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The Alpha God’s Luna by Marissa Gilbert Chapter 76

The Alpha God’s Luna by Marissa Gilbert

Chapter 76. Epilogue II

“They still hate me, don’t they?” Fenrir asked his wife as they were about to enter the main Hall of Asgard. As Asgardian traditions required, they both wore white and gold today, which made the wolf slightly uncomfortable. The fur on his cape added to his misery.

“Of course not!” Astraea looked into his eyes, a slight curl to her lips. “If it makes you feel any better, they hate both of us!”

“We still can abandon them and run away to the mortal realm,” the wolf reminded her.

“They will ruin it within a century,” she countered.

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“Right—” Fenrir exhaled loudly. “So, ruling Asgard it is.”

He laced his fingers with his wife’s even though, according to customs, he was supposed to enter the ceremonial hall first, and she was to follow him.

“Together,” he said, and Astraea smiled back at him. “Together,” she agreed, beaming at him.

The massive doors opened before them, and they started walking. Gasps rippled through the crowds who were there to witness the coronation. Before today, the supreme ruler of Asgard was always a man. Both Odin and Vidar allowed no one to walk next to them at official ceremonies. This was the first message they were sending to their people as a couple. They would rule together, share the throne and the responsibilities equally, and support each other no matter what.

Regardless of what anyone thought about it.

The future King and Queen continued their steady stride, their gazes locked ahead as the hall was bathed in an ethereal light that streamed through tall, stained-glass windows. The light danced upon marble floors, casting hues of red, blue and gold and reflecting off Astraea’s glowing hair and the golden elements of Fenrir’s armour. The golden embroidery on their long brocade capes matched each other perfectly, telling their story of love, loss, pain, and reunion.

The ancient Asgardian music played, intertwined with the guests’ whispers. However, once they reached the top of the steps on which two tall, intricate golden thrones stood and turned to face the crowd, everything and everyone went quiet.

Their regal presence commanded attention, and no one could deny it.

Selene and Magnus stepped to stand by their sides with Devoss and Kara next to them, holding the crowns.

“Today, we finally unite our realms.” Magnus spoke in a voice that wouldn’t tolerate any objections. “Fenrir, son of Loki, and his wife Astraea, daughter of Selene, accept the responsibility of ruling the divine realm as one.”

“You are here to witness the momentous occasion, the beginning of the New Divine Era,” the Moon Goddess added and turned to the royal couple. “It is with great pride and honour that we bestow upon you this sacred responsibility and ask you to lead us justly, wisely, and selflessly.”

Fenrir and Astrea knelt, still holding hands, and lowered their heads. Magnus stepped behind Fenrir.

“I, Magnus, son of Thor and grandson of Odin, pronounce you, Fenrir, son of Loki, the new King and ruler of New Asgard. Do you accept the honour and the responsibility?”

“Yes,” the wolf responded.

“I, Selene, the Goddess of the Moon, daughter of Hyperion and Theia, pronounce you, Astraea, my daughter, the new Queen and ruler of New Asgard. Do you accept the responsibility?”

“Yes,” the Goddess of Stars answered firmly.

“Do you promise to put the needs of your people before your own, to rule with wisdom and fairness, to protect the sacred lands standing as a shield against any threat?” Magnus asked.

“We do,” both replied in unison.

“Do you swear to seek knowledge and wisdom, continuously striving to grow and improve as leaders?” Selene’s voice sounded majestic.

“We do.” Again, Fenrir and Astrea did not hesitate.

“Do you promise to defend the Source and the balance between realms no matter the challenge?”

“We do.” The couple stole a glance at each other.

“Then, we proclaim you the King and the Queen of Asgard,” the God of Strength announced loudly, his voice echoing through the hall as others didn’t even dare to breathe.

“Rule with honour, strength and dignity,” Selene finished, and they both placed the crowns on the new King and Queen of New Asgard.

Fenrir stood first, then helped his wife to rise gracefully, and as they stood together, all those present knelt, acknowledging their royal status and bowing their heads in respect.

Fenrir inhaled sharply, knowing it was now time for the part he dreaded the most.

“I know you never wanted to see me as your ruler.” His words made everyone tense and wary. They still expected consequences for the past, but the new King only laced his fingers with his wife’s and smiled at her. “I never wanted to be a King either, but destiny kept bringing me here, so I am not the one to deny it anymore. If anyone was born to rule, it was my wife, Astraea. She has a rare moral compass inside that guides her and a strong desire to make any world she lives in better. As for me, I have the utmost desire to protect her and anything she values. Luckily for you, that now includes you too.”

“We promise to honor the important traditions built through the centuries of our existence,” Astraea took the lead. “But at the same time, we both recognise that change is required to move forward. Mistakes were made, and a looming threat is still upon us. We will face it together as the gods we were always supposed to be. We were always meant to keep the balance and to protect the mortals when they needed it. This is the course we will now be pursuing. So that when new legends of us are formed, we are proud of the tales attributed to our names.”

“We ask you to join us on this course,” Fenrir finished and glared around the room. He expected it to be quiet as always and was ready to intimidate them into submission if he had to because, clearly, there wouldn’t be any other choice with haughty gods.

“I pledge my loyalty and trust in your reign,” Magnus and Bash said in unison, startling him. Astraea squeezed his fingers, reminding him people still looked at him.

“I pledge my loyalty and trust your reign,” Kara, Warg and Devoss followed.

