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Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 139

Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee (Book 3)

Chapter 139 My Jealous Bff (Genevieve Swan)

“Wait, what are you saying?” I stopped crying as my full attention turned to him. “I shouldn’t have done that,” he mumbled, turning his face to the other side. “Remember when you woke up and thought I had hurt you?” he asked, not even waiting for my response because he knew I surely remembered that day.

“I drugged you because I wanted your blood. I wanted a cure for my sister. After drugging you, I was supposed to use you as bait to ask Ron to get me henbane. It was something I was taught since I was a kid. I learned it over and over again, and when the time came, I just couldn’t do it. I couldn’t bring myself to do anything to you against your will, even if it meant taking your blood for my sister,” he confessed, covering his face with his hands. After a moment, he rubbed his hands and uncovered his face.

“My father arrived at the location, and he suggested we take you home, wait for you to wake up, and then tell you everything. He lied again, and I got fooled. When I went to lie in my bed to rest, my father sent Denise’s grandma and the other old lady you saw my sister munching on to dress up so that he can– fulfill his nasty desires at the same time. I got furious and rescued you. I just didn’t know how to confess all that,” he kept his face turned away while shocking me with this revelation.

I didn’t even know what else to say anymore.

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I stood there in silence, allowing him to continue.

“That blood on your t*highs was the blood of an innocent girl who went missing a few weeks ago. My father probably killed her and drained her blood, keeping it for another sick ritual where he bathes his new victims in the blood of his old ones,” every word that came out of his m*outh struck me like a dagger.

Alpha I-Oh was a sadistic monster. But the realization that Caspian had drugged me to abduct me left me shattered once again.

“I just didn’t know it would go that far,” he continued to speak in soft murmurs. “All my life, I was treated in a way that I felt like his pet. I was afraid that if I spoke against him, I would lose my sister. Someone who had been there for me since the beginning-someone who deserved so much better. She was in pain for years and years because I thought in the end, it would be worth it.” As he turned to me, I saw big tears of agony in his eyes.

“I took that away from her,” I sighed, lowering my eyes in guilt.

“It wasn’t your fault. You didn’t know she was my sister,” he held my hands, and for once, it felt like we both had made mistakes. He had been an abused child, manipulated by his father all his life. Yet, he had made the right choice and saved me in the end.

He showed redeeming qualities, and since he had just lost his sister, I didn’t want to hold onto his past mistakes and wanted to give him a chance.

“Caspian, there’s something you should know about Kellice,” I mumbled, feeling it was the right time. This conversation about Kellice needed to be addressed so that he could move on. If things kept popping up after days, he would go through the same pain over and over again.

“What is it?” he asked, tilting his head.

It was shocking how Denise was so afraid of his father that she hadn’t even told him who Kellice really was.

“Kellice wasn’t your sister,” I revealed, and he shook his head, already dismissing any doubts.

“She was your aunt, your mother’s sister. When your mother died, she chose to stay with you, and then eventually, she just became your sister. However, even that kindness couldn’t save her from the depraved and hungry eyes of your father. When she turned 21, he started to–,” I stopped, unable to find the right words to convey the gruesome truth.

The look on his face revealed everything. He was terrified of what I was going to say next, but no words could truly convey the pain he was experiencing in that moment.

“Whatever he did to the others, he did it to her too,” I ended up revealing the entire truth, and he instantly broke down. I hugged him tightly as he needed a shoulder to cry on.

“She endured so much for me, yet I couldn’t save her,” he wailed and wailed while I continued to hold him.

“For what it’s worth–she smiled–” I was interrupted by Caspian’s aggressive pull. He stepped back and stared at my face in shock.

“Yes, she smiled and looked so at ease,” I smiled at him, remembering the way she had closed her eyes in contentment, as if it was the best rest she would ever have. “She found peace,” he whispered, lost in thought.

“She did,” I replied, cupping his face in my hands and gently placing a k*iss on his forehead. “And I want you to find peace with everything now. Just know that I am always here for you,” I whispered as I felt his hands t*ouch my waist. He held me gently while his eyes continued to study my face.

I might not be great at interpreting looks, but it seemed like he had found something he had longed for.

It might have been the news of his sister finding peace, because I knew his crush was on someone else. As he continued to gaze at my face, he leaned in slowly and our l*ips met tenderly.

It was the gentlest and sweetest k*iss he had ever given me. His l*ips softly captured my lower l*ip, and after a brief moment, he pulled away, only to lean in again and place a k*iss on my cheek.

While he peppered my face with little k*isses, my eyes wandered down to the garden, and I saw Kit standing there, her gaze fixed on us.

Oh, no!

Now I had to deal with her hungry eyes.

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