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The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame Chapter 12

The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame

Chapter 12 Awaken

Third Person’s POV

Three royal warriors kneel down in front of the King, he was sitting on his throne strangely thinking about his mate. Two days had passed, she’s still unconscious. Is she that weak to be asleep for how many days?

“Reporting!” they waited for him to talk but he didn’t, he’s still thinking about the human girl.

“King?” Lance called him to get his attention. He blinked once and looked at him.

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“What?” He asked him.

Lance pointed the royal warriors in front of him, he glanced at the royal guard.

“Oh, go ahead.” He said and sign them to talk. Th three of them stand straight and bowed.

“Thank you, your highness.”

“We failed to find the rouges who trespassed, we search all the place inside the territory but still, they are nowhere to be found.” One of them said seriously.

A smirk rosed from his lips and he stand up from his throne. All of them was confused, but didn’t dared to talk.

“Don’t bother to find them, they are gone.” He said while walking downstairs. He just stopped walking when he’s near to the royal guards.

Lance’s eyebrow furrowed on what he said.

“What do you by they were gone?” the king looked at him.

“Dead.” He simply answered.

“How did you know? You just declared this morning that they trespassed.” Lance confusedly said.

“Yeah I know, someone k*ill*ed them.” he seriously said.

“K*ill*ed them? who? That someone k*ill*ed them easily?”

“That’s what I want to know now, who is that person.” He was curious on the creature, he just felt this morning that there are trespassers now they are dead.

If that person can k*ill so easily, he needs a person like that. He or she will be useful to him in expanding his territory.

“Call Chief Commander Cernellian.” He ordered and go back in his throne.

“Three minutes, bring him. Go now.” The three immediately bowed their heads and take their leave.

“Who do you think that person is?” Lance asked him as he sat down on his throne.

“Someone powerful enough to k*ill,” He shortly answered.

“What will you do if you find that person?” he asked him again.

“It depends,”


He looked at lance.

“It’s either I let him or her to live or die.” He answered and get the crown out of his heads. It’s damn annoying, he put in beside him.

“How’s my mate?” he asked his beta.

“According to my wife, she’s still unconscious. She drained her body too much, isn’t strange? What did she do to be exhausted like that?” he’s thinking the same.

“What does the guards who guarded them said?”

“They said, nothing strange happened… they just go to an amusement park, mall, restaurant and then nothing else. But when they walking back to the palace, your mate suddenly faint.” He informed him. He nodded his head and lower down his head to think.

‘she’s really weak,’ he thought.

“I’ll visit her later.” As he said that, the door opened.

Chief Commander Cernellian was walking seriously towards their direction, he kneeled down and bowed his head.

“You wished my presence, your highness?”

“All rise,” all of them stand straight and looked at him but not in his eyes. It will be sign of disrespect when you look at your Alpha king’s eyes without his permission.

“May I know the reason why you called me, your highness?” Archer Cernellian, the chief Commander of royal warriors, said.

He became the leader of the warriors when his father retired from being the chief commander.

“Find the person who k*ill*ed the rouges,” he answered.

Archer’s eyes widened slightly from what he said. The rouges are dead? But they were still finding for their whereabouts.

“Pardon but… were still looking for them—” Lance cut him off.

“They are gone Archer, just do what the King told to you.” He coldly said. Archer can’t do anything but nod his head.

“Alright but… how we find that person?”

“You will feel it, that person is powerful.” He answered.

“But… that’s impossible, we’re familiar on him or her.”

“Just roam around the whole territory, bring to me whoever strange person you see.” He ordered seriously.

“Got it, your highness.” He replied and then bowed.

“Anything else, king?” he continued.

He shook his head.

“Nothing as of now, do your best not to disappoint me.”

“Please rest assured, I won’t be a disappointment.” He answered back.

“Very well then, all of you can take your leave.” All of them nodded and bowed before they leave the room.

When they were gone, he signs his beta to come closer.

“Observe and investigate my mate.”

“Why? Why do you need to investigate her?” he asked him. He smirked before answering his question.

“She’s keeping something from me, and I wanted to know that.”

“Keeping something? She’s your mate why would she keep something from you and besides, even if she wanted too… you will know it because of the bond.” Lance told him, he’s a little confused.

The King and his mate really had a complicated relationship. They were the only couple who he knows that hated each other.

Well, his mate is a human and he happen to despised human. While her? Maybe she’s hurt because he rejected her five years ago.

“That’s the problem, the bond was strong but… I can’t read her mind. She’s really strange, so I wanted you to investigate her for me.”

The only person that the king can’t read its mind, indeed strange.

“Why me? I’m with her always so how can I investigate and observe her? Why not you? You’re her mate.” The king seriously looked at his beta.

“Are you ordering me now?” Lance quickly shook his head.

“I would not dare, your highness.” He answered.

“What I just mean is… you’re the one who can know your mate more. Try to give her a chance, King. Not all human were the same.” He advised and tapped his shoulder.

His faced darkened from what his beta said, he grabbed shirt and lifted him up.

“All human were the same, don’t you dare to say that again.” As he said that, he let go off him.

“Sorry,” that was he just said. He should didn’t trigger his alpha’s anger.

