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Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 126

Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee (Book 2)

Chapter 126 Snatched Away By His Father (Genevieve Swan)

I had called Alpha I-Oh again and waited for his arrival. I needed him here with his son; there was some plan I could work on.

As soon as he arrived, he gave me a thorough glance before coming closer and suddenly hugged me. He wrapped his arms tightly around me and began crying. He was tall with broad, muscular shoulders and a beard with only a few white strands in the middle. His black hair also had a sprinkling of white. But overall, he was a handsome and well-put- together man.

As he cried while holding me, I felt a wave of sympathy for him. It was clear that he probably saw his daughter in me at that moment.

“It’s alright. I’ll do anything to make sure he’s fine,” I reassured him, hiding my own tears. One of us had to stay strong.

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He broke the hug and cupped my face in his hands, saying, “Ah! He’s so lucky to have you.”

“Can I call you my daughter?” Alpha I-Oh asked, and I nodded with a broken smile. I wished we had met in better circumstances. I was sure we would get along well, and perhaps I could make him realize that his son was not useless at all.

“Of course you can,” I replied, giving him a weak smile. He planted a k*iss on my forehead, and I felt a warmth that I hadn’t experienced from my own father in years. If only Alpha I-Oh had been this kind to his own son as well.

“I will leave now. Do you think you’ll be able to stand by his side?” I asked him as I led him inside the house.

“He’s in there,” I pointed at the only bedroom in the corner.

“I’ll be fine. Just go get the henbane. I’m relying on you. My son is relying on you,” he said, holding my h*and and giving it a reassuring pat between his own, along with a soothing smile.

His affections were tied to t*ouch, and I’ve never been that t*ouchy with any old man. I didn’t want to make it seem odd, but I was fine with us talking from a little distance. However, I guess he was just distraught, so I let him be.

“I will do my best,” I nodded as I began to walk away from the house. If everything goes well, I will return with the henbane, and together we will cure Caspian. I cannot wait for that fool to wake up.

I got inside the Uber and gave him directions. Throughout the car ride, I was panicking, and then the worst thing happened. I realized I hadn’t brought my phone.

I left it on charge.

It was horrifying that I never did anything right. But I had to pull myself together and keep going. The Uber driver left me at the door of the royal lockers, and soon after I got out, I saw someone standing in the doorway.

“Ron!” I muttered, realizing he might be here to inform my father about what I had asked him to do.

“Genevieve!” He rushed over and held my h*and, sneakily trying to pull me away from the door.

“I’m not going to listen to you,” I hissed, freeing my arm, but he kept grabbing me and led me away to the parking lot. “What the heck is wrong with you? Are you here to arrest me because I wanted something from the royal lockers?” I almost yelled at him, but then I lowered my voice because it would only get me in trouble.

“No!” He frowned angrily. “I didn’t come here to gossip about you with anyone,” he almost muttered in my face, clenching his fists.

“Then stop blocking my way,” I warned him, attempting to walk past him again. We didn’t have time, and he was here demanding a conversation.

“Listen, I got it for you.” As soon as he said those words, my proceeding steps halted. I turned around and watched him hold the green powder in his hands.

“That’s–” I paused as he nodded, lifting his h*and up to let it shine under the sun. As it changed its color to pink, my heart flipped inside my chest.

“Henbane,” he confirmed, walking over to me and letting out a deep sigh.

“I just wish you knew what you are doing with this.” Without saying anything else, he handed it over to me.

“Thank you,” not knowing how else to respond, I dryly thanked him and began walking away when he called after me again.

“I can drop you off at home, and don’t worry, I’ll make sure to park a little farther away,” he added. For a minute, I wanted to reject his offer, but then I realized I really needed to get going. Thanks to him, he had already saved me a lot of time. “If it’s not an issue,” I uttered slyly. In response, he walked over to his car and held the door open for me.

I got inside the car, and he drove me back home. Thankfully, he didn’t question me or make me uncomfortable. After dropping me off, he stayed in his car while I hastily made my way back to the house. I had only reached the entrance when I found Alpha I-Oh standing on the porch.

“Is he okay?” I don’t know, but seeing him outside made me worried.

“Did you bring what I asked you to bring?” he inquired as he scanned me. The moment he saw the bottle in my h*and, he gulped.

“I did. Let’s go and help him,” I began to walk past him and had only entered the house when I felt something very sharp strike me in the back of my head.

For a minute, I didn’t really comprehend what had happened. It was as if something harsh had made contact with my body. And then warm liquid ran down my n*eck, making me feel dizzy at the same time. As my body lost its balance, I felt myself being carried in Alpha I-Oh’s arms.

“You know it is very easy for me to get rid off unwanted brats?” I heard his voice and then I couldn’t hear anything else.

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