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The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame Chapter 48

The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame

Chapter 48 Hint of Her Past

Harper Alizah Grace’s POV

I found Amanda still eating in the dining room. When she felt my presence in the door way, she looked at me.

“Oh, you’re here. Come on join me.” she invited me. I shook my head and smile.

“Thanks, but no thanks. I’m not hungry.” I refused her invitation gently. She nodded her head in understanding.

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“Okay then, I’ll just finish eating then we will talk.” She replied.

“Okay,” I answered back as I sit on the chair opposite to her.

I rested my elbow on the table and entwined my f*ingers together. Until now, I’m still think about what Lance said. Do I really need to go in to my mates office just to give him a proper meal?

I know well the obligation and responsibility of a queen to him, but we’re not a lover. The King and Queen connection is not strong. Even though we’re mates, we’re not on the same page.

And one more thing, he still didn’t mark me… oh wait, why would I want him to mark me? I let out a sigh and untangled my f*inger to fix my hair. Just thinking about marking made my head hurts. Geez.

“Harper? Are you alright?” I heard Amanda asked me worriedly. I sat properly and looked at her. I gave her a small nod and smile.

“Yeah, I’m okay.” I answered even if I’m really upset and lost. I don’t really know what should I do, I’m confused about my feelings now.

“You seem so lost? What are you thinking?” she asked me.

“Just thinking about life.” I answered shortly without looking at her. I’m too much focus on my thought.

“You should go to him tonight, he’s still our mate you know.” Reenah convinced me.

“Somehow, Reenah was right. And as what the Gamma said, he’s changing. Maybe this is the right time to give him a chance.” Wendy commented also. I bite my inner lips and think d*eeply.

“No, don’t give him a chance easily. Let him show how much he wanted to change for the better.” Venice also said. They were giving their opinions now.

They are all right. Okay then, I’ll go tonight.

“You’re lost with your thoughts again.” I blink twice and looked at Amanda who is looking at me intently.

“Are you saying something?” I asked her.

“No, I’m just curious, what’s on your mind. You know, I can’t read your thoughts.” She said and pouted her lips. A curt smile form into my lips.

“I’m talking with my wolf, witch and vampire.” I mind linked her. Her eyes slightly widen in shock.

“You didn’t warn me that you’ll open the mind link.”


“Lower down your voice, Am. Someone might hear you.” She immediately covered her mouth with her left palm and then made a peace sign with her right hand.


“Sorry.” She mumbled which made me chuckle softly.

“Resume eating and then when you are done, we will talk.” I told her. She nodded her head and finished eating.

After a few minutes later, we head out to the gate of the palace. We will go in our old house.

“The king said that we should let the queen go out of the palace.” One of the royal guards said. Oh, really?

“No, we are going to leave, with or without his permission. Open the gate now.” I ordered them.

They looked into each other then back to me.

“But—” I cut him off.

“Open it now or all of you will loses your jobs?” I threatened them. they can’t do anything but to obey what I said.

A curt smirk form into my lips as I watched the gate opened. Good.

“Don’t worry, we will be back later.”

“Ms. Amanda, Queen let some of the warriors will go wi—” Amanda cut him off.

“No, we can manage ourselves and besides, we won’t let anyone will harm us. Right, Harper?” I nodded my head.

“yeah, she’s right. We can assure that.” I agreed.

“Okay then. Please take care and come back unharmed.”

I nodded my head, the same as Amanda. We started to move, leaving the palace for the mean time. While we are on the way, I asked her about Matthew. I miss that little cute angel.

“He’s with his nanny, I think he’s asleep now.” She answered.

“Oww, how I miss that child of yours. Anyway, did something happened when we are gone?” I asked her. She shook her head and answered nothing much.

“How about you? I heard that, there’s a rouge attack before you guys reached the Rivermoon pack.” She asked me back. I nodded my head.

“Yeah there are, we lose some of the warriors with us because of that ambushed.” I told her. She looked at me and pursed her lips.

“That’s too sad. What did you do? Did you use your power?” she asked me.

“No, I’m still ready for them to know my secret.” I answered shortly.

“But, yeah.. I kinda used my power before and when the war happened.” I continued. I know that she’s aware on what happened there.

“How?” she asked me curiously.

“I just help secretly. In their eyes, I was just there not to help but to watch.” I replied while still walking.

“Hmm, harp?” I looked at her.

“Yes?” I asked her.

“This is just my opinion, please don’t get me wrong.” I chuckled softly when I hear uneasiness in her voice.

“Yeah sure, go ahead, say it.”

“It is really h*ard for you to tell to everyone your secret? I mean, I think they won’t going to judge you. They will accept you for sure.” She told to me, I bite my inner lips and just stared at her.

Yes, it’s h*ard. Maybe this is the time for me to give a hint about my past to her.

“Did I told to you that I once live in a pack?” I asked her. She looked at me and nodded her head.

“Yes, you mentioned it to me already.” She answered.

“ReveBlood, that was my former pack.” She stared at me curiously.

“What happened? Why aren’t you living with them now?” she asked me.

“As what I said before, they were dead. They all died in protecting me.” I replied.

I saw her eyebrow furrowed.

“Protecting you in what?” she questioned me once again.

“When I was at the age of 5, I’m living happily with my dad and the whole pack. There’s no problem at all. All of them knew that I’m special, but then later on in my sixth birthday, one of the pack official’s betrayed us. He told to everyone he knew about my true identity—” I paused and looked at her to see her expression. She’s attentively listening to me.

“Until the news reached to the whole werewolves world, even in the witch, vampire and human realms. Everyone wanted to get me, the witch and vampire believe that I’m belong to them. the human in the other hand, they wanted to do some experiment on me.” Her lips parted because of the revelation I said.

“So, just one week after my birthday. Everyone in my pack died, and they let me escape. From that day, I live in shadows. Not letting anyone will know my secret.” I continued.

I smiled at her.

“You’re an exception, Am, I hope you won’t ruin the trust I given to you.” I told her. She smiled at me.

“Of course, I would never dare to betray your trust. You’re safe with me, Harp.” My smile widened because of what she said. She’s a true friend and I’m glad to have her in my life.

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