He nodded regally, thanking them for their support and ready to wrap this up, when suddenly…

“I pledge my loyalty and trust in your reign!”

“I pledge my loyalty and trust in your reign!’’

“I pledge my loyalty and trust in your reign!”

God after God, they all bowed their heads and touched their hearts again, acknowledging him and his Queen on a whole new level.

All of them.

Not a single one objected.

“See,” Astraea whispered as the pledges still rippled through the spacious marble hall, “I told you so.”

Fenrir smiled at her, still shocked but finally feeling like he was in the right place.

As if he had always belonged here in Asgard.

He raised his hand, and Odin’s spear appeared in it, forming from a flash of lightning. At the same time, a glowing wolf appeared by Astraea’s side. Together, they turned and walked to their thrones and sat on them for the first time ever, Nova lifting her head proudly at her goddess’ feet. “See, it doesn’t feel so bad,” Astraea teased him, stroking her wolf’s fur. “Only because you are by my side, my love.”

He took her hand once again and brought it to his lips.

The sound of neighing distracted them both as a dark shadow covered the light from the windows again and again. Something was flying above Valhalla.

“You really should have thought twice before giving that thing wings,” Fenrir grunted.

“The nightmare needed an upgrade,” she said with a sweet smile. “Give Midnight a break.”

The shadow flashed above them again, and people lifted their worried gazes to the skies, not sure what it was.

“All I am saying is they were already scared as it is. That thing—”

“He has a name!” Astraea arched her brow at her husband while Magnus and Devoss announced the beginning of coronation celebrations to the crowds. “It’s about time you started using it. After all, he was crucial to us finding each other again.”

“Fine,” Fenrir exhaled heavily. “You shouldn’t have given Midnight wings.”

“But he looks so cute!” she argued. “Look at him!”

The shadow flew by the glass-stained windows, causing the glass to tremble and making people shy away from them.

“Yeah, sure,” the wolf let out a chuckle and kissed her fingers again, “whatever you say, Menace.

When the coronation celebrations were coming to an end, and most Asgardians either left or were so drunk they couldn’t speak properly, the gang of rogues gathered on the main balcony of the throne room, waiting for the sunrise together.

“And they call us barbarians,” Devoss huffed, taking a sip of his wine. “They can’t even make a good martini here. It’s either mead or wine, and that’s it. You guys are going to have so much work to do here!”

“Trust me, adding the martini is at the top of our list,” Astraea teased him,

but the fox pretended not to notice.

“Speaking of work,” Fenrir interjected, “I have some for you. The East is now technically without a ruler.”

“Yeah, Bash, good luck with that,” the fox deity chuckled.

“Don’t look at me,” Bastian grinned at him, folding his hands over his chest. “I have already spoken to them both and told them I am going to travel and search for information about the Hunters.”

“Warg! My man!” Devoss quickly switched to his other friend.

“Nope,” the first Lycan shook his head, enjoying the irony.

“Kara!” The fox turned to glance at the last one left, the Valkyrie, but she let out a mocking laugh.

“I am the only one literally created to travel between realms. I am too precious to stay in just one,” she pointed out.

“Then who—” The fox locked eyes with Fenrir, who gave him a devilish smirk, then peered at Astraea, who offered a reassuring smile.

“You are going to do just fine!” The wolf had a hard time holding back a laugh.

“And all the martinis will be yours,” Astraea added.

“But— I am a terrible choice!” Devoss grumbled, trying to persuade them to reconsider.

“You are literally the only one with an experience of being a king.” Fenrir was not going to let it go.

“Yeah, but my country was destroyed!” The fox looked at his friends pleadingly.

“And it wasn’t your fault.” Fenrir placed a hand on his shoulder, giving it a light squeeze.


“You were always the one who was meant to bring the East back to life,” the ruler of Asgard insisted.

“My brother would never tolerate this,” the fox reminded him.

“Your brother will have to deal with it.” Warg patted him on the back, making the fox deity cough from his strength.

“But—” Devoss still tried to object.

“You’ll do great!” Kara ruffled his hair.

“Hey, watch it! Don’t ruin the ‘do!” He yelled at her, and they all burst out laughing.

“Don’t worry. You are still the prettiest of us all, even with your messy hair.” Bash scoffed, leaning over the balcony rail.

“So, you leave me all the dirty work and everyone but Warg is leaving me?” Devoss sighed gulping his drink and tossing the goblet over the ledge. Someone yelped from below the balcony, and they all stepped away from the rails so as not to be seen.

“Actually, there is something I would like to discuss with you,” the first Lycan said. “I have a request.”

“Already?” Devoss whistled. “It’s exactly as I remember. Everyone wants a piece of me.”

“I want to be your ambassador in the South,” Warg met his gaze, and everyone went silent. “We still need to get Salome out.”

“Sure,” the new King of the East nodded. “Bring her back home, but then you two stay with me forever. Got it?”

“Fine!” The first Lycan hit his shoulder in a friendly matter, almost knocking Devoss over.

They continued to sip their drinks and make jokes until a tranquil silence enveloped them, causing their collective gaze to shift towards the breathtaking Asgardian sunrise.

“It just occurred to me,” Devoss turned to face his friends, “this is probably the last time we’ll all be together like this. It’s like the end of an era.”

“No,” Fenrir pulled Astraea closer and kissed the top of her head, “it’s the beginning of a new one.”

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