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Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate Chapter 303

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate by A E Randell

Chapter 303 No Redemption

That all too familiar feeling of dread that had always settled over her when she came home descended once more as soon as she stepped over the threshold and through the doorway and her stomach flipped uncomfortably. “The witches aren’t here anymore Ann, they can’t hurt us or separate us anymore.” Maeve soothed as the pups inside of her protested with a flurry of movements at their mother’s discomfort.

“I know, but it doesn’t erase our history here. The memories are just as painful when everywhere we turn Narcissa’s vile influence is felt.” Ann muttered irritably.

“Well you can either let the memory of them ruin your home, or you can work at reclaiming this place for yourself,” Maeve answered matter of factly, “You are the goddamn Alpha Queen and I’ll be damned if those insignificant f*uckwits are going to ruin what precious memories we have left of our mother.”

“You know what, you’re right. This is our home and no matter how long it takes, I am going to erase every little detail that even hints that they ever existed in this space with me.” Ann smirked as a plan began to form in her head.

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Her gaze hardened as she took a deep breath and lifted her gaze, inclining her head in greeting to the new house staff that Coral had personally picked out, and then allowing her eyes to roam across the walls of the grandiose hallway.

A sneer curled at the edges of her lips as she indicated the portraits of her father, Narcissa, and Ada hanging proudly on the walls. She couldn’t help but feel these still images were mocking her with their disdainful eyes.

Coral turned and frowned in concern at her as she huffed in annoyance. “Is everything okay?” Coral asked as the newly started house staff looked at each other in worry, thinking that perhaps they had done something to offend her.

“I want every painting and picture that shows Narcissa and Ada removed from these walls immediately. I won’t tolerate their poisonous influence in this place any longer.” Ann said decisively as she pointed at the myriad of offensive images.

“Of course, your highness. What do you want us to do with them?”

“Burn them for all I care,” Ann snorted before pausing as a thoughtful expression crossed her face, “But not before someone has asked my father to pick any that he wants to keep. In fact… maybe we should hang one right outside the door to his room… better yet, let’s hang them in his bedroom so that he can be reminded of his mistakes everytime that he opens his eyes.” She finished with a growl, the mere memory of her father’s betrayal still managing to provoke her anger.

Coral’s mouth set into a grim line as she nodded and turned to the newly appointed staff, giving them instructions as Ann stood there silently, brooding on her own anger that seemed to have erupted without warning.

“Well, I can’t say that I’m surprised at this decision,” her father’s voice came from the landing at the top of the stairs, “Will you ever forgive me for my transgressions?”

Ann’s head whipped toward the source of his voice and scowled deeply as her cold gaze landed on him.

“After everything that you did to ruin our family? After everything that you allowed to happen during your reign and allowing her to put our people at risk?” She sneered as she held her hands loosely in front of her, “No. I won’t ever forgive you, and nor will I forget.”

The sadness that flashed in his eyes was palpable but Ann remained unmoved and acutely aware of the staff watching this exchange with interest.

“But what about my grandchildren?” He asked quietly as he descended the stairs towards her, “I would like to see them grow…”

“That’s funny.” Her mocking laugh seemed to echo in the hallway, “I would have liked to see my mother grow old too but you put a stop to that by betraying her and making her too weak to defend herself against the murderer that you let into our home.” Ann hissed furiously.

“Ann…” Her father’s voice cracked as his gaze reflected nothing but sadness and grief. But Ann’s resolve only hardened. If he could betray his own mate and his own daughter then there wasn’t a chance in hell that she would risk her children’s lives by allowing him to be present and involved when they were born. She simply had no trust left in him.

“I’m not interested.” She snapped, “Adam and I are moving back here and you can expect a lot of changes in the coming months. I won’t be moving you from your chambers, but you won’t be allocated more than one office and living area to accompany your bedroom.”

Her father nodded as his shoulders slumped in acceptance.

“I feel that I’m being far more generous than you were with my mother and I,” she sneered, “If you have any objections then you can bring them up with Coral and she will decide whether or not I need to bother with them. I want to make this clear, father…I want as little interaction with you as possible.”

“Ann…” He implored, taking a step towards her.

“NO!” She shouted, the sharp sound filled with anger startled everyone in the vicinity and when they glanced towards their

Queen they saw the eyes of her wolf staring back at them, “There is no redemption father, no amount of begging will ever restore our relationship. You should be content with living out the rest of your days confined to your allocated living area, as you forced your fated mate and my mother to do.”

With that, Ann swept past him and made her way through to the dining rooms and living areas to instruct Coral on the changes that she wanted made.

When they emerged back in the hallway, the offending portraits had been removed and her father was nowhere to be seen. “Your father has returned to his quarters…” one of the palace guards at the base of the stairs informed her, but she cut him off with a scowl.

“I don’t care. You do not need to report his movements to me. He can live freely, but separately from my family.” She snapped before sighing as she pushed the tension away. “Thank you for your conscientiousness though.” He saluted and inclined his head as Coral cleared her throat awkwardly.

“Would you like to see your room?” she asked gently, feeling the turbulent emotions in Ann’s aura and wanting to distract her in some way.

“Yes, I think that would be a good idea,” Ann smiled graciously as they ascended the stairs and once they were out of earshot of anyone else she turned to Coral and smiled gratefully, “Thank you Coral. I think I might need to lie down for a little while”

“I had a feeling you might, your grace.” Coral smiled as Ann sighed in exasperation. “I don’t know what’s happened to my emotions lately. I used to be able to control them so much better than I do now.” She grimaced as Coral chuckled softly beside her.

“Try to remember that carrying an Alpha child is draining enough as it is and you are carrying and growing more than one. The future generation of Royals. Of course, your emotions are going to be all over the place, it’s to be expected.”

They walked in silence for a little while before Ann spoke again. “Do you think I was too harsh?”

Coral pursed her lips and stopped in her tracks, turning to face Ann. “I think that I don’t have the right to pass comment on how you feel, your highness. You lived and experienced life due to your father’s choices but I do think that however you feel, you are justified in those emotions.”

Coral smiled at her kindly as they continued on their way and Maeve snorted in disbelief inside Ann’s head. “Who would have thought that the quivering Omega we met would transform into such a little philosopher.”

“I don’t think that counts as philosophy Maeve, it’s just an observation…”

“Isn’t that what philosophy is… pondering things that seem obvious to others?”

“Does that make you a philosopher too then?” Ann asked wryly. “Shut up. The only thing I’m pondering is where my bucket of cream is.” Maeve pouted as a smile crept onto Ann’s mouth. Things would get easier with time, she was sure of it, and, with the people around her supporting her, she was positive that in no time, they would have the palace feeling like home again.

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