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The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame Chapter 31

The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame

Chapter 31 Vision

Harper Alizah Grace’s POV

My body stiffened when I felt that something bad might happened. Damn, what was that?


A fight…

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A traitor.


I closed my eyes tightly. That’s not a good vision, heck. A bloody fight will occur again.

“Harper!” I was taken back in the reality when Zandea called my name so loudly.

“Are you alright? You looked bothered?” I closed my eyes once again and take a d*eep breath.

“Yeah, just fine.” I answered.

“You didn’t look fine to me, are you sure that you’re fine? We can go back in the pack house now?” She asked to me worriedly.

I nodded my head.

“Maybe we better should.” I replied and stand up. I don’t really feel good after seeing that vision.

Knowing my power, it doesn’t lie. Not even once. That vision will happened, I just don’t know when.

“I’m worried, what happened to you? You became silent suddenly?” She asked me again as we walked towards the mansion.

I’m worried, someone will going to die that time. Sometimes, I wish I can’t foresee the future but I can’t stop myself seeing those vision. It suddenly popped in my mind like it was just natural to me.

“Hey, you’re spacing out again.”

“Sorry,” I mumbled. She stopped walking so do I. She looked intently at me.

“Can you tell me what’s wrong?” Zandea asked me gently.

I shook my head, I have nothing to say. I can’t tell her what happened and what I saw. All of them knows that I’m just a human so I can’t, I just can’t.

“Maybe I’m just tired. I wanted to sleep, come on the sun was setting down.” I told to her and smiled shortly.

She stared at me for a few seconds before nodding.

“Okay, let’s go.” She answered and smiled too.

We go back to the mansion and when we got there, we saw that they still haven’t come back yet.

“Hey.” Zandea and I looked around when we heard someone suddenly talked behind us.

It’s Gaea.

Zandea looked at me like she was telling me something to me, huh? When she saw that I didn’t get it, she looked at Gaea who’s smiling to us widely.

“Hey.” Zandea greeted back.

Oh, did she mean we will greet her back?

“Hi.” I said and looked at Gaea also.

Her smile widened even more.

“Do you two have anything else to do?” She asked us. I shook my head, aside from the thought that I wanted to sleep. No, I have nothing else to do.

“Why?” Zandea asked her.

“Can I have spares of your time?” She asked us. Why?

“I mean, can you help me to cook? For the dinner.” She continued when she saw our confused faces. Oh, I see.

I gave her a curt smile.

“Sure, we would love to help.” I answered.

“Lead the way please,” Zandea told her also.

“Great, thank you so much.” She happily thanked us. This is better, I think I can’t eat freely after knowing that there’s something strange here.

“Please follow me, I’ll show the kitchen.” We both nods our heads and fallowed here.

As we walk in the hallway, we saw five ladies cleaning the house.

“They were the omegas, my mate gave them a work here to cover up their personal expenses.” Gaea in formed us when she saw me looking at them.

My eyebrow furrowed, they look so young to work.

“Don’t get us wrong, it’s their choice to work here.” Oh, I see.

We reached a certain door, she stopped walking.

“This is the kitchen, let’s get inside. Come on.” She invited us while opening the door.

As we got in, I can say… I’m impressed. It’s beautiful inside and pristine.

“Welcome to our lovely kitchen.” She welcomed us warmly.

Now, I’m starting to doubt my first impression about her. Maybe, she’s kind. I’m just wrong about her.

“This is awesome kitchen.” Zandea complimented. Yeah, she’s right.

“Ow, thank you.” I looked around the area. I noticed that there are two persons inside, they were looking on us.

“Ah, that’s Peony—” She pointed the girl.

“An that’s Yano.” The older man.

“They are the cook of this pack. Since we have a lot of visitors today, they can’t prepare all the dishes in their own. So, they need help and that’s why we are here.” Gaea explained.

Oh, I see.

“We’re pleased to meet you Princess, Queen.” As they said that, they bowed.

“Likewise.” Zandea answered back while smiling.

They smiled widely too then gazed at me.

I saw the girl mouthed ‘Human’. It’s really big issue on them huh. Only if they know.

“Alright, everything’s settled down now and we’ll start cooking!” Gaea announced loudly.

“Okay.” Zandea went closer to me.

“What do you think about them?” she whispered in my ear.

“Nothing,” I answered back.

“Nothing? Why?” She asked me once again. I looked at her.

“No certain reason, let’s just help them Zandy.”


Yano told to us to peel up the onions, garlic and potatoes so we did. It’s just a simple work so, were fine with it.

