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He’s My Alpha by Cassandra M Chapter 91

He’s My Alpha by Cassandra M (Jake & Clair)



I stirred awake at the pleasure running through my body. A hand trailed on the skin of my thigh, and from the sparks emitted from the contact, I knew my mate was freely roaming his calloused palm all over my nakedness again, which he would always do once in a while. And I never complained. And I didn’t think I would ever complain.

I raised my hand and coiled it in his hair, gripping it and letting him know I was already awake. His lips brushed against my stomach, and the hotness of his breath fanning against my skin and the intimacy of the act was enough for wetness to start pooling in my core.

“Jake…” I moaned his name, my throat still dry from sleep. “Love, do you even sleep?” I asked him with a hoarse voice while my hand continued to caress his dark hair which seemed to grow thicker and darker with each year.

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He tilted his head and adjusted his body to be parallel to mine. We were lying on our sides, and with smiling eyes, he raised his hand to my face and brushed my cheek with his thumb.

“I was just planning to give you some wet dreams, but you caught on to me again.” He smiled sheepishly, flashing those deep dimples that had always made him look younger than he was.

I rolled my eyes playfully and bit my lower lip as a teasing grin formed on my lips. “Then maybe it means you need to give me the real thing now.” I teased him, but I could feel my core throbbing, wanting him inside of me.

My mate rolled over, elbows on my sides as he hovered over me. His lips captured mine, giving me a deep and hungry k*iss, while my arms automatically snaked around his neck, pressing my body against his.

He bit my lower lip and pulled it gently before withdrawing from my mouth. “As much as I want to ravish you right now, you need to call Jace. His mate is due to give birth anytime this week, and he doesn’t want to take no for an answer. He wants us back there soon.”

I nodded and smiled, pecking his lips once more before placing my palms on his chest and pushing him gently off me as I rose from the bed. I took the sheets with me while leaving my mate spread out in our bed, all in his naked glory, a view I would never get tired of enjoying.

I guessed we could no longer delay coming back to the territory.

It has been three years since Jace took over the Alpha post for the Black Shadow Pack, and it has been three years since we went to travel the world together. Something we have never done before as Alpha and Luna of the pack. Jake has inhibitions when it comes to leaving the territory without an Alpha unless necessary, so by the moment we stepped down from our responsibilities, we packed our bags and headed off to unknown territories. And never looked back.

Aside from missing our kids, we never had an ounce of regret. It was a glorious three years, just me and him. And it was like starting all over again, exploring each other while we explored the world.

From time to time, we would have stopovers in different countries to meet up with Gavin and Aaron with their respective females. They were traveling the world too, and having their own adventures.

But it was time to go home now.

I dropped the call with Jace and turned around to face my naked mate, throwing the phone on the sofa behind me.

“We’re going home three days from now. Gavin and Aaron were already on their way home. Funny how the kids get their mates pregnant all at the same time. So we’re all going to be first-time grandparents at the same time!” I giggled excitedly, my eyes fixed on my mate.

He chuckled, putting his arms behind his neck and spreading his legs wide. “Just like their fathers. Getting all of you knocked up at the same time.”

He was right. All our firstborns were of the same age, with Jace being the eldest. But this time around, Gavin has the eldest grandson, followed by my brother. And ours was due to come out this

week. Hopefully, we will make it on time before her we could make it on time before her delivery.

I had yet to meet my daughter-in-law and learn everything about her. Jace was so secretive about his relationship that by the time we knew he was mated, his mate was already pregnant. He said it was a complicated one, but I guess nothing is easy when it comes to the Galhart mates.

But just from the way my son talked about his mate, I knew I would end up liking her. Jace was hard to please. No female was good enough for him. Until she came.

“Princess, come…” My mate’s s*exy voice snapped me out of my thoughts. Despite our age, he never forgot to call me his princess, even though he had been treating me like a queen.

My eyes darted at the naked treat in front of me while I licked my lips in anticipation.

At 47, he doesn’t look a day over 30. My mate looked striking as ever, thank Goddess for werewolf genes. Jake no longer carries the boyish look I fell in love with but has transformed into an older and s*exier version of himself. He could still make me weak in the knees, and I was pretty sure females found him utterly attractive that I tend to get jealous every now and then.

And if it weren’t for the wedding ring I forced him to buy and wear before we jet-set around the world, females would probably stare and flirt with him. Well, he’s mine. And I tend to be selfish with that. “What are you still looking at?” He teased me as his hand snaked around his erection, jerking it up and down slowly without taking his lusty eyes off me. “ Hop on me, little mate, and let’s make those wet dreams into reality.” He added in a husky voice, his eyes shifting to obsidian black, showing me a glimpse of my mate, Echo.

I let go of the sheets in my hand and let them pooled on my feet. I saw his eyes raking my body up and down, his teeth biting into his lower lip and his hand gripping his erection tighter. His actions aroused me more, and I could feel my p*uss*y start to leak. I let my eyes dilate into black, giving him a view of Rain before walking slowly towards the bed.

I crawled up in between his knees before touching my wet p*uss*y, spreading my folds open before easing up and down slowly on his erection. I bit my lower lip and held on to his raised knees behind me and began riding him slowly.

A low growl reverberated from his chest while his hands gripped my hips. I knew fully enough that my slow movement was already hurting his control. Jake wanted it wild and fast, so I teased him by going slowly until he lost control and took over.

