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The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame Chapter 14

The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame

Chapter 14 Who are you?

Harper Alizah Grace’s POV

A sly smirk form into my lips as I looked at the five girls in front of us. Jessa and Denise had bruises all over their face and arms.

They were kneeling on the ground and didn’t dared to look on us.

“Can someone explained what happened?” My mate… err I really don’t know how to address him. Maybe I just call him by his name? Zach? Geez.

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Jessa looked up.

“Denise just suddenly slapped m—” she didn’t finished her sentence when Denise interrupted her.

“I didn’t meant it, I…” Jessa girl cut her off too.

“You didn’t meant it? You almost k*ill*ed me!” She exclaimed angrily. I just rolled my eyes they were so dramatic.

“No! I wouldn’t dare, you’re my friend Jessa. Why would I k*ill you!”

“You almost did, b*itch!” I glanced at my mate, I saw his face was serious and a little annoyed.

I looked at the scene below again. How messy and pitiful, I thought sarcastically. They didn’t even said what happened earlier than that.

“I’m sorry, but I really don’t meant it. I feel like someone was controlling me, I’m not in my right mind.” Denise tried to explain.

“So, are you telling me that you’re innocent? Don’t push your luck on me, Denise. It doesn’t mean that the King chose you a few days ago, you’re higher than I. You’re still a worthless w*hore.” Oh, that’s a little harsh.

Denise’s eyes widened from what Jessa said. I expect him to talk but he didn’t instead he remained silent.

“How dare you?!” Denise angrily questioned her. She breathing heavily and glaring at Jessa like she wanted to k*ill her.

I felt Amanda came closer to me and she was about to whispered but I stopped her.

“Don’t whisper Am, they will hear you.” I mind linked her. Her eyes widened and her lips slightly parted up.

“You’re really the one ho mink linked me five years ago, I thought that was just an illusion.” She mind-linked back. I can sense shock and disbelief in her voice.

I smiled shortly at her.

“Yeah, that was me.” I told her.

“I always dare, s*lut.”

A loud sharp sound was heard in the area. Denise slapped Jessa in her cheeks so h*ard.

“Oh, that hurts.” I commented.

“You slapped me again? See?! Now tell me, is someone still controlling you? Huh!” Jessa questioned her again in disbelief while caressing her cheeks.

“Are you still controlling Denise?” Amanda asked me in my mind. I looked at her and shook my head.

Controlling her? Nah, why would I? Controlling her isn’t fun.

“Nope.” I answered back.

“If not, why are they fighting? I know they were close friends.” Amanda informed me.

Close friend? Really? I think they secretly hate and envy each other.

“Their anger with each other were true,” I told her also.

She looked at me confused.

“How?” I sign her to watch the scene.

Jessa and Denise started to fight and scratch each other’s face and body. Surprisingly, no one dared to calm them down nor just to stop them.

“You dared to call me s*lut? What kind of friend are you? I didn’t expect you to treat me this way, you just prove to me, on us that you’re a b*itch! Who knows just to care about herself!” Denise was so aggressive now.

She slapped and punched Jessa’s face.

“St-Stop! get off me, you s*lut!”

See? They despised each other. Fake friends.

That was the time someone stopped them, but they didn’t gave up, they jus kept on fighting. They didn’t care who’s watching them huh? How insolent ladies they are?

Everyone below us starting to yelled in panicked, all of them were trying to stopped the two. I think in just a couple of second right now they will shift into their werewolf form and totally k*ill*ed each other.

“Enough!” A loud voice roared in the whole area. All of them stopped what they were doing and bowed.

Finally, he talked and used his Alpha voice. I really thought he’ll remain silent and just watch his w*hore k*ill*ed each other.

I looked at him, he had a murderous aura with him. Oh, the great alpha king was mad now? He stood up from his throne and glared to all of them.

Isn’t too late for him to react this way? Isn’t better if he calmed down the situation earlier? Tsk.

I saw them all bowed their head.

“Tell me what happened before I’ll get mad.” Aren’t you mad already?

“I knew what happened your highness.” I looked at Amanda when she said that. She’ll going to talk? Oh well, I trust her. I know she won’t betrayed me.

Amanda playfully winked at me and went in front of my mate. Because of what she did, I know she’s planning something fun.

I leaned back on my chair and watched her.

All of us was looking at her now.

“Tell me.” He seriously ordered her and sat on his throne again.

She nodded her head and glance at me again. What is she planning to say? Whatever it is, I’ll support her. She stands straight and looked at the girls below.

They were kneeling on the ground again and there are warriors behind them.

“When I was walking in the hallway yesterday, I saw them bullying someone.” She started to say while pointing them.

The five ladies looked at her in shock, oh… She saw that too? I never thought about it.

“They were saying foul and trashy words on that person, they even hurt her physically.” She continued that made their eyes grew even more.

“She’s lying! Why would bully someone!” Jessa yelled.

