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Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 106

Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee (Book 2)

Chapter 106 Alpha Caspian And The Cursed One (Genevieve Swan)

“If she doesn’t follow the exact rules, she’ll lose her life at the age of twenty- three. There won’t be any way to save her,” Monique continued, shocking all of us.

“It’s the cost we must bear, having come from a different realm,” she finally revealed a bit more about our history. My body flinched due to something I recalled from my childhood – my mother and her bedtime stories.

I knew they were much more than fairy tales. She was attempting to share her past and how she arrived here solely to ensure my safety and keep me out of harm’s way.

“Another realm?” Caspian’s expression said it all; he didn’t need further explanation. He didn’t believe a single word she uttered. Even I didn’t know my parents were not originally from Sanova.

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“Yeah, and next you’ll say we’re from Mars,” Bellamy scoffed, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms over his chest, making it clear that he was aligning himself with Caspian.

“Hmm, it’s strange because I’ve always remembered my family being in Lord Bernard’s pact,” Emre explained, conveying why it was difficult for him to believe anything else.

“Well, something does come to mind,” Wolvin said as he grabbed an apple after stepping away for a moment. “I remember there was no seer to complain about before,” he shrugged, causing Monique to struggle to understand his words.

“No offense to you; you’re the cool one,” he added quickly, his way of indirectly referring to her.

“Does that mean none of her mates can sleep with her until the next full moon?” Emre asked, observing Bellamy and Caspian appearing quite displeased. “No, not until I give further instructions,” she responded, causing them to scrunch up their noses. “I’ll determine which full moon is safer for her to lose her virginity,” Monique murmured, and the two shook their heads simultaneously.

“I’ll leave now. I hope she doesn’t end up getting killed,” Monique whispered as she rose from her spot. “Remember, you have to keep yourself safe. Your mother fell ill after giving birth to you. You owe her this life of yours,” her remark was not unfamiliar to me. It had been voiced many times in the past.

I nodded at her and watched as she left the house. Now, the real tension was setting in.

“Fantastic!” Caspian scoffed, rising from his seat and pacing around in agitation.

“Did she tell you this earlier? Did you keep this from us all this time?” Bellamy pointed at me, asking me not to lie to him. I couldn’t believe they were so frustrated that they wanted to vent their anger on anyone.

“If she had known, she wouldn’t have let it get that far,” Emre interjected, giving them a look to urge them to calm down. I won’t lie, their frustration was still apparent from their body language. It was hard to miss.

“I’ll go rest,” not wanting to engage further, I returned inside and slid under the covers, pondering the danger I was in.

Why was the Moon Goddess singling me out?

If we had moved from another realm when I wasn’t even born, then why was I being punished? Was it because my mother had made that choice for me?

I fell asleep and woke up early to the sound of a creak as the door was being closed.

Frowning, I got out of bed, glanced around, and counted heads. Everyone was still sleeping except for Caspian.

He wasn’t in the room anymore. What puzzled me was the way he’d left the room so cautiously. He’s usually quite noisy.

I grabbed the white silk robe to drape over my short silk nightdress and followed after him. To my surprise, he walked out of the house, and I could see him quietly shutting the door. “It’s not safe to be out there,” I muttered, remembering Monique’s warning about the dangerous wild wolves that still roamed the mountains from years ago. I was sure Caspian was strong, but could he really take on so many of them at once?

After grabbing the white knife that Wolvin had given me, I decided to follow him. For some reason, being armed made me feel safer.

With that thought in mind, I left the house, taking my phone and the white knife, just in case I needed to call the others for help. I couldn’t quite explain why I felt compelled to follow him, given that he was an alpha and was accustomed to sneaking out frequently.

Sneaking out!

That aspect puzzled me. Why would he be skulking around like a wrongdoer?

I followed him to the main road, which was already quite unusual. If he were going for a run, he’d typically head into the woods or stick around the deeper mountains. Going out to the main road just didn’t add up.

As I stood on the road, I looked around, wondering how he managed to vanish so swiftly.

“But I saw him come here,” I murmured, taking deep and steady breaths before I heard a sound from behind me.

“I didn’t want to do it, but I don’t have a choice,” I heard Caspian’s whisper reach my ears before he swiftly wrapped his arm around my waist and covered my mouth with his hand.

It all happened so fast that I was frozen, unable to move a muscle. Soon, I found myself being pulled towards a car parked a short distance away from where I was standing.

“Casp–” I struggled to fight him off and make a sound, but it was futile. I still had my knife and phone in my purse, but obviously he wouldn’t allow me to access them.

“What are you do-” I started shouting against his palm, but my voice only sounded louder in my own head. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, not withdrawing and not releasing me.

Once we reached the car, he started pushing me inside. Right after, he climbed on top of me, quickly restraining my hands and feet.

I simply couldn’t believe this was the man I had been willing to share my first time with.

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