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Alpha Alexander by LS Barbosa Chapter 157

Alpha Alexander by LS Barbosa

Chapter 157 (Vladimir)

My c*hest rose and fell as I gasped, catching my breath.

I coughed twice before shaking my head as I tried processing where I was.

“Took you a while.” I heard her voice, making me frown in confusion before I sat up. I hissed in pain and she took a step toward me before putting her hand on my shoulder, f*orcing me to lay back down. “You are still injured.”

“How the f*uck…?”

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“I sensed that you were going to die and had to put a protection spell on you.” She said, stopping me. Her eyes met mine as she opened a dim one. I closed my eyes, despite the light being dim, my eyes still burned once it was opened. “You failed to bring my daughter.”

“Your daughter tends to be h*ard to persuade.” I said, looking at Emilia as my vision adjusted to the light. One would say that Scarlett was a copy of her mother, but then again, taking a look at her, at least Emilia knew how to survive. Scarlett was just a child that didn’t know what she wanted.

“Or you have failed to be convincing enough. As I can see, regardless of how Alexander treated her, she still chose to go back to him.” She said, looking me in the eye. I looked at the wall behind her, noticing how old it was, the stones looked like they came from the Roman ages. “Where are we?”

“I believe that you know where we are.” She said, and I shook my head.

“I am more curious to know how you managed to take my b*ody to…”

“You can leave the questions for later. For now, I want you to recover as we are going to have a lot to do.” She said, and I raised an eyebrow. The last thing that I needed right now was to be lectured by Emilia, and I knew that her stating that we had work to do only meant that I was going to be getting an earful of something that I did not want to deal with. To say the least, I knew that things would only be hectic on me, and that was not something that I wanted to deal with right now.

“And by work, you mean?” I asked, shaking my head and she smiled before getting up from the edge of the bed. She knew that she was going to have me do whatever it was that she wanted. One way or another, she always managed to do that anyway, and at this point, I just stopped asking how she always managed to find her way into my head. I just did so without having her control me; however, what she said next had me sitting up despite the pain that I was in, now more excited and energized.

“You did want to have your heir, didn’t you?” She asked, raising an eyebrow at me. I frowned and shook my head in question, more eager to know how she planned on doing so when she knew that her daughter was the ONLY person who can give that to me.

“I am more interested in how you will be doing so,” I said, and she smiled.

“I won’t, you will. Only this time, you will be following what I tell you to do.”

“Oh, really?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. “And what difference would that make? Are you going to make her magically fall for me?”

“No, but you proved to me that you couldn’t catch her attention, and if she is my daughter, even if I didn’t raise her, I would know how to catch her attention.” She said, and I shook my head.

“Just because she is your daughter doesn’t mean, not for a second, that she is anything like you are.” I said, looking at the woman who smiled. She ran her finger over my c*hest, lowering it to my abdomen and I grabbed it midway, stopping her. She raised an amused eyebrow at me before shaking her head.

“It seems to me that my daughter has caught more than your c*ock’s attention.” She said, and I looked away from her. She smiled and put her hand on my chin, f*orcing me to look her in the eye. “You may be right about Scarlett being different, but one thing that I know for f*ucking sure is that I am a woman. One thing or another can be different, but we are mostly seduced by a common thing.”

“It is not about seduction,” I said, and she shook her head at me. “You can choose to name it what you want, and I will call it what I want.” She said, taking a step back. “I will show myself out the door and the nurses will come to check on you. You know, I do believe that you are going to want to be in your best state to see her again. That is, of course, unless you decide to want to back off from this.”

“I swore to win her over before they shot me.”

“Well then, it seems to me that we are on the same page on this one.” She said, smiling at me. Her smile was devious, not reaching her eyes, and I couldn’t help but wonder if Scarlett inherited anything from her mother. In my eyes it seemed to me that she didn’t. “Take your time recovering.”

“YOU are willing to wait?” I asked, raising an amused eyebrow. “That’s a new one.”

“Believe me, Vladimir, the last thing that I would want is to waste any time. But I have waited for this long to see them all perish. A few more months would not do us any harm, would they?” She asked, walking out of the room, not bothering to wait for my response as she did.

I looked down at my hand for a second and I couldn’t help but feel my wolf make himself known as my eyes turned into a deep shade of golden.

“I will not rest, Scarlett,” I said, voicing out my thoughts. “Not until he is dead and YOU are finally mine, malyshka…”

3 thoughts on “Alpha Alexander by LS Barbosa Chapter 157”

  1. I’ve been reading multiple book each great work but I’m on edge … Jy weet … x kanie deal nie laat die hoofstukke kom asb…laat dit kom asb …

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