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The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame Chapter 19

The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame

Chapter 19 Zandea

Harper Alizah Grace’s POV

“Yeah. You’re not new to that right?” I heard her asked me.

“No.” I answered.

“Why did you asked me that anyway?” She asked me again.

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“I’m just curious.” I replied and resumed eating while listening to their conversation.

“Tell them not to come tomorrow, we’ll go there personally to their pack.” I stopped eating and looked at his direction. He’ll leave and go there?

“Alright King.” Hiro answered.

“Lance, stay here and take over. I’ll go with Hiro.” He ordered and then he looked at me. What?

“And you, you’ll go with me.” Eh? I’ll go with him? What will I do there?

“Don’t look at me like that. Of course, I need your presence.” He continued.

“What if I don’t want to come?”

“I didn’t asked for your permission mate.” I see, still the arrogant king I know.

“Yeah, whatever.” I replied and rolled my eyes.

Anyway, I’m curious what’s happening too, why the rouges becoming more aggressive.

“Can I come too?” I heard Zandea asked energetically.

We all looked at her.

“No love, it’s dangerous.” Hiro disagreed.

“That’s unfair! I want to come too.” She insisted.

“Alright you’ll come.” Zandea smiled devilishly.

“That’s great.”

“How far is the Rivermoon pack from here?” I asked in Amanda’s mind.

“So far, maybe six to seven hours trip if you guys will use vehicle, and if you will run it takes eight and more hours.” She answered.

Oh, so long? It sounds so tiring. I can’t mind link her anymore if that’s the case, the rage of my ability was only 100 miles.

“That’s the outskirt of the territory.” She continued.

“Okay, thanks for answering.”

“You’re welcome.” And the link ended.

We resumed eating silently and after a few minutes we’re done. I stand up and excused myself.

“Thanks for the lunch.” I thanked and nodded.

“I’ll take my leave now.” I continued.

“We’ll go with you.” Amanda said and stand up with Matthew.

“Thank you for the lunch, King.” She thanked too and bowed her head.

“My pressure.” He answered.

When he said that Amanda stood up from her seat and carried Matthew.

“Let’s go then?” she asked me.

“Yeah, come on.”

“Wait!” We both looked on Zandea’s direction.

“Why?” I asked her.

“Can I come too?”

This is funny, I don’t even know where are we going to.

“Yeah, sure.” I answered and smiled.

The four of us leave the dining room and went to nowhere.

“where are we going?” Zandea asked us. I shrugged my shoulder.

“Actually, I planned to back in my room after lunch.” I honestly said.

Her lips form an o-shape.

“Really?” she asked me. I nodded my head.

“Yes, but since you guys wanted to come. I think we should roam around the palace?” I suggested.

They smiled.

“That’s a great idea!” Zandea replied happily. She’s so hyper, much hyper than Amanda.

Well, Amanda became fine and matured lady now. She had a handsome son and wonderful family.

“Mommy! Aunt said that we will roam around the palace. I’m excited!” Matthew exclaimed happily too. Haha, he’s so cute.

“Yes honey, we will.” Amanda replied gently to her son. And patted his head. Matthew smiled so widely and giggled. He looked so excited, I wonder, aren’t they tried to roam around the palace yet?

“Shall we go now?” They nodded their heads.

“Shall we.”

While we are walking in the huge and long hallway, Amanda and Zandea were talking about me like as if I’m not with them. haha, but it’s fine with me anyway.

“She’s your best friend you were talking about?” Zandea asked her in disbelief when Amanda told her that I was her best friend, long lost best friend precisely.

“Yes she is.” Amanda answered and glanced at me. I was the one who were holding Matthew’s hand.

“That’s really cold and unexpected. Anyway, why the two of you parted apart?” she asked her again. This time I looked at them. Is Amanda will tell the true reason?

“It’s a long story.” She chose to answered.

“I had a plenty of time to listen.”

Amanda and I stared at her. She really wanted to know the reason why? Maybe if she’ll hear the reason she’ll hate her cousin?

“Are you sure you wanted to know?” I asked her. She nodded her head repeatedly.

Alright then.

“Are you sure you’re willing to tell also, Harp?” Amanda asked me. I looked at her and gave her a smile.

“Yeah, don’t worry Am. She’s willing to listen too.” I answered.

“Spill it now, I’m really curious.” Oh well.

“We parted apart because…” I paused and glance at Amanda, she nodded.


I looked at her again.

“Because my mate once rejected me.” her smile faded, it was replaced by shock.

“What? I mean how? When?”

“You’re perfectly aware that the king’s hates human right?” Amanda asked her so she looked at her.

“Yes I know that, but he rejected her because she’s human? That’s absurd.” She answered. I can sense anger and disappointment in her voice.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought too.” Amanda said too. They both looked at me.

“When did that happen?” She asked me.

“Five years ago, in his coronation night.”

Her eyes widened.

“He found you that time? Oh wait… Gosh! Are you the woman they dragged out?” she asked me in shock. I slowly nodded my head and answered ‘Yes.’

She covered her mouth while still looking at me in disbelief.

“Tell me you didn’t accept his rejection right?” She asked me again one more time.

“Believe me, she actually accepted it.” Amanda answered it for me. Zandea’s eyes grew even wider.

“Oh my gosh! Why did you accept it?” I frowned at her question.

“I asked her the same question,”

I took a d*eep breath.

“I still have my pride okay, I don’t want to force myself on someone who doesn’t want me. Rejection is a choice and he chose to reject me that time without any valid reason. He’s the king of this land, I was nothing against him, his words are the law here.” I answered honestly.

Well only if I’m with myself, only if I don’t need to hide my true identity.

“Somehow you’re right, my cousin has been an a*ss*hole to you. Did he even said sorry when he found you again? I really think he still doesn’t found his mate yet and he’s been searching for you for almost five years.”

Searching for me? I thought too, he’s only tracing me because he wanted to k*ill me. geez. And nope, he didn’t said sorry when he found me in my old cabin in the forest.

He treated me worse. He’s been only kind to me just a few hours ago. And that’s when he said sorry, I don’t know if he’s serious and sincere that time. Although, he sounded sincere enough so I believed him.

“Harper?” I was being pulled back in the reality when Zandea called me.

“Ah, yeah he said sorry already but that’s not enough to earn my trust and forgiveness.” I answered.

She nodded her head.

“Give him a h*ard time since he made a big mistake of rejecting you, and oh wait… if he rejected you, why you’re still his mate? Is there a second chance?” That’s what I’m asking too, and I wanted to know the answer of it.

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