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Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 141

Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee (Book 3)

Chapter 141 The Son-in-Law Nobody likes. (Genevieve Swan)

“No!” I replied, quickening my pace as I walked through the hallway. Emre had asked me the same question in three different ways, and after answering him the first time, I avoided making eye contact with him the rest of the times.

It wasn’t that I was jealous or anything, but it brought back memories of the pain I had endured on that day. Sure, I hadn’t cried out loud or shown my agony to anyone, but Ron had been a friend when nobody else was there for me. I still remembered him sneaking food through the windows whenever I was locked in the storeroom as a punishment all by myself.

Losing him was like losing my childhood hero.

As we entered the living room, I witnessed a scene that I knew would soon be a part of my life. Wolvin was sitting on the couch, watching TV, and Mrs. Browning stood beside him with her arms folded across her chest.

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Kit’s mother was another disaster. Ever since I regained my senses as a child, I had been subjected to all sorts of nasty comments from her. She was never kind to a child who had lost her mother. She would throw tantrums at me whenever my dad wasn’t around. And when he was present, she would just complain about how I was the rude one and how difficult it was for her to control me.

I was never that kind of child.

Everything said about me was a lie.

“Have you ever even watched TV before?” she grumbled at Wolvin, causing him to slowly raise his head and look at her. It was clear he was expecting some rude comments from her.

“You’re not supposed to keep the volume so high. There are other people living in this mansion,” she continued to complain, attempting to make it seem like he was unfamiliar with the luxuries around him. “The volume isn’t even that high,” he shrugged, not lying. I hadn’t even realized they were arguing about the volume. “Really? And why did you put the cushion behind you?” she stomped her foot and rudely snatched the cushion from behind him. He let it go, raising his body and then innocently stared at the cushion to see what he had done wrong.

“And you have such long hair, did you shed them around?” she growled, looking so disturbed, as if he was a pet shedding hair everywhere.

That was enough. I had stayed silent for far too long. My father had invited us with great respect, so everyone should be treated with the same respect.

“What’s the matter here?” I interrupted her complaint abruptly and joined them. I wasn’t sure where Emre had gone, but he might be looking for Bellamy and Caspian now.

Sometimes, I felt like I was collecting Pokemon Go characters as I looked around for my mates.

“Your mate–,” she grumbled under her breath, closing her eyes as if trying to calm her nerves. “He has no manners.”

I tilted my head and raised both my brows to express my shock at her comment. “And how did you determine that?” I folded my arms over my chest, taking a stand for the first time, not even for myself.

“I didn’t do anything to the cushion. I was just lying on it,” Wolvin quickly defended himself, and I didn’t blame him for it. “That’s it?” I hissed at Mrs. Browning, who appeared shocked by my response.

“As if you don’t know that we don’t lounge around like this. These cushions are very costly, and this table–I saw him put his feet up,” she complained again, her anger causing her to stutter.

“So what? This is something we’ve all been doing. It wouldn’t be the first time that someone has put their feet on this table,” I remembered Kit, Ron, and I used to relax like that when watching movies. “Eh! And we’re all rogues who can’t afford branded shoes?” she raised her brow as if making a point.

There it was. It came back to the issue of poverty among the rogues.

“Mrs. Browning, you are now insulting my husband,” I said it loudly and clearly so that she had nothing left to say. As expected, she looked lost for words. “I don’t care how you perceive rogues or how you think of them in your mind, but when you start spewing negativity out loud, that’s when I have a problem with it,” I concluded, observing her stare at my face with a gulp running down her throat. “If you have nothing else to say, please leave the cushion behind him and go,” I muttered, taking the cushion from her and placing it on the table. Then I gestured to Wolvin to rest his feet on the cushion.

He looked surprised.

But I wanted to make a point. They had been treating him with an attitude ever since we first arrived at the mansion. I didn’t understand why luxuries made some people act so superior, as if everything was about brands and how much money was spent on them. “It seems like your daughter has picked up some new manners now,” the comment from Mrs. Browning compelled me to turn around and see who had joined us.

I wasn’t expecting to see her so soon, as I had heard she had left the mansion to attend some tea party, but here she was, wearing my mother’s crown and a white dress.

“Monique,” I whispered under my breath, instantly correcting myself, “Lady Monique.”

The smile playing at the corner of her l*ips bothered me. She appeared so confident and full of herself as she raised her brow and waited for me to bow down before her in respect.

I didn’t have a choice. I still felt like that little kid who was under her control.

So I bowed down slightly, and when I raised my head, I saw Bellamy and my other mates join us in the living room.

It was going to be a long day.

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