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The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame Chapter 30

The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame

Chapter 30 Zandea’s Life

Harper Alizah Grace’s POV

As we walk in the long pathway, she’s talking about her life. On how she convinced her mother to accept her mate. And I t’s really aspiring to hear her story, they fight for each other.

“so, she only accepted my mate when Hiro save me from the hunters.” Hiro is her Hero, his name suites his personality.

But wait? Hunters.

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“You have been kidnapped by hunters?” I asked her. She nodded her head.

“Yes, it’s tragic actually.” My eyebrow furrowed in curiosity.

“What, what happened?” I asked her again. She glanced at me.

“It’s a long story.” She replied and laughed lowly.

“I have a plenty of time to hear, but if you don’t want to tell… it’s al—” She didn’t let me to finish my sentence.

“No, I would like to tell but I’m just afraid that you’ll just get bored.” I chuckled softly.

“Nope. I found it thrilling actually.” I told her.

“Alright, I’ll tell. That was happened four years ago. I was already twenty-two when the first time I met my mate, no, when I learn that Hiro was my mate either.” She started to tell.

“You met him late.” I stated rather than question. She nodded her head.

“Yeah, you see… I stayed abroad for how many years so I didn’t get the chance earlier to know that he’s actually my mate.” Oh, that’s make sense.

“So, you two know each other since childhood?”

“hmm, but we’re not really close. My mother made me stayed always in my room than going out and makes friend.” Her mother literally caged her. That’s terrible experience when she’s a child.

“But I understand it, I’m a princess, not the crowned princess but still a princess though so my security matters.” She continued.

I nodded my head in understanding.

“So, let’s get back in your question a while ago. As what I’m saying, I was being kidnapped four years ago. That was all started when I went in to a run alone because I’m angry. Angry to anyone, to myself and to everything.”


“My mother locked me down in my room and I saw my mate cheating on me.” What?

“Woah, are you serious? I mean how did he cheat on you?”

“It’s true, I saw it with my two eyes. He’s k*issing a girl.” Holly s*hit, that’s really terrible.

“It hurts and really painful so the thing I wanted to do that time is to run and leave. I thought he love me but he disgusted me.” It’s a good thing I can’t hear hate in her voice now. I assumed she moved on.

“So, when I runaway… a group of hunters saw me in my wolf form, they chased me and eventually captured me. I’m still lucky that time though, they didn’t k*ill*ed me. But… they tortured me.” This time I can sense anger in her voice.

“You hated humans?” I asked her. She gazed at me and shook her head.

“No, I solely hate hunters, not humans.” She replied. She’s not like her cousin. That mate of mine was generalizing human to be the same. Shame on him. Tsk.

“I stayed in their dungeon for how many weeks. They said they won’t k*ill me because they can use me to k*ill more werewolves. They’ll use me as a bait.”

I don’t understand too why there are people pledge to k*ill werewolves, vampires and other mythical creatures. I mean, they were just human, their strength is nothing against us.

I mean, they were good in fighting because they were specialized to k*ill or eliminate werewolves or vampires but think about this scenario. What will happened to them if they will face me? A creature like me who had a blood of Werewolf, Vampire and a witch?

I can k*ill them without even moving.

That’s so dumb of them actually. But then, it’s their own business… I won’t mind it as long they won’t get me involve.

“Are you still listening Harper?” she asked me. I looked at her.

“Sorry, please continue.”

“Okay, One more week after… finally he found me. They found and saved me. They k*ill*ed all the hunters who kidnapped me.” I nodded my head, that’s great.

“And that day, my body were so weak so I fainted. When I woke up, the first thing I saw was my mate. He’s holding my hand while sleeping.” Oh, that’s so sweet of him.

“What happened next then?” I asked. I was eager to know what did she do afterwards, did she forgive him?

She smiled.

“Good thing happened next, I have learned that he never cheated on me. That my mother framed him up.” Her evil side reached that far huh.

“Since that then, I hated my mother. I never talk to her for how many weeks. Knowing her, she got a big pride so she didn’t bother to apologized.”

“But then, we got a big and heated fight. I told to her what I feel, when she saw me burst into crying… her face softened. She apologized on me, she said she just wanted the best for me.” By that, I slowly smiled.

She’s lucky that she experienced the feeling of having a mother.

“That’s good to hear.” I commented and smiled.

“Yeah, you’re right. I’m glad that she changed.”

“Anyway, where’s is your mother?” I asked her.

“She’s with my sister in the Villa.” She replied.

“Villa? You mean the Alania Villa?” She glanced at me and smiled widely.

“You know that place?” She asked me in surprise.

“Yeah, I know. Me and Amanda have been there once.” I replied.

‘Oh, really? That’s surprising. So, did you saw my mother and sister there?” I shook my head.

“Nope, I don’t know what your mother and sister looked like.” I answered honestly.

Her lips form an o-shape.

“You don’t know the former crowned princess and the current princess?” She asked me in disbelief. I shook my head.


“That’s kinda odd, haha. Anyway, what did you two did there?” she asked me.

“Just hanging out, it’s autumn festival. So, it’s free to come and go inside the villa.” I answered.

She nodded her head.

“Oh, I see. I envy you, you’ve been there when the Autumn festival was being celebrated.”

“Haha, it will be celebrated again this year. It’s an annual event you know.”

“Yeah, haha I almost forgot.” She answered back and softly laughed.

I stopped walking and looked around. I feel like there something strange.

“Harper, are you alright?” She asked me when she noticed that I’m not talking anymore.

“Don’t you feel that?” I asked her.

She looked around too, her brow furrowed when she didn’t feel anything.

“Feel what?” She asked.

There’s someone watching us. Who might it be? I shook my head when I can’t feel that person presence again.

“No, nothing.” I answered and gave her a curt smile. She looked at me intently before nodding her head.

“You know, you’re mysterious. You’re a human but not scared of us.” She said in amusement.

“Perk of living in werewolf world for so long.” I joked. Nope, that’s not the real reason. She laughed softly on what I said.

“Yeah, right.” She agreed while laughing.

“Let’s change our topic, I have this question that I wanted to ask you since the day I saw you. If you won’t mind can I ask it?” She asked me. I nodded my head.

“Go ahead, I won’t mind.” Answered.

“Don’t get me wrong about this, but why a human like you doing here in the werewolf world?” She asked me. I feel silent for a few seconds.

“No offense but, it’s really rare to have a human freely roaming around inside the territory.” She continued.

Oh, she’s curious about that.

“No, worries. The reason why I’m here because…” I paused, she waited for my answer.

“I used to live a pack before.” That’s completely true.

“Which pack?” She asked.

“Already gone.” I answered.

She opened her mouth to ask but she shut it down again. Her eyes were full of pity.

“I’m sorry to hear that.” I shook my head.

“No, it’s alright.”

“I’m really sorry for asking, it must be terrible to lose your pack, even if we say that you’re just a human.” I smiled and tapped her shoulder.

“I’m really fine, Zandy.” I reassured her.

“Alright, I’m really sorry for—” I gave her a look.

“It’s fine. By the way, I’m tired walking, let’s have a rest.” She nodded her head.

“Alright.” She agreed.

We looked around to find a place where we can stay at. And luckily, we just found one.

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