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The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame Chapter 22

The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame

Chapter 22 Bounded and Trapped

Harper Alizah Grace’s POV

I closed the door of my room as I got in. It’s getting dark outside, we came back a few hours ago but we stayed in the living room of the palace and talk about anything we wanted to talk about.

When I closed the door, I slowly went in the terrace of the room and looked outside. From where I’m standing at, I can see tall trees and green grasses below and the blue sky. It’s a good scenery, so relaxing.

Tomorrow, we’ll going to leave. I don’t know how long are we going to stay there but one thing for sure in my mind. We won’t go back without any answer or solving the problem.

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I let out a d*eep sigh when I saw the sun finally replaced by the moon. And I just remembered now, I’m not prepared for our trip tomorrow. I still haven’t prepared my things. Geez. Why does he even wanted me to come along with him?

I slowly looked around when I heard the door opened. And there he is, standing while looking at me, intently. What does he need this time? I gave him a questioning stare.

“Did you have fun?” he asked me gently.

It’s really strange to see him acting this way.

“Yeah, I did.” I answered. When we arrived a while ago, we heard that him, lance and Hiro go to the city. I don’t know the reason and I didn’t bother to ask why.

“That’s good to hear. Did you packed some of your things now?” he asked me again and then he started to walked closer to my direction.

He just stopped walking when he’s already in front of me. I shook my head and answered no. he looked at me intently before he nodded in understanding.

“I see, come on… I’ll help you to pack your things.” He said and then smiled. I blinked twice when I saw him smiled like that.

I really assumed him to yelled at me because I haven’t still packed my things for the trip but… he did the opposite.

That’s indeed unexpected. Is he really going to treat me right? Or he’s just acting to gain my trust? So confusing.

“My things are on your room, the maids just collected my things a while ago remember?”

“Yeah, I know that. I’m completely aware. So? Come on?” He asked me and leaned his hand in front of me. I looked in his hand and then in his face, he’s giving me a convincing look.

Nah, I won’t take his hand.

“Alright, let’s go.” As I said that I started to walk.

I heard him let out a sigh and then followed me. We just go in his room that was located next to mine.

“Where did the put my things?” I asked him while observing the surroundings. I’m here again, the place where I saw him with another woman.

That scenery stays in my mind whatever things I did to get that image in my mind. I must admitted, I still feel the pain in my heart.

“There.” He simply answered and then pointed the big and tall closet.

“Oh, and the luggage?” I asked once again.

“Over there.” He replied. I gaze over the place he pointed at. I saw two black bags in that place. I nodded my head and walks towards that place and get the bags.

I was about to carry the bag but he snatched it away in my hand and he carried it.

“You don’t need to do that, I can carry—”

“Shh… I know that you can but let me do it for you.” I looked intently at him. Do he need to do that huh? he’s acting like as if he’s a gentle man because I know that he’s not.

But then… never mind. If this is what he wanted then let him be. I shouldn’t care about it. I watched him walking away and when he felt that I’m not following him, he looked at me.

“Come on.” He said and then signed me to follow him. I just shrugged my shoulder and let out a d*eep sigh before I followed him.

“How many days are we going to stay there?” I asked him while we are packing some of my things, like T-shirts and jeans. I don’t want to get dresses, the trip is not a vacation, it’s a mission.

“Not sure about it, I might change my mind whenever I wanted.” He answered.

I stopped folding my shirt and looked at him. He might change his mind whenever he wanted. So, does that mean if he wanted to treat me so bad he can do it anytime he wanted? That’s so bipolar of him, not really heathy.

“I see.” I replied shortly and resumed folding my shirt.

“I can do the rest, did you pack yours already?” I asked him.

“No.” He plainly answered. He’s telling me to pack mine but he still hasn’t packed his? That’s so unfair and boastful of him.

“Then, you should pack yours now.” I told him.

“Later, when you’re done packing yours.” He replied. Why does he only need to pack when I’m done? Isn’t it better if we prepare our things at the same time?

So weird of him.


I just resumed what I am doing until I finished it. And when I’m done, I looked at him.

“I’m done, I’ll go ahead now. And as what you said this morning, I’ll sleep on my room tonight.” I excused and stand up from his bed.

“Bye.” I said before I started walking away.

“Hold on…” He stopped me so I looked at him.

“Why?” I asked him, emotionlessly.

“Aren’t you going to help me pack my stuffs? I just helped you.” I stared at him, intently. Oh, that’s so bad of me. I move again my feet closer to him, I was about to sit down on the edge of the bed when he suddenly pulled me down.

We both fall in his bed and I landing on his h*ard and firm chest.

“What are you—” He didn’t gave me a chance to finish my sentence because he lifted me up and change our position. I’m not in his chest anymore, he’s pinning me against the bed.

“What do you think you are doing?” I warned him. But instead of pulling away, he grinned at me.

“Hugging you?” He answered huskily. This is not a hug!

“Get off.” I seriously ordered him.

“What? I can’t hug my own mate?” The mate he once rejected? Yah, he doesn’t have right to hug me nor to be close to me this much. I put my hand on his chest and tried to pushed him away but he only captured my hand and pinned it above my head.

“Zach!” I can’t help it but to warned him using his name.

He looked at me intently like I was his prey that he wanted to ravish. This is a serious matter, he needed to stopped what he is planning to do to me.

“Say it again,” his voice became raspy. I hate to admit but I found his voice s*exy, damn.

“Get off, I won’t repeat what I said.” I firmly said while jerking away, but heck, his grip was too tight.

“Believe me you’ll repeat it… too many times in the future. You’ll scream my name in press—” I didn’t let him finished his sentence.

“Shut up!” I warned him. He laughed from my reaction, and later on he let go of me while still laughing.

“you can’t change your future love, you are bounded and trapped to me.” I immediately get off the bed and rushed towards the door.

Before I leave, I looked at him.

“Don’t call me, Love.” I said sharply and closed the door. I run towards my room and as I got in, I locked it and leaned against the door. Damn, my heart beats so fast, I feel like there’s so many wild animals running in my heart.

Damn the bond, damn this whole mate thing.

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