me.

My brows furrowed on what he said.

“Why she’s looking for me?” I asked him, confusedly. He shrugged his shoulder.

“I have no idea.” He replied.

Oh, maybe she got some news. I nod my head and started to leave.

“Hold on,” I stopped walking and looked at him.

“What?” I snapped.

He shook his head.

“Oh, nothing. Let’s go.” He said and put his hand on my back. Is he making fun of me?

I rolled my eyes and continue walking.

“Where is she?” I asked him while we are walking in the long hallway.

“At the living room.” He answered.

“With who?”

He looked at me and smiled.

“He’s alone there.”

Why she’s alone?

“Her mate?”

“He went in the east boarder of the territory with Alpha Jiro and his beta.” Oh… I see.

“Why you didn’t go with them?” I asked again. This will be my last question.

He stopped walking so do I. He made me face him.

“How could I leave you alone here?” Geez, that’s cheesy. I punched his shoulder and cringe.

“Heck, stop it.” I warned him and averted my eyes on him to hide my burning cheeks. Damn.

He let out a d*eep chuckled.

“You’re blushing haha.” He amusedly said while catching my eyes. I turned sideward to avoid his gaze.

“No, I’m not.” I strongly disagreed.

I heard him laughed so I looked at him. Ha, what’s funny?

“Alright haha, stop glaring at me. I won’t tease you anymore.” He said as he raised both of his hand as sign of surrendering.

He better should, I hate someone teasing me.

“Hmmp.” I hissed and then started walking again.

When we reached the living room, I saw Zandea sitting comfortably in the couch while reading a magazine. I saw her stopped reading as soon she felt our presence.

“Harper!” She happily yelled and stand up.

“Hey.” I greeted her.

“Hey…” She greeted back and looked at my mate.

“I thought, you’ll leave?” she asked him. He’ll leave? I gave him a questioning look.

“Yeah, but later.” He answered.

“To where?” I asked him, he didn’t mention to me that he’ll leave.

“To the west part of this pack’s territory.” Eh?

“Alone?” I asked once again. He smiled and shook his head.

“Nope.” He shortly replied. Ah, okay.

“You should go now, it’s getting late. I’ll be fine here with Zandea, right Zandy?” She nodded her head and smiled.

“Yes, she’ll be fine and safe with me. You can go now.”

“Are you shooing me now, mate?” He asked me and frowned.

“Yes, I am.” I answered and smirked.

He shook his head while smiling.

“Alright then, I’ll leave now. See you later.” He said and leaned forward to k*iss me but step back and gave him a death glare.

“Don’t you ever dare.” I warned that only earns a soft chuckle from him.

“Chill, I’m just going to hug you. But since you don’t like it, I’ll take my leave now.” He said and turned around.

I watched him walking away until he vanished in my sight.

‘What was that? Why he became a sweet and soft man suddenly?” I heard Zandea asked me. I looked at her, well, I don’t know the answer of her question.

“I don’t know, but he said he’ll be nice on me.” I answered.

“Oh? Oh my… That’s so cute!” She exclaimed and smiled so widely.

“Tell me, did he marked you already?” why she’s so excited about?

I shook my head and answered a plain No. I smiled on her face faded.

“Not yet? Geez, that will be h*ard.” My brows furrowed on what she said.

“Why would be h*ard?” I asked her, confusedly.

“You didn’t know?”

“Know what?”

“The heat.” What?


“You don’t know that? The heat…” She looked at me like she’s telling me to think carefully. I have no idea on what’s she’s talking about. Except the only idea in my mind, heat… it’s a condition of being hot.

Oh… wait…

“Yeah, you’re thinking right.” She happily said. Did she read my mind to said that?

“Is that a condition or time that my body will burn into desires to be marked and mated?” she nodded her head repeatedly.

“You got it right, I’m telling you it’s hurt.”

“How could you say so?”

“Because I experience it.” She replied.

“Really? Why?” They looked fine with her mate, why would she experience the heat? She smiled but there’s a hint of sadness in her eyes.

“You see, I’m a Royal Princess and my mate is lower than me. My mother is a strict and manipulating woman. She can accept than my mate was just come the Gamma bloodline.” Oh, now I know where the king got his attitude.

It runs to their blood to be a manipulative. Luckily, Zandea were not the same like them.

“After my mother know that he’s my mate, she did everything to separate us.” That’s terrible.

“But we also did everything to stop her.” She continued and smiled.

“As you see, everything’s okay now. She accepted my mate and we live happily.”

“You’re living with him?” She nodded her head.

“Yeah haha, anyway let’s go back into our topic… As what I’m saying I experience the heat. I must say it’s f*uc*king hurts.”

“How did you stop the pain?” I asked her.

“I give in.” She answered shortly. Give in? as in she gave herself to him? No f*uc*king way that I’ll do the same.

“Is there’s no another way?” She shook her head.

“Nothing, unless you’ll endure the pain.” Maybe I can handle the pain.

“The heat will happened every full moon, red moon and blue moon.” The blue moon, s*hit.

“The heat will start when you’ll find and get in t*ouch with your mate like you have k*issed him or her once.” She continued. The f*uc*k.

“And it will only stop when you two will fully mated.”

“Fully mated? Let having an intercourse activity?” She grinned widely.

“Exactly, but we should call it a night of passion or love making.” I swallowed h*ard.

“What if I’m not ready?” She laughed softly on my question.

“Honey, at your age you should give in already. And besides, you’re the future queen of werewolves. It’s your responsibility to give him an heir.”

“geez, lets stop talking about it. Well, let’s just see what happened in the future.” She nodded her head.

“Alright. Let’s go outside?” She invited me.

“Okay, let’s go.” I agreed.

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