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Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 104

Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee

Chapter 104 Only Here For S*ex (Genevieve Swan)

I had finally gotten dressed, and Emre and Wolvin made it clear to her that she wouldn’t see me until I had composed myself and even had some water to feel better.

“Are you feeling alright?” Emre asked.

Caspian and Bellamy had stepped out of the room to get themselves a glass of wine after she had dampened their spirits.

“Have a few of these,” Wolvin said as he insisted on giving me another slice of apple, “it will give you strength.”

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I wasn’t sure why the two of them were being so kind, but I had a feeling they might have noticed how low my spirits were since Monique had arrived. She was currently waiting in the living room, and who knows how furious she must be.

“Is she really angry?” I inquired of Wolvin, meeting his gaze as he rolled his eyes.

“Why does it matter? She won’t dare to harm you,” he replied with great confidence. I knew he was a formidable being, but what he didn’t grasp was that she could be quite chaotic when she desired.

“I think I’m ready to go talk to her,” I mumbled just as Bellamy and Caspian reentered the room.

“Of course you are. If you had met her immediately, we could have spared the entire two hours that were wasted over nothing,” Bellamy scoffed as he took a seat on the couch, clearly displeased with the situation.

“Dude, having s*ex is not everything,” Emre retorted, “I want her too. I desire her just as strongly as you guys do, but at least attempt to be subtle about your intentions and avoid making her feel inadequate.” Emre knew what he was talking about.

Even I was starting to sense that the two of them were solely physically attracted to me, and it stung. I maintained a composed expression and stood up to go see Monique before she completely loses her composure.

Stepping outside into her line of sight, I noticed how her eyes examined me. She appeared to be in a state of panic but was holding herself together for the sake of her image.

“Take a seat/’ she patted the vacant spot next to her and gestured for me to sit down.

“Could we have a moment alone, please?” she then turned to my mates and requested them to step aside, allowing us some privacy. I wasn’t entirely thrilled about the idea, but I didn’t want them to argue with her. “I’m really nobody, and I can stay here. Just pretend I’m not around,” Wolvin, being an endearing and gentle giant, settled onto the couch across from us. He hunched over with his elbows on his t*highs and looked at us with eager anticipation.

“It would be better if I talk to her alone,” Monique repeated herself, though she didn’t address him directly. I knew that none of the pack members held a favorable view of Wolvin, especially the wealthier ones. They often regarded him as a nuisance due to his status as a poor rogue.

“We’re a team now. If there’s something that needs to be discussed, you can share it in front of all of us. Our responsibility is to look after her, so we should be aware of the situation,” Emre insisted as he also settled down next to Wolvin, imitating his posture.

However, the other two didn’t bother to join us. It felt like a fire burning inside me.

I was starting to question whether Monique’s arrival was a positive thing. I didn’t want my first experience to be with someone who only wanted to have s*ex with me and didn’t care about my well-being or the other aspects of my life.

“Alright then,” she said, straightening her posture. The frustration in her voice was evident. She had to take a moment to gather herself before she faced me. With a forced, feigned smile, she said, “You won’t be losing your virginity during this full moon.”

The instant those words left her mouth, a frown creased my forehead.

“Oh! Caspian! Bellamy! Come on out. This concerns the two of you,” Emre chose to inject a t*ouch of humor into the situation.

At least he managed to alleviate the tension. Since Monique had appeared at the door, I couldn’t shake off a certain memory, and it brought tears to my eyes.

“Come over here!” Wolvin chimed in, joining him for the first time.

Since Wolvin used to leave the house every hour and return after several hours, it was difficult for him to remain with us for two whole days without any breaks. I had also noticed changes in his body language and tone when he couldn’t leave the house.

But perhaps it was because I was getting to spend more time with him than usual.

“So, as I was saying–” she paused as Bellamy and Caspian entered the room, both wearing very serious expressions.

“What? Is this meeting going to drag on for hours?” Caspian complained, his frustration evident.

I observed that they weren’t even gazing at me affectionately. Were they truly only interested in having s*ex with me?

“Oh, you’d better hear what she told us,” Emre gestured for them to take a seat, but the two positioned themselves next to the sofa, unmistakably indicating their opposition to the idea of wasting time.

“Genevieve cannot lose her virginity tonight,” Monique reiterated, her voice carrying more weight this time. I quickly shifted my gaze to see the reactions of the other two, and as anticipated, they appeared horrified. “What the hell are you talking about?” Bellamy growled, taking a menacing step forward.

“Take it easy! You wouldn’t want to anger Lord Bernard, would you?” She leaned back, a smug grin on her face, clearly amused by the revelation that nothing had occurred thus far. “Wait, but what the heck. You said—,” Caspian hissed under his breath, but Monique evaded his gaze. She seemed entirely at ease now, knowing she had intervened before anything could take place.

“Regardless, she cannot lose her virginity during this full moon due to the threat our pack has been facing over the past two days,” she elaborated, citing the siren as the reason. Needless to say, my mates appeared incredibly frustrated by this development.

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