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The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame Chapter 27

The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame

Chapter 27 Bad Impression

Harper Alizah Grace’s POV

After I ate my meal, I wiped my mouth using a tissue paper and lean back on the passenger’s seat.

“We will move now, King.” I heard the driver’s informed us.

Finally, we will leave now in this place, why I feel like were not safe here? That there’s someone watching us?

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“Alright.” He just answered coldly.

“Got it, King.” The man in the driver seat replied calmly.

After he said that, the car started to move. I put my hand on my lap and took a d*eep breath. I wish there will be no problem we might encounter again in our way.

“Do you want to ask something?” He suddenly asked me which made me looked at him. What?

He was looking at me too.

“I mean, you looked bothered. So, I thought… you’re thinking about something.” He continued.

Even if I will ask him, I’m pretty sure that he won’t going to answer my question.

“Nah, I don’t have anything to ask.” I answered and removed my gaze on him.

I just looked outside and watched the trees we are passing by. Even if I there’s so many questions I wanted to know, he’s not the one who can help me to find the answers.

If he wanted to tell me everything, just say it. I’m willing to listen, but then again… I doubt it, he will never going to say his real intention towards me.

Why he claimed me back and why he’s acting nice to me suddenly?

“Believe me, you can ask me anything. I’ll try my best to answer it.” I gazed back on him when he said that. Really?

“Why did you claimed me back?” I asked him, directly.

I expected him to be serious but he smiled. What’s with that smile of him?

“Because you’re my mate.” He answered softly. I slowly smirked, nice try but I won’t take that s*hit as an answer of my question.

I’m completely aware that he’s my mate, but the thing I wanted to know is why he rejected me then claimed me back again?

See, he doesn’t really have the intention to answer all of my question. He just wanted to created a conversation with me to know me… wait, is he doing this because he’s starting to doubt my identity?

Got yah. You can’t fish any information about me, unless I’ll tell him or Amanda will tell. But I doubt that, she won’t betray me.

“Thank for answering,” I answered sarcastically and looked away.

I heard him sigh, did my b*itchy attitude hit his nerve?

“Alright, I’ll tell my reason.”

“Go ahead, I’m listening.” I answered without looking at him.

“You’re aware that I loathed humans right?” he asked me.

“Yeah, I know that well.” I replied shortly.

“And may I know the reason why you hate human so much?” I continued and gazed at him.

I’m really curious about that. What human did to make him loathed them this way? I saw his face become serious and his body stiffened.

I guess he remembered what they just did to him. Is it that terrible?

“They k*ill*ed my mother and sister.” He answered. I can heard despise and anger in his voice.

That’s indeed terrible and unforgivable but did he need to generalized all human to be the same?

I mean, not the entire human race k*ill*ed his mother and sister.

“Then how did I got involved about that? Why did you rejected me after knowing that I’m a human?” I can’t help but to ask. His reason doesn’t make sense to me.

“That’s it, as what you said… You’re a human. You don’t have any idea how mad I am to your race, only if I can k*ill all of you.” He angrily answered back.

I laughed without any humor in my voice. That’s it, he loses his s*hits.

“Tell me who k*ill*ed them?” I asked him.

He looked at me intently like he was thinking if he’ll going to tell or nit, but at the end he told me.

“The hunters.”

Hunters, the mortal enemy of werewolf, vampire, serene and other mythical creatures. But even if I’m a human, I’m not a f*uc*king hunter.

“Am I a hunter in your eyes?” I ask him.

“Am I the one who k*ill*ed your mother and sister? Is that you’re freaking reason why you rejected me because I’m a dang human?”

“No, but you all were the same. Human are worthless, pathetic creature of this world. They deserve to die early.” My mouth left hanging because of what he said. He looks so down on humans.

“Start with me then, k*ill me if that’s what you want,” I paused and looked him darkly.

“Don’t you ever think that I, we the innocent people doesn’t have anything to do with your anger? We’re not the same to those persons who k*ill*ed your mother and sister.” I can’t help but to say that. I know that words of mine will trigger his anger even more

But heck, he’s making human looks so bad. That’s not fair to human who doesn’t even know about their existence.

“Don’t you f*uc*king dare to use that voice on me. Yes, I know that you’re not a hunter but that doesn’t change the fact that a human like you were the one who k*ill*ed my sister and mother. Got it?! A hunter is human.” He yelled in my face and hold my shoulder tightly.

And that’s a fake perspective about me. I’m not a freaking human, I’m a f*uc*king tribid.

“Let go.” I warned him but he just tightened his grip on my shoulder. Damn.

“I said, let me f*uc*kin’ go! Is that h*ard to understand?”

He slowly let go off me and his face softened.

“I’m… I’m sorry for yelling and hurting y—” I didn’t let him to finished his sentence.

“Stop, I don’t want to hear any words from you. I know that you really don’t mean to be nice on me, you’re just doing this to gain my trust which you will never get.” I sharply said.

My anger is talking control all over my system again.

“Calm down, Alizah.” My witch calmed me down.

“Why? She’s just letting go of her anger. That bastard needs to learn his lesson.” Venice talked back.

“Really, Ven? That guy you just called bastard were our mate.” Reenah also replied. Geez, they will start an argument again.

“Stop arguing, it’s kinda irritating me.” I warned them. Gladly, they stopped. Good.

“I’m not really acting, I just wanted us to start over again, isn’t that wrong?” I looked at him again when I heard him said that.

No, I mean yes? I’m not really sure if I wanted us to start over again.

He gave me a bad impression that will be h*ard to change.

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