While we are working, I’m secretly observing them all.

“Ummmh, Harper, come… taste this.”

“What’s that?” I asked her while looking at the food inside the spoon.

“Just have a taste,” She insisted so I couldn’t do anything but to obey what she said.

Upon tasting the food, I slowly nodded my head in approvement.

“It’s delicious, right?” She energetically asked me.

“Yeah, you’re right. Who cooked this?” I asked.

“Me!” She exclaimed.

“You? Really? You’re good.” I commented and smiled.

“Haha, thanks. Anyway, what did you cooked?” She asked me. I shake my head.

“I’m not really good at cooking.” I answered, well that’s a lie. I can cook but only for myself.

“You don’t? If you want, I can teach you how.” She offered me which made me smiled wider.

“That will be great. Soon, when we go back at the palace.” I told her and continue chopping the carrots.

“Alright. I’m so excited.” I shook my head slowly at her response.

“Ummmh, can I ask you question queen?” I stopped what am I doing and looked at Gaea besides Zandea.

“Yes sure, go ahead. And please just call me Harper.”

“Okay, Harper. Please don’t get me wrong about this, do you love your mate?” my body frozen at what she asked.

“Pardon?” that’s a straight forward question.

“I mean, I observed that… the king was so gentle and kind to you. I think, he loves you so much more than anyone else.” And so? Why did she asked me if I love him or not?

Clearly, no. but I won’t tell that.

“Of course, I love him.” I answered that made Zandea looked at me.

“Oh my God! I knew it! You love him.” Now, I regret saying that.

“Shut up, Zandy.” I warned her but she just grinned and playfully punch my shoulder.

“Haha, oh gosh! This is cool! I’ll tell to him that you love—” I elbowed her side. She stopped talking ang groaned lightly.

“That’s hurts!” I gave a don’t talk or else your dead look.

“Alright, I won’t tell to him.” She surrenders. Even if she will tell, that will be a fake news. I don’t love him, I… don’t like him with all my heart.

‘But you let yourself being seduced by him.’ Venice said in my mind.

“Heck, shut up too.” I hissed at her.

“Haha, alright.” She answered back.

“Why did you asked that anyway?” I asked Gaea. She smiled and replied…

“Oh, I’m just curious haha. You know, this is the first time I saw the king acted that way. All of us aware that he hated human but look at you, he can’t hate you.” And that’s where you got it wrong.

Who said he’s nice on me? He just rejected me, exiled me, treat me so bad, cheated on me and lastly… keep on fooling me around. Is that their definition of kind and nice? Huh!

I just smiled shortly.

“Yeah, he loves me much that’s why.” I answered. It’s against my will to say that s*hit.

“Oww, that’s so freaking sweet. Finally, my cousin found his true happiness with you.” I nearly cringe on what she said. True happiness on me huh, I mocked in my mind.

“Alright let’s move on. How about you Gaea? Did you love your mate?” I asked her back.

She smiled widely and answered yes without thinking twice.

“Yes, of course I love him.”

“Ow, that’s lovely too. When did you met him?” Zandea questioning alert. I know she’s observing very well too.

Asking Gaea, a harmless question will fulfil her curiosity.

“Just a few weeks ago.” She answered. So, my guess is right? But, is it natural for you to fell in love that short span of time? Well, I can’t question their love for each other so, it’s a yes. A person can fall in love easily.

“Oh, I see.” Zandea answered while nodding her head in understanding.

I placed the knife beside the chopping board when I’m done with my work. I glanced at them, and listened to their conversation.

They were talking about their mates and this pack.

“Hello queen, can you handed me the chopped carrots?” I stand straight and looked at the person on my left side. It’s Peony.

“Sure, here is it.” I said as I gave her what she needed.

“Great, thanks.” She thanked me which I just nodded.

A few hours had been passed, we are done cooking. Finally.

“Thanks for the help. We really appreciated it.” Gaea, Peony and Yano thanked us. Zandea and I nodded our heads.

“No problem.”

“You two can go back into your rooms and prepare. We will have dinner at nine, it’s already eight.”

Eight o’clock? We used our time in cooking for almost four hours? That long? And anyway? Why aren’t they come back yet?

“Okay. Harper come on.” Zandea said and pulled my hand. She carefully dragged me out with her from the kitchen.

“Are you worried that they haven’t come back here yet? Don’t worry my mate said that your mate was with him. They are on their way back here now.” She informed me.

“I’m not worried, but thanks for informing me.”

“Haha, as you said so.” She amusedly said. What?

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