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The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame Chapter 5

The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame

Chapter 05 Matthew

Harper Alizah Grace’s POV

I find myself going in the queen size bed and sat at the edge of it as the door finally closed.

I find this situation really silly, he rejected me but now he wanted to claim me back? How fantastic. I note sarcastically.

The door suddenly open so I looked at it. I saw three ladies entered, they had clothes and other things in their hands.

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I assumed they were probably the maids he sent to my room to assist me. Seriously, he shouldn’t bother to do that. I can clearly and absolutely can take care of myself.

But again, I just remembered he still thinks that I am just a merely weak and useless human.

If I were not mate and his soulmate is human. I pity her because she will have a heartless mate.

The Moon Goddess still fair and reasonable after all because she gave him a mate that match to him and can tamed him, and that’s me.

Although he doesn’t know that at the moment.

“We’re pleased to meet you, Queen.” Oh, they already knew who I am? Did he say it to them?

I just stared at them. When they realized that I won’t talk, they spoke.

“The King is quite busy right now. He ordered us to assist you and he said that he will meet you after he came back.” The blonde girl said.

Alright. They looked nice and approachable. I sat properly and smiled at them.

“Okay but no need to assist me really, but maybe you guys can help me in arranging my things, right?” they smiled also when they saw me smiled.

“Of course, Queen.” The lady with brown eye said.

“It our pleasure, Queen.” Said by the blonde girl.

“No problem.” Said by the lady who had a black hair.

The three of them were beautiful and cute.

“Great but before we start working, I would like to know your names?”

“I’m Addison but you can call me Adi,” The blonde girl introduced herself.

“I’m Emily, Em for short.” The black-haired girl said.

“Nova.” The brown-eyed girl introduced also and smiled.

Adi, Em and Nova.

“I’m Harper Alizah Grace Larkspur, you guys can call me Harp.” I introduced myself also.

The three of them shook their heads.

“We can’t call you by your name. You’re our Luna… the Queen precisely. We need to pay respect to you.” Emily disagreed.

I softly chuckled from what she said. Calling me by title doesn’t show respect for me. True respect can be seen and feel in action not in words.

“We all the same here, no superior, no inferior. I want you all to treat me the same. No special treatment because I’m your king’s mate.” I said and gave them a curt smile.

They can’t talk for a few seconds and just stared at me.

“You’re so kind, you deserve to be our queen.” Adi said.

Deserve to be the queen? Nope I’m not, the king you know even once rejected me.

This is new, this is the first time I met someone in this place who didn’t judge me. I know that they think that I am a human but them? they didn’t have care on it.

“No, don’t be fooled by me. I might be evil inside.” I joked them.

They giggled from what I said and later burst into laughter with me.

“Oh, we are so scared Queen,” Nova played along with me.

Hahaha nice, they have the sense of humor.

“Anyway, we have to work now, I hope I’ll get along with the three of you.”

They nodded their head and smiled. I stood also and came closer to them.

While we are arranging my things, I asked them about their royal beta’s mate which is my friend, Amanda.

“I think she visit their home town since last week and I think also, she’ll be back this day or tomorrow.” Emily answered.

So, she’s not here at the moment, that makes sense I didn’t saw when I came here.

I hope she’s not angry with me, if yes, I’ll make sure that I’ll make it up with her.

How I wish the rejection didn’t happen five years ago or better the king was not my mate.

“How is she?” I asked them again.

“We didn’t saw her frequently but we think she’s fine and pregnant for their second child.” Nova answered.

She’s pregnant again.

“How old is her first child?”

“3 years old.” Adi answered.

“Anyway, Queen. Why are you asking about the Royal Beta’s wife?” Emily asked me.

I smiled sadly.

“I know her, She’s once my friend. Best Friend precisely.”

Their eyes slightly widened.

“Really? You know Miss Amanda?” Nova asked me in disbelief.

It’s actually five long years ago since the day I saw her, screaming and calling my name. Begging the guard not to take me away.

“Yes, I know her.”

“Interesting, the Royal Beta’s Mate and the Alpha King’s mate were actually best friends.” Adi said happily.

Quite unexpected, eh? I remembered the day that we still happy and talking about finding her mate and my mate.

We didn’t expect that we will find our mate the night of the coronation. Lucky her, her mate accepted the whole her while me, he rejected me and even humiliated me in front of everyone.

“May I ask you, why the two of you parted apart?” Emily asked me.

The only reason we parted apart was their king, he rejected me and banned me in this land. But he was also the reason why I am here at the moment. It’s all because of him.

Instead of answering her question, I smiled.

“It’s actually a long story.”

Their mouth formed an O-shape and didn’t talk. They probably respect my decision of not telling them the real reason.

Well, I doubt if they knew what their King did five years ago.

“We’re almost done, I can finish this. You should go now and thank you.” I told to them.

They nodded their heads.

“You’re always welcome, Queen.” They said in unison.

They said goodbye and bowed before they leaved.

