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The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame Chapter 11

The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame

Chapter 11 Faint

Harper Alizah Grace’s POV

I smiled and mumbled thank you. She looked around the area. It’s messy and bloody, my clothes also there’s a blood on it.

“How about this? How can we keep this?” She asked me. I think about what she said, what should we really do?

“You just k*ill*ed seven rouges and there’s a lifeless-guards over there. How can we hide their corpse? I’m sure if we came back in the palace just the three of us, they will definitely question you and me why there’s blood in our clothes and one more thing… they will find those guard.” She continued. She’s right, I looked at her again and smiled.

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I have an Idea. She looked at me too.

“What?” she asked me, curiously.

“Stay still, don’t freak out.” I told her. She nodded even if she’s confused. I raised my one hand and focused.

‘Wendy, take over.’ In just a snap of time… I feel a strong power all over my body. I know, Amanda felt it too. I just hope, my mate didn’t feel it.

I find a near source of water and luckily, I found one.

“This would be quick,” I told her. As I said that I didn’t gave her a change to talk. A water goes throughout her body, I controlled the water to take out all the blood and dirt in her and her son’s clothes.

After I saw that the blood was gone, I used air controlling to dry them.

“All clear.” I said and clap my hand just once. Her eyes as wide as owl’s eyes, her lips were parted in shocked.

“You can control, elements?” she asked me in disbelieve. I nodded my head and before I spoke, I washed and dried my body too.

“Yes, but I’m not using it frequently. I just used it when it’s needed.” As I said that, I looked at the corpse of the rouges in behind me.

I focused once again and burned their dead bodies until they became ashes and the wind took them away. When they were gone, I started to walked towards the guard but I stopped when Amanda talked.

“You know what, I feel like I don’t really know you.” I looked at her and smiled.

“I’m still your friend, Am.” She walked closer to me, she’s still carrying Matthew who is still sleeping.

“Yeah, but… gosh! This is awesome. I really thought you’re a human.” My smile widened even more because of what she said.

“Not really, anyway let’s talk about this later. We should solve this problem first.” I told her so she nodded her head.

We go towards the guards.

“What we should do about them?” she asked me. I didn’t answer her question quickly because I’m still thinking what we should really do.

I kneel down on the floor and feel their pulse. It’s a lie if I say that I’m not shock.

“They are still alive but their pulse was slow.” I told her.

“Really? Maybe I can try to mind link my hubby now and call some help,” I shook my head.

“No. they will asked us what happened to them. why they are in the verge of death.”

“Oh, true. That’s so dumb of me.” She murmured but I heard it.

“It’s okay Am, you’re just concern.” She nodded her head.

“I think I can do something to help them,” I said and glanced at her.


“To used my healing ability.” I told her.

Her eyebrow furrowed.

“Aren’t you using too much power and ability? You might drain your body Harp.” She worriedly told to me.

I nodded my head

“Yes I’m using too much power and ability but I can still manage it.” I replied and gave her a reassuring smile.

I was about to heal them but Amanda stopped me.

“Are you really sure, Harp?”

“Yes, don’t worry Am. I’ll be fine and if ever I’ll faint just reason out to them that I’m weak. They know human to be a weak creature.” I told her, she was against from my decision but later on she slowly nodded her head.


As soon she said that I looked at the guards again and start healing them. A yellowish light came out in to my hand, that’s a symbol that I’m starting to heal their injuries.

After I healed them, I felt a small dizziness. I used one eight of my energy.

“Harp, are you alright?” Amanda worriedly asked me.

I raised my one hand and nodded my head.

“Still fine, I need to do one more thing.” I said and took a d*eep breath.

“what it is?” she asked me.

“I need to alternate their memories. If they wake up, they won’t remember what happened today. All they can remember is we’re safe. There’s no problem we encountered.” I answered.

“Will you be alright?” she asked me.

“Hmm, but I think I will lose my consciousness after this. And that’s the time I wanted you to mind link your husband.” I seriously told to her. She nodded her head.

“Alright, and one more thing… How about my son? When he will wake up?” she asked me. I smiled at her.

“He’ll wake up as soon we’re back at the palace.” She nodded once again.

I looked at the guards who still unconscious but their injuries were healed now. I closed my eyes and started to cast spell, silently.

It’s a memory alternation spell. After a few minutes, the spell was done. But I was about to stand up when I spill out blood. Damn, I’m exhausted than I thought.

I really need to undergo a h*ard training, I can’t even hold my energy any longer.

“Harper!” I heard Amanda exclaimed worriedly.

“I’m fine, I just felt a little dizziness and sore… but I’m alright so don’t worry about me. Mind link your husband now.” I told her to do while I’m wiping the blood at the corner of my lips.

She can’t do anything but to do what I said. I looked at the guards in front of me, they regain their consciousness now. This is getting better, I tried to stand up again but I failed so I fall down on the guard.

Now, I’m starting to get annoyed by myself. Why I’m so weak? I saw the guards quickly came closer to me and help me to stand up.

“Are you alright, Queen?” one of them asked me.

I nodded my head even d*eep inside of me, I’m not really fine. I feel like I wanted to take some sleep. My wolf was asleep, my witch was exhausted the same as my vampire. I’m damn tired.

“Queen?” they worried called me when I didn’t replied.

I can’t hold it any longer.

“Carry her and bring her to the palace now!” Amanda ordered them.

One of them was about to carry me but he was being interrupted by a cold voice. He was here, I forced to open my eyes to see him.

He was with Lance.

I saw anger in his eyes, so he hates seeing me with another guy. He rushed towards my direction and he’s the one who carry me.

Somehow, I feel better. I closed my eyes and feel the warm radiating from his body. Even if he won’t admit that he’s worried about me I know that he is.

Just this time, I’ll him hold me. And by that I let myself fall into d*eep sleep. I hope everything still fine when I wake up.

Third Person POV

As soon Harper lose her consciousness in his arm, he suddenly felt the pain and loneliness. He new his mate was in pain but his mate is too stubborn to admit that.

When she came in to his room this morning, he saw hurt and disappointment in her eyes but she chose to hide it.

“What happened to her?” he asked Amanda and the guards seriously.

Amanda thinks first before she answered. She needed to help her best friend to keep her d*eepest secret. She promised it so she needs to do it, and besides… she was a true friend so even if she didn’t promised it, she’ll still going to help her friend.

“She’s just tired and I don’t why she faint.” Amanda answered carefully.

She’s completely aware that the Alpha king has a good sense. He will sense if you’re lying or not. He looked at her for a few seconds and then nodding his head.

Amanda let out a sigh of relief secretly. She looked at her friend who is in the arm of the King. Harper is an extraordinary girl, more powerful than anyone else.

So, no wonder why the moon goddess mated him to the alpha king. But there’s a problem, harper wanted to keep her real identity to him and while the king? He thought she’s a human so he despised her.

“I hope the best for you, harp. I hope you’ll find your happiness.” Amanda whispered in the wind.

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