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Alpha Alexander by LS Barbosa Chapter 152

Alpha Alexander by LS Barbosa

Chapter 152 (Scarlett)

“What is going on?” I asked Netanya who pulled me toward the bedroom.

Her eyes met mine and she smiled. “Your husband is coming to get you,” she said, and I frowned in confusion. “I overheard Vladimir ranting about how it was possible for him to escape. Well, let’s just say that he and others are on the way.”

“How the hell?”

“You hear a lot in the maid headquarters within these grounds. And Vladimir is NOT happy, believe me, I have never seen him this annoyed before,” she said, making me frown in confusion.

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“But if that is the case…”

“They are going to be taking a while. I don’t know what path they’re taking, but I know that it is not the plane. Vladimir would have found a way to stop them. Now you just have to be ready because hell will be breaking loose at any given second,” she said, and my heart raced. I had to admit, I didn’t know whether or not to be happy about her news, mostly because I didn’t want Alexander to get hurt. The fact that he was taking an oblivious journey was something that didn’t make sense to me, and the fact that my daughter could be in danger was something that I couldn’t help but fear.

“You do realize that things are not going to be easy from here, not even with…” she put her hand on my mouth, stopping me, and I frowned in confusion before hearing HIS footsteps as he neared my room.


I nodded and sat at the dresser, watching as she quickly followed me, pretending to brush my hair. My heart raced against my c*hest, and I waited for the man to open the door as I kept my eyes on the mirror. Netanya ran the brush through my hair smoothly, making sure not to hurt me as she did, and I couldn’t help but smile at our reflection. She winked in response before clearing her throat.

“Do you want me to braid for you, Luna?” She asked, her tone low and controlled. The door was knocked a second later, and I knew that it was Vladimir.

“Come in,” I called, not bothering to get up. Netanya went to stop; however, I put my hand on hers, stopping her. She nodded and went back to what she was doing, not saying a word as she waited for my response. “Yes, please. You can braid my hair.”

She nodded in response and I looked at Vladimir through the reflection. He kept his eyes on mine for a few seconds before he walked toward me. He cleared his throat, and I frowned as I knew that he was asking Netanya to step back as he took her place. “Would you mind if I did your hair instead?” He asked, his tone menacingly cold. I knew that one wrong word or move could risk a lot more than I could think of affording, and the idea of him hurting me was very much likely considering what Netanya just told me. The man could end up growing aggressive and though I wasn’t afraid of him, the last thing that I wanted was for him to end up taking things too far.

Netanya looked at me through the mirror, her eyes begging me to ask him to leave; however, despite knowing that she was right, I knew not to test my luck. The bastard was going to try and get his way either way, and if I said no, all he would do is grow a lot more stubborn. It was something that I did not want to deal with.

“You can do it for me.” I said, and Netanya chewed the inside of her mouth before walked out of the room, leaving us alone, most likely cursing me under her breath.

The Alpha’s eyes met mine through the mirror and I looked down at the dresser as I handed the brush to him. “You seem relaxed.”

“I am not, don’t get me wrong, but I have f*orced myself to adapt with whatever you can have on me.” I said, and he chuckled before running the brush through my hair. My heart raced against my c*hest, and I couldn’t help but find myself growing anxious with every passing second.

“And you are bad at lying,” he said, putting the brush down, making me frown in confusion. My heart raced, and I frowned at the smell of blood beside my bedroom door.

Something hit the door, and I growled, wanting to get up before the Alpha put both of his hands on my shoulders, pinning me down as he stopped me. “Do you think that I don’t know that you’re aware of your mate leaving? I have to admit, the last thing that I expected was for you and Netanya to become friends, but then again, you seem to have your way of surprising me, don’t you?”

“You f*ucking…”

“Now, now,” he said, stopping me. He leaned in, and my heart raced before he wrapped his hand around my n*eck, holding me down, his hand pressing on my throat as he threatened to choke me. He bit my earlobe, and I couldn’t help but squirm as I tried moving from his grasp. “I think that it is time for me to claim you as…”

A crashing sound came from behind him, and I frowned in confusion before looking at the man who removed his hand from my n*eck. He put his hand on his head for a second before frowning at the sight of blood that was on it. I slowly stood up as he turned to face Netanya who held a broken vase in her hand, and by the door, lay three dead men, drowning in their blood.

“Did you really believe that you can easily take me down, Alpha Vladimir?” She asked, “or have the numbers gotten high enough for you to not want to miss a chance?”

“You…” he went to take a step forward, but she simply took a step to the side, watching as he fell on his face as his blood poured on the ground. My heart raced and my hands shook; however, I was f*orced to snap out of my daze as the woman took a step toward me. “How…?”

“Now is not the time for questions, Scarlett.” She said, stopping me. “We are going to need to run before anyone finds out about this.

Therefore, unless you want the two of us to die tonight, I doubt that you should be asking any questions.”


“We will run into him,” she said, stopping me. “I don’t know how, but we will. For now, we are going to have to focus on surviving.

Otherwise, everything that we were trying to fight for will go in vain. So, are you with me or not?”

My c*hest tightened and I nodded as I took a deep breath, trying to focus as the smell of blood filled my nostrils, making my wolf grow somewhat anxious.

“Where are we going?”

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