As the door closed, I finished my work and went inside the bathroom to take a bath.

I looked around inside the bathroom, a small smile formed in to my lips.

Wide and clean, nice.

After I finished taking a bath, I wore a simple dress that reaches three inches above my knee. Somehow, I looked decent and fresh.

I turned around the mirror as soon I finished combing my hair. All fixed, but I don’t have anything to do know.

I decided to go outside my new room and planned to roamed around the area. I hope I won’t got lost.

All the maids I saw, lower down their heads.

I choose ignore them and just continue walking in the wide and long hallway. I stopped walking when I saw a terrace in the second floor of the palace.

The cold breeze t*ouches my face. I can’t help but to close my eyes and feel the cold wind.

This feels so nice, my heart calm down, and my body relaxed.

“Who are you?” I slowly opened my eyes as I heard an innocent voice behind me.

I turned around to see who is it.

There was a child probably at the age of 3 or 4? He looked so cute and adorable. Whose child is this?

He was looking at me innocently while waiting for my answer.

I smiled at him and sign him to come near to me. He nodded his head and slowly walked towards my direction.

When he’s in front of me, I kneeled down.

“Hey there kiddo.”

“Hello.” He greeted back. He’s so cute, I smiled again before I talked.

“Why are you roaming alone here?” I gently asked him.

“I’m looking for my daddy!” He energetically answered.

“Oh? Really? Who is your daddy then?”

“ummh…” he paused.

Is he thinking twice if he’ll going to tell me or not?

“It’s okay baby, you don’t have to tell me.”

He quickly smiled. Such a bubbly child.

“You’re so pretty, who are you?” he asked me also.

The edge of my lips rosed.

“My name is Harper Alizah Grace but you can call me Aunt Alizah or simply Harp.” I told to him.

“Your name is so pretty like you.” He complimented.

At his young age, he’s such a charmer.

“Oh, thank you baby, anyway, how about you? What is your awesome name?” I asked him.

“My name is Matthew Alexandre, but all of them were calling me Matt.”

“That’s a nice and awesome name.”

“Yes, my mommy said she really likes that name because a friend of her loved that name.”

I can’t talk for a few seconds.

“Harp! I have a question to you.” I looked at my friend when I heard her said that.

“Hmm? What is it?” I asked him.

“If we are a boy, what will be your name?” she asked me.

I chuckled because of her silly question.

“Why are you asking me that?” I questioned her and slightly laughed. She frowned and sat beside me.

“Just answer my question Harp,”

“Alright then, if I were a boy, my name will be… umm…”

I looked at he, she’s waiting for my answer.

“It will be… Matthew Alexandre.” I answered.

“Oh, that was a nice name!”

“How about you?”

She thinks for a few seconds.

“Maybe Logan or Lincoln.”

“That will be cool too haha, by the way why are you asking me this?”

“Nothing, or maybe if we will have a son in the future, you will name your son Lincoln or Logan while me, I’ll name my son Matthew Alexandre.”

“Aunty?” I was pulled back in the reality when Matthew called me.

“Yes baby?”

“You’re spacing out.” He said and pout his lips.

“Oh, I’m sorry. What are you saying a while ago?” I asked him.

“I’m asking why you became silent, Aunty. Did I say something wrong?”

I quicky shook my head.

“No baby, I just remembered something.”

“Oh, what is it?” he wondered.

“About your name, anyway, let’s go I help you to find your daddy.” I invited him.

“Really?” I nodded my head.

I stand up and offer my hand, he accepted it.

We started walking back in the hallway and find his father whereabouts.

“What your father’s looks like?”

“He’s tall and handsome.” He answered.

“Where do you think you can find him?” I asked him once again.

He looked up to see me. He looks like he was thinking. He was about to answer my question when someone interrupted us.

“Matt, Honey!” I stopped walking when I heard that.

That voice. It’s quite familiar to me.

Matthew let go of my hand and rushed towards that person’s direction. In front of us, I saw two ladies. The other one is I don’t know while the another one… I absolutely know.

“Amanda.” I mumbled but I know she heard it.

“Mommy! Mommy looked who I just met! She’s so beautiful, aren’t she?” he energetically said to his mom.

Amanda stared at me for a few more seconds before she looked in to her son.

“Why did you roam around alone again? Did I you that you’ll got lost if you’ll travel alone?” she schooled him.

Matthew made a baby face. He got her mother’s attitude.

“I’m sorry mommy, I just want to find a see daddy.” He apologized.

Amanda smiled and k*issed her son’s forehead.

“Forgiven honey but don’t do it again. If you did, I will be mad.” Matthew nodded his head and smiled widely. She had a charmer son. I let out a sigh and walked closer to them.

She looked at me again. She looked shocked and just can’t believe that after so many years, she saw me again.

But aside from shocked and disbelief, I saw pain and anger in her eyes. I know, I’m wrong because I leave without saying goodbye to her. But what I can do? I can’t even do anything to stopped those guard who dragged me out that night.


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