And then he would f*uc*k me hard. Just how we liked it. And he would take me to the heights of pleasure only he could provide, over and over, until my body couldn’t take it anymore.

Jake held my shoulders as he stood behind me, squeezing them once in a while to calm my nerves. We were waiting outside the delivery room at the infirmary for our son’s mate to deliver their baby.

We just arrived an hour ago and headed straight to the infirmary after we received a message that she had gone into labor already.

I’ve been biting my lips for an eternity while holding on to my mate. I remembered my own

delivery, and the thought alone made me worry for my daughter-in-law.

I was about to ask Jake to check for any updates when the door opened, revealing my son, Jace. His face was beaming with happiness as he rushed forward to where we were. I threw my arms open and held my son. His face alone told me that it was a successful delivery.

“Ooh, Jace, darling. You’re a father now.” I cooed him softly, hand patting and brushing his hair.

He nodded, and soon, small sobs started to fill the air. “He’s so beautiful, Mom. I don’t know if I could father him right.” His insecurities rose in his tone.

I smiled as I glanced at my mate beside me. Jace was exactly like how we were when we held him in our hands for the first time. My mate and I cried, not knowing how to parent a kid, but we survived, we made it.

“You will do just fine, darling. The fact that you were even worried about it means you’ll be a good one.” I hushed him before pulling his body away from hugging me. I looked at the tear-stricken face of my son, which resembles Jake in every way except for his eyes. Jace has sapphire blue eyes.

I leaned my face down and k*issed my son on both cheeks, before patting his cheek gently. “I guess it’ s time to meet my grandson,” I said softly, excitement in my voice.

Jace nodded before turning to his father. “Dad!”

Jake took his son into his arms and wrapped him in a hug. “Congratulations, Alpha. You made me proud, son!11 He patted his son’s back while holding him tightly.

“I got you a future Alpha, Dad.” He said proudly.

111 know you would.’1Jake k*issed the top of his son’ s head before letting him go. “Let’s meet the future, Alpha then.”

His eyes flipped open, but I knew he couldn’t see a thing. Just a fleck of light, probably. He’s beautiful. He’s as beautiful as Jace and Catherine. And his eyes, they were my mate’s eyes.

I gently laid a finger on his soft skin covered by a thin sheet, brushing it softly. He must have felt the contact because he raised his finger and wound it around mine. “Aren’t you a beauty?” I cooed him. My eyes darted to the beautiful female holding him in her arms. She was smiling at both of us, and even though it was only now that I found out she was my son’s mate, she already had my heart.

I saw the way she gazed at my son, reminding me of how mesmerized I was with my own mate. And on the way my son held and attended to her, I knew she had him wrapped around her fingers.

“Jace, he looks like you,” I whispered so as not to startle the baby.

He chuckled before brushing his thumb on his son’s cheek. “You mean, he looks like Dad. He got Dad’s eyes.”

Yes. He looked exactly like my mate. And he’s as beautiful as my Alpha.

“Look at that! Who do we have here?” My brother Aaron spoke loudly as soon as I opened the front door of the pack house, a proud grin plastered on his face.

He was holding a baby in his arms and seemed to be in conversation with Gavin, who had a baby in his arms as well. I could tell by the way their eyes beamed that they were happy and contented.

Seeing his Beta and Gamma with babies, my too- eager mate winked at me before taking his grandson from Jace’s arms. My son shook his head and chuckled as he let go of the little Alpha and immediately wrapped his arms around his mate.

Since the delivery had no complications, both the mother and son were allowed to go and rest at home instead.

Jake walked proudly to where the others were standing and presented his grandson to them. “Look little Alpha, I already found you, your Beta, and your Gamma.” He cooed at his grandson as he beamed proudly at Gavin and Aaron.

“Alpha Colton, meet Beta Garett and Gamma David.” Jake made the introduction. They all snickered like they usually do and held their grandsons’ fists and began fist-bumping each other.

Laughter echoed around us as they playfully marveled at the little creatures in their arms. They were enjoying the moment, knowing fully well that this time, they could just hold the babies and relax, not minding any pack responsibilities.

My heart swelled with happiness. After all these years, the bond between them did not change. And I was happy to be a part of each of their lives.

I was snapped out of my own thoughts when my Beta and Gamma Females walked out of the kitchen holding trays of refreshments. Their eyes lit up at the sight of us. After placing the tray on the center table, they both rushed into my arms.

I shrieked in excitement and wrapped them both in a tight embrace. We’d just seen each other two months ago on a stopover in Amsterdam, but the happiness inside of me at the sight of my females was real.

My females.

We’re finally back in each other’s arms, with more men in our lives.

I beamed at them with happiness as tears started to well in my eyes.

My females, we’ve only dreamed of these moments before, to be with the males we loved and fought for.

And now, we’re living the reality of those dreams.


HE’S MY ALPHA – Cassandra M / Sept-Oct 2021

4 thoughts on “He’s My Alpha by Cassandra M Chapter 91”

  1. Hi! I was just wondering if there will be any more novels by Cassandra M on this site? I would really like to read more about Gavin and Aaron but I can’t seem to find their novels anywhere.
    Thank you for this novel and every other one. I am reading like three of them right now and am very thankful for your regular updates.

  2. Great book, thanks for uploading it!
    Could you please tell me what’s the link for books 2 and 3? I see you mentioned they are uploaded but I can’ find them. 🙁

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