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Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 101

Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee

Chapter 101 One Gave Up! (Genevieve Swan)

I could h*ardly believe that happened.

But why was Wolvin so upset? It’s not like he was my destined partner or that we had an agreement. He flat-out told me he was interested in someone else and doesn’t want to be with me. So, why would he be bothered by what I do with my mates?

Honestly, he spoiled my mood when he behaved like that and left the kitchen without grabbing a snack.

As we sat in the living room, we couldn’t help but wonder why nobody had informed us about what was going on. It had been two days since the siren started blaring. Despite the noise echoing from a distance around midnight, we hadn’t ventured outside.

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And as for Wolvin, he hadn’t even glanced in my direction.

“I texted your dad. He advised me to stay indoors at the condo for a while,” Caspian said, showing us the text after he had read it.

I realized he believed we didn’t trust him. That’s why he kept showing us the screen, to prove he wasn’t lying.

“Did he mention the reason?” I inquired, and Caspian shook his head.

“I’m starting to get fed up with being cooped up indoors,” I grumbled, rolling my eyes. Soon, I noticed my mates giving me a sidelong glance.

“Acting like you’ve traveled the world before getting married to us,” Bellamy’s remark was met with small chuckles from Emre and Caspian. These three troublemakers never seemed to change; I’ve come to accept them as they are.

“They should at least clue us in on what’s happening. It’s possible that there isn’t much danger, and we’re stuck here just bored out of our minds,” I continued to grumble, giving a frustrated kick to my shoe as I remained seated.

“But aren’t you looking forward to tonight?” Bellamy suddenly brought up a topic I had almost forgotten about. I gazed at his face, and a tight feeling gripped my t*hroat.

“Oh!” I blushed, casting my gaze aside shyly.

“I’ll be in my room,” Wolvin stood up as the conversation turned to the topic of the full moon. I wasn’t oblivious to it. Lately, I’d been observing him closely, and his signals had been quite confusing.

“So, all set to have some fun tonight?” Caspian grinned, but the manner in which he said it only elicited an eye roll from me.

“What makes you assume it’s going to be with you?” Emre shrugged, his foot tapping confidently. I wasn’t sure about him; he hadn’t even attempted to approach me for a private conversation.

“We’ll find out,” Bellamy rose with determination and headed to the bedroom, followed by Caspian, who winked at me before disappearing.

Finally, it was just the two of us. As soon as our gazes met and he began to smirk, I averted my eyes and leaned back on the couch.

“Alright, what’s with that attitude?” he asked, causing me to clench the hem of my white dress. Didn’t he recall what he had done wrong? His nonchalant demeanor only aggravated me, and I hoped he could sense it.

“What?” he continued to shrug, intensifying the eye contact between us.

“You’re seriously pushing it. Can anyone really be this clueless?” I couldn’t hold it in any longer; I knew I was about to explode.

“Excuse me? Is this still about Abigail? You’re still hung up on that?” He shook his head in disbelief. This was one of the things that bothered me about him.

He kept his life so secretive, and when I opened up about my feelings, he turned distant. It was like he turned everything into a battlefield.

“Look, just because you used to be a warrior–” I had just begun to explain my frustration with his cold demeanor when he cut me off.

“Used to be? Being a warrior isn’t just a title–” He grunted, clearly wounded in his ego. I knew he was a gamma warrior, but I hadn’t realized the title meant so much to him.

It was entirely my mistake, and I hadn’t meant any harm. How was I supposed to know he still held that warrior status?

I thought he told us he was kicked out of the pack?

“Geez Gennie! You are so insensitive sometimes,” he commented but before he could say anything else, I intervened him.

I have heard him complain over one remark that was a genuine mistake on my part. Even when the reality was that he no longer held the title of the warrior because he was kicked out and was living as a rogue.

Nobody ever called him that because once someone has served for my father, they will get respect.

“Hold on, you’re talking about insensitivity? How about I remind you of all the names you’ve called me? I’ve let them slide so many times. Don’t mistake my kindness and silence as something you can exploit against me. And as for you and Abigail, I couldn’t care less anymore,” I hissed, stomping my foot as I rose from the couch.

Realizing that I wouldn’t keep apologizing to stroke his ego, he stood up after me and reached for my hand. “Don’t you dare t*ouch me,” I raised my voice. Alright, maybe I was being a bit dramatic. But he had pushed me by diverting from the main issue and turning the situation around on me. “I’m sorry,” those words finally escaped his prideful l*ips.

“I didn’t mean to–hey, I just didn’t know how to introduce her to you. I’ve seen you hurt when Bellamy talked about his girl. So I thought-but I was mistaken. You deserved to know,” he spoke with a sense of reason, no longer trying to be the great and mighty warrior.

“Look, even if I’m not the first to get you tonight, it doesn’t matter to me. I just want to be with you, even if it means waiting,” he suddenly released my hand, signaling his intention to make things right with me.

“I won’t participate in the mating ritual tonight. I don’t want you to think that my apology is solely because of that,” he explained, and honestly, I believed he was right.

If he had taken part tonight, it might have seemed as if he was only apologizing to make up for hiding Abigail from me, with the ulterior motive of being intimate with me.

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