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The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame Chapter 23

The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame

Chapter 23 Leaving

Harper Alizah Grace’s POV

“Are you ready?” I heard him asked me so I looked at him. We are currently walking in the long and wide corridor of the palace.

A few minutes from now, we’re leaving.

“Yeah, always.” I answered and looked back on our way again.

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The surrounding became silent after that, I don’t know why he’s trying to create a conversation with me. Because all I know, we’re not still fine to talk like we don’t have issue on each other.

That’s really odd of him. Well, let’s move on. I should think about our trip, slash a mission.

“Harper!” Zandea called my name when we reached the living room. I saw her with Hiro, Amanda and Lance.

“Hey.” I greeted back with a small smile on my lips.

Amanda and Zandea went closer to me while smiling. Is there something funny? Why are they looking at me like that?

“Are you two gotten along together?” Amanda asked me in my mind.

I stared at her confusedly, do we looked like okay? That we’re fine now?

“What I mean is… you two go here together.” Ha, is that a big issue huh.

“Nope, we’re not good.” I answered.

“What was that?” my gazed travelled on Zandea when she asked me that. What?

She pointed me and my mate who is now talking with Hiro and Lance. What’s about me and him?

“Pardon?” Their smiles widened. They were glancing at me, maliciously.

“You two looked so fine together.” Zandea teased me. I shrink from what she said. Ha! Me and him? We’re looked good together? That’s the funniest sentence I ever heard this day.

“Nah, that’s absurd Zandy.” I strongly disagreed but the two of them just sneered at me from ear to ear.

They are impossible! Why are they making fun of me right now?

“Oh really? But you two really adorable to stared at, right Amanda?”

“Yeah right.” She replied. I shook my head and answered a firm no.

“Stop messing around, guys.” I warned them.

“Alright, alright we’ll stop now. Haha, you’re no fun.” Zandea replied jokingly. I just rolled my eyes on her.

“Why are you so grumpy today? Did something strange happened?” Amanda asked me. I don’t know too why I’m grumpy today. Maybe my red days was coming nor because of what happened last night.

It’s really annoying though. I can’t sleep last night because I’m thinking and analyzing what is he really planning to do.

Why he became nice to me suddenly. That’s really confusing and questionable.

“Harper?” I was being pulled back in the reality when Amanda called my name.

“Hmm?” I hummed.

“You’re not listening aren’t you?” They were talking to me?

“Huh? what you were saying?” I asked them.

“Geez, I was saying is… did something strange happen?” Amanda repeated her question.

“Oh, nothing.” I answered.

“Okay, as you said so.” She agreed but still smirking at me.

I narrowed my eyes on her, I was about to talk but I was interrupted by my mate. Great timing.

“Come on, Mate. Let’s go now.” I glanced at him.

“We’re leaving now? Is everything’s ready?” Zandea asked him. He nodded his head and answered yes.

Oh, alright then. I looked again on Amanda and grinned too. You will have your day on me when we come back.

“we’ll go ahead now, take care here.” I told her. She nodded her head and embrace me.

“You two, please take care. Come back here without any scars and wounds on your body.” She said jokingly so I tapped her back.

“You know I won’t Am,” I answered meaningfully. She chuckled and let go off me.

“I’ll pity whoever will try to hurt you.” I laughed softly on what she said.

“They should be scared.” I tag along with her joke.

“Did I miss something?” we both looked at Zandea when she asked us that. Oh, we almost forgot she’s still besides Amanda.

“Haha, nothing. You know, she’s a good fighter.” Amanda replied.

“Ah about that haha. Yeah, they should be scare of her because she’ll definitely going to kick their asses.” She said also. The three of us looked in to each other and then we burst into laughter.

“Are you two coming or not?” We stopped laughing when we heard my mate’s voice again. He sounded impatient.

“Alright, we’ll go ahead now.” I told to Amanda and hug her for the last time before we go.


“Bye, see you soon.” I nodded my head and turned around.

I walked towards my mate, he was waiting for me.

“Whose coming with us except Zandea and Hiro?” I asked him.

“A bunch of warriors.” He answered and snaked his hand around my waist.

I looked up on him. What is he doing?

“Get it off.” I waned him but he only looked at me and smiled. I tried to get his hand off my waist but I failed, instead he tightened his grip on me.

I just took a d*eep breath and let him. I can’t control him so I can’t do anything to stop him anyway. We went inside his car, we both sat down on the passenger seat.

As the car started to move, he let go off me and sigh.

“You can sleep while we are on our way. I know you didn’t sleep well.” He told me.

How did he know that I didn’t sleep well?

“It’s kinda obvious love, you got dark circle under your eyes.” I suddenly became conscious on my face. Do I look terrible?

“Even you don’t have enough sleep, you still look beautiful though.” He continued that made me blushed slightly. I looked sideward to avoid his stares. Damn.

“Oh wait, are you blushing?” He amusedly asked me.

“Nope.” I strongly denied.

I heard him chuckled.

“Alright then, if you’re not blushing look at me.” He dared me. I silently took a d*eep breath and looked at him.

“I said no.” I emotionlessly.

I saw him grinned and then later on, he chuckled softly.

“Okay, as you said so.” He said and then smiled. Geez, I think I won’t get used of his attitude, he can be unpredictable sometimes.

I just shrugged and move away from him.

“what are you doing?” he asked me.

“Nothing.” I replied.

He moved closer to me and held my hand without my permission.

“What are you doing?” I asked him seriously. He sneered at me.

“Nothing.” He mimicked my answer. Did he just said that to me? the heck?

“Don’t look at me like that, you look so cute.” What? He’s so f*uc*king clingy!

“Let go, I wanted to sleep.”

“Then sleep, here.” He tapped his shoulder. Is he really serious when he said that he’ll be nice on me?

That’s questionable but he’s making it possible right now.

“No thanks.” I declined. He looked at me intently like he’s giving me a ‘don’t argue with me look’ so I sigh and answered fine.

I leaned against his shoulder and closed my eyes. He’s still holding my hand carefully.

“Sleep well.” He whispered and by that I let myself fall in to d*eep sleep.

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