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The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame Chapter 33

The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame

Chapter 33 Chase

Harper Alizah Grace’s POV

I was silently digging my food when Gaea talk to me so I glanced at her.

“Hmm?” I mumbled.

“Why aren’t you talking? Is there something wrong?” she gently asked me. I slowly shook my head and smiled shortly.

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“Nah, I’m fine.” I replied and I was about to resume eating when I noticed that all of them were looking at me. Huh? Is there something else in my face? I unconsciously wiped the edge of my lips.

I just slightly shock when all of them burst into laughter. Huh? What’s funny? I confusedly stared at them.

“You’re so cute hahaha.” Zandea said and then laughed again. What? What’s happening to them? I really don’t have any idea.

I feel my mate put his hand on my lap so I looked at him. He’s smiling too.

“You looked adorable. When you’re confused.” He commented too. I fake a smile on him.

“It’s funny.” I answered back sarcastically, but instead of getting annoyed he chuckled.

“She’s pissed now, everyone, please continue eating.” He announced. I just rolled my eyes and get his hand off my lap.

They were so weird tonight.

“Here, eat a lot. You’re so thin and light.” He said as he put some meat in my plate.

“Thanks.” I replied shortly. He nodded his head and resumed eating too. I stared on my plate for a few seconds before started eating again.

I feel like there something wrong, but the question is… what could it be? While chewing the food inside my mouth, I’m observing them all. It seems like they were so happy? Why?

I set aside that thought for once and just eat my food silently while still observing them all. I’ll investigate about that later.

“This is a great dinner, I enjoyed every food.” Zandea complimented as we finished eating. Oh, we help them to cook so logically thinking, the food will be really delicious.

“It’s or pleasure, princess. We are glad that you like it.” Gaea thanked. I remained silent while watching then, I don’t know why I don’t have the mood to talk right now.

Maybe because I’m tired and I wanted to sleep or I have nothing to say? Or the same? Hmm, really don’t know.

“We’ll take our leave now then, have a good night.” She said again and then smiled widely.

“Have a great night too, Princess, Royal gamma, Queen and King.” As she said that, all the person in the room bowed their heads.

I looked at my mate who’s standing beside me, he’s also silent now. I can’t his mind, it was just blank. No, he blocked his mind but I know his thinking about something too. When I feel that he was about to look at me, I averted my gaze. It will be h*ard if he’ll say that I’m admiring him Knowing him, he got a big and thick face.

“Are you staring at me a while ago?” I heard him asked me. He still saw me? Great. I thought sarcastically. I shook my head.

“No, why would I stare at you?” I denied. I heard him chuckled softly and pulled me closer to him. Geez, he’s being clingy again. Before he can hug me, I put my hand on his chest and pushed him away.

“Please distanced yourself on me, I’m disgusted with you.” He chuckled d*eeply and let me go. Good.

“You’re so mean.” He commented while backing away. What he did a few days ago is worse on what I’m doing right now.

He never cared before nor just respected me.

I just gave him a sarcastic smile and then in just a matter of seconds my face became serious again

“Grumpy.” Oh, I’m the grumpy one between the two of us now? Not him?

Tsk. I gazed on Gaea and her mate.

“I’ll go first now, thanks for the food.” As I said that, I nodded shortly.

“Alright Queen.” Gaea agreed.

As she said that I started to walk away from them. I feel my mate followed.

“Are you tired?” He asked me gently while we are walking upstairs. I shook my head.

“Not really,” I answered but I yawned. Dang.

“You won’t going to admit that you’re tired, don’t you?” I didn’t answer his question. Well, it’s quite obvious that I’m exhausted.

The next thing he did caught me off guard, he suddenly lifted me up and carried me in bridal way.

“Have some sleep now, I’ll take you on the bed.” He gently told to me while I was in his arm. My wolf was jumping in happiness right now, she really craved and hope for this affection. I wish… I wish I can granted her wish to make my mate know who I am.

But, how would I do that if I’m not trusting him, that I don’t know his true intention to me as the moment? How could I trust him if he continued keeping secrets from me? It’s really h*ard to trust, to trust someone who already hurt me. He gave me reason not to trust him easily, only if he didn’t rejected me that time.


Maybe I had told him my secret, but… he rejected me without thinking twice.

I just let him carried me, I’m tired to walk using my own feet anyway. I rested my face on his chest as he carried me downstairs. I’m smelling his addicting scent. It’s giving me a chill and relaxation.

I closed my eyes and feel his warm, in just a few seconds. My mind drifted in to a d*eep sleep. Somehow, the care he’s showing on me right now made me feel really good.

When I woke up, it’s still dark outside and I have noticed that I’m alone inside the room. Where did he go in the middle of the night? I get off the bed and reached out for the switch of the light.

I looked around the whole room, my eyebrow furrowed when I saw a certain piece of paper in the mini table besides the bed. Oh, I took it from the table and read silently. It’s a note, piece of information from him either.

“There was an emergency so I need to leave. I don’t want to wake you up because you’re sleeping peacefully already. I’ll be back soon.” That’s what written on the paper. Oh, I see. I took and d*eep breathe as I folded the paper and burned it into ashes.

I’m not sleepy anymore, maybe I’ll explore around the pack while everyone’s were sleeping. I walked out the room and do downstair alone. While I’m walking in the hallway on the second floor, I heard a voice. Three voices, perhaps?

“The king and royal gamma left an hour ago, what’s your plan now?” A man asked. I stopped walking and quickly masked my human scent.

“K*ill the most important persons in their lives.” Another man replied. My eyebrow furrowed while eavesdropping to their conversation.

Important person in their lives? It might be me and Zandea. Who are these persons?

“How will we do that? What if they come back immediately after defeating all the rouges you have send?” The man asked again. I peeked out to see who are they but it’s to dark for me to recognized them and one more thing two of them were wearing black hoodies.

“No, they won’t defeat them immediately. I’ve told them a better strategy.” Huh?

“Oh, that’s awesome. What can you say my lady?” My lady?

“No, nothing. Everything’s alright.” My body stiffened when I heard that voice. It can’t be.

“You really fooled them all.” The man amusedly said.

Nah, not all. I was slightly shook when one of them looked at my direction. Who is he?

“Get her!” Oh uh. I unmasked my human scent and run away like a coward creature. They chase after me, this is all my plan.

I let them to captured me but I know they won’t going to k*ill me.

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