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Alpha’s Hidden Obsession By Misha K Chapter 150

Alpha’s Hidden Obsession By Misha K

Chapter 150 What Are You Waiting For? (Poppy POV)

Two years later.

“How about you get dressed fast, Damon?” I said, combing my hair with a sigh. Father and son were playing for the past hour and I was surprised how Damon never tired playing with our son, Alex. It was Sunday and we had to go and visit Kevin at the hospital.

Alex was born nine months later and a few days later, Bianca, Eliza’s daughter was born. Killian was on the top of the world and Damon was just everywhere. He couldn’t stop showing off his son to everyone in the pack. He was like the lion king who would carry his pup on his shoulders for everyone to see.

A few months back, Kevin had come out of the coma and was slowly recovering. He was so happy to see that his son had finally married and was happier that Damon had found a mate. But he beamed when he saw his grandson who was the apple of his eye. Yeah! I was sure that Alex was going to be so spoiled that I would have to keep him leashed. Kevin was coming back home today after the doctor had given him a green chit. We were going to get him back.

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“Give us a few minutes,” Damon said as he picked up Alex who squealed in joy being held upside down. They both went to take a bath and when they returned, the nanny was ready.

to dress up Alex. Damon was wrapped in a towel around his h*ips. When the nanny took him out, Damon came to me and pressed a k*iss on my l*ips. “You know Poppy,” he said. “We can have another baby. I feel like one pup is too few.”

I smacked his arm. “Not now! And get ready. We have to reach the hospital in less than an hour and in the evening, we have to go to Killian’s place.”

Today was a special day because it was Alex’s birthday. We could have invited all of the pack members, but the Umbra pack was so huge that it would have been a chaos. So we decided that we would keep it a private affair. Eliza and I identified a lovely resort that had come up recently. It was near my former pack and I knew that the place was beautiful. Our husbands took the much-needed holiday for two days to go there.

“Then when, love?” he whined. With a pout he said, “I want two more pups!”

I rolled my eyes. “How about you get dressed and we go to the hospital for now? And then we can give it a thought in the evening.”

His eyes widened. “Really?”

I giggled because he got the hint.

We were in the hospital in less than an hour. Mary was bubbling with enthusiasm and fussing over Kevin. She was so happy that Kevin was coming back home after staying in a coma for so long. She had given up all hope.

The moment Kevin saw Alex, his face glowed. “Come here!” he said and stretched out his arms. Alex loved his grandfather. He struggled to get out of my arms to be with Kevin. “How is my wolf doing today?” Kevin said as he ruffled Alex’s hair. When Alex babbled something trying to explain what all happened with him, Kevin listened to him with acute interest. “Boy, let’s go home. I am going to give them all a hard time for not being nice with you.”

My jaw dropped. If anything it was Alex who was getting spoiled. Mary came to me and hugged me. “I am so glad that you and Damon could come to take him back home. It means a lot.”

“Mother,” I said to her. “This was the least we could do.” I hugged her tightly.

Damon wheeled in a wheelchair despite all the staff present to help him. He helped his father sit on the wheelchair who in turn had his grandson in his lap. Kevin looked at me and smiled. “You have brought a lot of change in this house, Poppy,” he said.

I blushed slightly as I returned his smile. I don’t know what change I brought, but my life was rosy and I loved it. I didn’t want anything else.

Damon wheeled his father out of the hospital and I couldn’t help but notice the two men and a pup with a proud look on their faces. Everyone bowed to them as they made their way. When we reached the parking lot, the driver and the bodyguards jumped to open the door of the car. As Kevin settled in, Mary settled beside him. Kevin didn’t let go of Alex and he carried him all the way home.

Coming back to home brought back many emotions in Kevin. His tears of joy came out as he hugged his wife. “Thank you, Mary, for holding it up for me.”

Mary hugged his tightly. “Welcome Kevin.”

That evening, after Kevin was well settled, we went to Killian’s place. After picking them up in our latest RV, we headed to the resort. To our surprise, Damon and Killian had other plans. They took us somewhere inside the forest and stopped in front of a cabin lodge.

Damon and Killian smiled as Eliza and I appeared shocked. “Welcome to our new hideout!” Damon grinned.

“What the hell!” I rasped as I picked up Alex who was still playing. “When did you guys make it?”

Eliza’s daughter, Rhea, had gone off to sleep. She picked her

up in the lap and got down as Killian lowered the stairs. I followed her out and was mesmerized. It was a beautiful log cabin nestled in a thicket. The path to it was laid with gravel and on either side were beautiful Dutch roses. As I walked, I couldn’t help smelling lavender and other floral scents.

Damon and Killian took out the luggage. “We both made it this year,” Damon said proudly. “And we wanted to give you both a surprise.”

And surprised we were. “It is beautiful!” I said and Eliza hummed.

Killian held the door open for us and my jaw dropped once again. The lodge was luxurious.

“Do you like it?” Damon asked, tense like a baby.

“I love it!” I squealed. “Thank you so much!” This was what we all needed. A perfect hideout to refresh ourselves that was off the grid.

When we all settled in our rooms, I asked Damon, “So what next?”

He looked at Alex who was sleeping soundly in his crib after I fed him, and said, “You said we would make another baby.”

With a smile, I back-walked to the bed. I opened my robe, exposing my n*aked body for him. “Then what are you waiting for?”

The End.

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