“Are you telling me that my wife was lying?” Lance entered the scene also.

I crossed my arm on my chest, I found this scene a little entertaining.

“No… Yes… I don’t know. But we’re bullying someone!” Jessa yelled again. The other girls agreed on her, they nodded their head repeatedly.

I heard Amanda laughed sarcastically.

“Oh really? I even heard you say… You will never be our queen, your mate didn’t even want you… does it sounded familiar?”

All of them immediately looked at me, even him. What?

“They bullied you?” He asked me. I looked at him, would that bother him? He’s my mate but he’s bullying me too.

“Yes your highness, you’re right. Your mate was the one who they bullied.” Amanda answered for me.

“No! we’re not bullying her! Your highness, listen to us. We never bullied her.” Jessa tried to approach my mate but a warrior stopped her.

Ha! He didn’t even listened to me, why would he listened on you? He just listened to himself.

I just remained silent. Even if I talk, my voice doesn’t matter.

“Tell me honestly, did they bullied you?” He asked me, again. I seriously looked at him and blankly stared at him.

“Does it bother you if they bullied me? They were right anyway, from the fact that you didn’t even want me.” I answered and looked directly in his eyes.

Oddly, I saw guilt in his eyes but it only lasted for how many seconds. What do I expect from him? It’s his specialty to hide his emotion.

“Of course, it would bother me. You’re my mate.” He answered. Oh really? How true. I see, he’s acting like a good mate in front of them eh?

As he said that, he looked at the girls.

“Are you all aware that bullying my mate is a big crime right?” A big crime, I wanted to laugh because of what he said. Is he f*uc*king kidding himself?

“Pardon us your highness, we didn’t—” He didn’t her to finished her sentence.

“Kicked them all out of the palace and address them as Omegas from now on.” He ordered and stood up from his throne.

He holds my hand and dragged me out with him. As we are leaving, I heard their plead, begging him not to do that to them.

That’s just a light punishment, they were lucky enough not to be k*ill*ed. Five years ago, I was even punished without making any mistakes. That’s the real meaning of unfairness.

I just let him dragged me to somewhere else, struggling will be useless on him anyway.

He just let go off me when we are inside a certain room, not his room. It’s slightly dark inside, well thanks to my night vision ability I am able to see him clearly.

“Are you really trying to humiliate me, huh?” he said emphatically while tweaking my hair so tightly. I knew it, he’s just acting a while ago. He really had hot blood on me. I really wonder how he able to denied the bond.

He didn’t show any affection on me, well, he shown once when he gets me in my old cabin in the middle of the forest.

I looked directly in his eyes and answered “I’m not.” He let go off my hair and pushed me away from him.

“Who the hell are you? Why aren’t you even scare at me?” he suddenly asked me. Oh, he’s curious about me now eh? I sneered and move towards his direction. He was slightly shocked when he saw me approaching him. He’s thinking that I can’t see in the dark because I’m a ‘human’ in his mind.


I stopped right in front of him.

“I’m Harper Alizah Grace, the woman you rejected five years ago.” As I said that I smirked at him and go towards the door.

I opened the door but before I leave I looked at him.

“And remember this Alpha King, this woman you rejected… was your mate who will never going to love you.” I give him a fake smile and bowed my head.

We will trapped each other into this bond. It’s not a big deal on me if he won’t love me but at least he should just respect me.

It’s not my fault if he hated humans, I’m not a human and I will never be. I don’t know which one is my race is. Vampire? Werewolf? Or a Witch. Tsk.

“Wait, stop walking.” I heard an authoritatively voice behind me. I stopped walking but still didn’t facing him.

“I demand you to face me.” I smirk on what he said. He’s ordering me around? Did he forget that I’m not under his control? He’s not my king, nor my Alpha. Our position supposed to be just equal, but he doesn’t want it.

“I commanding you to look at me.” he repeated. He’s using his Alpha voice on me.

I slowly look at him without any expression in my face. When I look at him, I saw rage in his eyes but there a little curiosity.

“Tell me, what are you?” he asked me so seriously.

“A human.” I replied shortly that made his face h*ardened.

“Don’t f*uc*king lie on me.” he warned me emphatically. How pathetic he is.

I looked directly in his eyes.

“You’re lying on me too so why would you expect me to be honest with you? It’s just simple Alpha King, the golden rule. Don’t do the things to others the things you don’t want them to do to you.” I spoke coldly.

I saw him calm down himself. I see, he’s really keeping secrets from me. How absurd this mate thing is? I don’t feel that I had a mate, I feel worse than I could ever feel.

“Harp—” Amanda stopped calling me when she saw my mate in front of me.

“Oh, sorry… just continue talking—” I cut her off.

“I’ll go with you, Am.” As I said that, I started walking away from him.

“Why did you left him there?” She asked me.

I sign her to not mind him.

“Let’s go.”

She nodded her head even if she’s confused. Just like what I expected, he didn’t chase after me.

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