“Leave now, Lance.” He nodded his head and bowed before he leaved.

When he’s beta was gone, he entangled his palm and think. Somehow, his beta was right. He had the privilege to know his mate even more.

He stood up from his throne and also leaved.

In the other side, Alizah finally regained her consciousness. The first one she saw was the three sisters, Em, Adi and Nova.

“Call the doctor, she’s awake now!” Emily said happily.

Alizah groaned softly as she tried to move.

‘Geez, my body still weak,’ she mumbled in her mind.

“Are you alright now, queen?” Nova worriedly asked her. She slowly looked at them, worried and relief was visible in their eyes. She nodded her head.

“Yeah, fine…” she paused when she felt like there’s something in her throat that preventing her to talk.

“Please give me some water.” He forced herself to say. They immediately obeyed what she said. Adi gave her a glass of water, Alizah gladly accept it and drink it straight. After she drink it, she smiled.

“Thank you, anyway how long I’m asleep?” she asked them.

“Two days,” Nova answered.

‘That long?’ Alizah asked herself. ‘I sleep to long that’s why, my throat was dry.’ She let out a sigh and smiled at them again.

“How’s everything? Is there’s something knew when I’m asleep?” she asked them again.

They shook their head.

“Nothing much, but… can I ask something?” Adi asked her, she nodded her head and sign her to talk.

“Go ahead, ask me.”

Adi go near to her, the same as Em and Nova.

“Why the king didn’t even visited you?” he didn’t? hmm, no wonder. Of course, he won’t spare some of his precious time just to visit me. She thought sarcastically.

“He’s probably busy,” she just answered.

Their eyebrow met in the center, not convinced on what she said.

“That’s actually bullshit, sorry for the word. You’re his mate but he doesn’t have time for you?” She just smiled on them. They don’t know the real story, and Alizah think they will curse their own alpha if they knew what he did five years ago.

“Don’t talk something against him, he might hear you guys.” She joked with them, they smiled on what she said.

Emily was about to talk when the door suddenly opened. Em, Nova and Adi’s eyes widened, but they relaxed when they saw the one who came in.

It’s Amanda, Alizah thought also… her mate was the one who entered but she was disappointed again. Her mate doesn’t have f*uc*king care about her.

Well, what does she expect from him? Nothing.

“You’re really awake? How are you?” she asked her best friend and hold her hand.

There was a doctor behind her and lance, he’s carrying Matthew.

“I’m fine, Am. Thanks for the concern.”

“I’m so worried about you, you didn’t wake up for how many days.” Alizah chuckled softly and tapped her shoulder.

“It’s just two days and seriously, I’m alright now.” She said and give her friend a reassuring smile.

“Just two days? You scared the hell out of me, I thought… you’ll sleep forever.” She said and pout.

Alizah smiled.

“You’re just exaggerating, Am.” She joked her. Amanda pouted even more and playfully punch Alizah’s shoulder.

“Ouch.” She acted like she’s hurt.

“haha, sorry.” Amanda replied jokingly and then later on she smiled.

“Aunt!” Matthew goes down in his father’s arm and run towards Alizah’s bed.

“Kiddo!” she called him back and caress his hair.

“Why did you sleep for so long, aunt? Are you so tired?” Matthew innocently asked her. Alizah chuckled once again and smiled at his innocent question.

“Yes kiddo, your aunt was so tired so she slept for so long, now that she’s awake… she’ll tickle you.” As Alizah said that, she started tickling Matthew’s tummy.

Matthew laughed very h*ard.

“Hahaha, stop it aunt!” he yelled happily.

Alizah doesn’t want to stop but she did when she felt a little dizziness and headache. The doctor immediately came closer to her and checked her.

“Harp! Are you alright?” Amanda asked her. Alizah raised her one hand while her eyes was still closed. She’s calming herself and suppressing the pain while the doctor, she’s checking her vitals.

“Mommy, is aunt was still okay?” Matthew worriedly asked too.

“I don’t know, honey.” She honestly answered.

“How is she doc?” Amanda asked the doctor.

“She’s suffering from severe headache, she just needed more time to regain her strength.” The doctor answered.

‘she really used too much of her power and ability a few days ago,’ Amanda thought. She looked at her friend who’s caressing her forehead.

‘I guess this is the consequence of using too much her power, I pity her, she saved lives but her mate doesn’t even cared about her,’ she thoughts once again.

They all looked on the door when it suddenly opened once again, and there he is… standing in the door way while looking at his mate who was sitting on the bed.

“Your highness,” they greeted and immediately bowed their heads.

Alizah opened her eyes when she heard them said that.

‘he’s here but what is his reason? Does he need something to me?’ Alizah asked herself.

She looked straightly in his eyes without fear can be seen in her eyes. He senses pain on her, and he felt it too. He started walking towards her direction without breaking the eye contact.

‘she’s brave enough to look at me in my eyes’ the king amusedly said in his mind.

‘he’s too arrogant and rude, why he became my mate.’ Alizah told in her mind also.

He just stopped walking when he’s in front of her.

“Everyone dismissed.” He ordered seriously. In not less than a minute, they all bowed their head and leave the two of them alone in the room.

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