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The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame Chapter 50

The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame

Chapter 50 Surprise

Harper Alizah Grace’s POV

Eight o’clock in the evening, that was time we got home. I’m holding ten paper bags in my hand, the five were dresses, two were high heels and the three is jewelries. I Don’t want to buy all of this but she insisted and said… she will leave me there if I refused.

“You’re so fun to hang out with, maybe let’s do this again with Amanda later.” She said as we are walking in the wide and long corridor.

“Sounds great, just notify me. But, that’s if I’m not busy.” She nodded her head.

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“Sure, I’ll tell you when. Anyway, have a good night.”

“Night.” I said and smiled. I had fun too, Zandea is a kind of a person who is not h*ard to be with. She’s bubbly and funny, she always saying the things she wanted to say. She got the confident not in the way that she’s becoming a conceited person.

We go in different path after saying goodbye. A sigh escaped on my lips again as I reached out room. I landed the paper bags on the bed and sit down. Why I feel like there’s something I forgot to do?

I blink when I remembered it, dang, yeah right. I will go in his office and bring him a proper meal. But before that. I should take a bath first. I’m too exposed outside.

I stand up and go towards the bathroom. A few hours later, I’m finally dressed. I should go in the kitchen first. I walked out on the room and find myself walking in the hallway then down to the stairs again, alone. Geez, this place is super huge. Just travelling into one place to another were already consuming and wasting your time.

I just sigh in a little annoyance, this is one of the reasons why I preferred to live in small places. I can go to where I wanted to quickly, a huge place will be just fine if I can use my power… oh wait, yeah, power. So silly of me.

Since no one is around, I used my speed ability. I reached the kitchen in just a matter of seconds. That feels so good, I just wish I can move freely in this place.

When I entered into the kitchen, the light was closed. I guess the cook were asleep now. I bite my inner lips and think. Should I’ll be the one who’ll cook his meal? I blink and sigh, damn sounds like. Alright then…

I opened the fridge and check what’s available. What he should like to eat, meat, vegetable or fish? Maybe the three of them? I shrugged and just washed the ingredients.

This would be just quick, after a few hours, I’m done cooking. I gazed on the food I cook, I don’t know if he will like this but… he should be grateful because I cooked something for him that I don’t usually do for others.

Okay, it’s time to get it ready. I put the food on a cute sized Tupperware that I found in the kitchen. Nice, I should get going now. Using my ability again, I run towards his office, it will found at the second floor, south wing of the palace.

I took a d*eep breath before getting in the room without his permission. This would be a surprise anyway. But I hope, I won’t be the one who will be surprised.

My body stiffened from the next thing I saw. I blinked twice, this is kinda awkward.

“Ummmh…” I can’t find something to say. There was a group of men inside his room, five actually. Him, Lance, Hiro and two more unfamiliar faces.

Lance was grinning form ear to ear at me, dang, don’t tell me he just set me up? He will be busy huh, they were drinking liquor here.

I glared at lance, you’ll be death to me later.

“Who is she?” I heard someone asked.

Lance chuckled.

“So bad f you Seb, you don’t even know your cousin’s mate.” I mentally rolled my eyes. The guy named Seb looked at me.

“The future queen? A human?” My face lost its emotion.

“Not just a simple human, my brave and feisty human mate.” My mate said and chuckled. Is he drunk?

“Can someone explain to me what’s happening here? Lance?” I gave him a death glare but he just smiled at me and stood up.

“You really followed what I said, this is great.” Not great, I’m f*uc*king annoyed here.

“Come here my beautiful mate.” I glanced at him again, and frowned. I remained silent, I saw the two unfamiliar persons stood up also and went closer to me.

“Hey there, I’m Sebastian Montegromery, the crowned prince of this kingdom.” He introduced himself. He held my hand and he was about to k*iss the top of it but I pulled it away.

I don’t someone k*issing my hand, that’s gross.

“Stop messing my mate around, Seb.”

Stop messing my mate around, Seb. I mimicked in my mind. He doesn’t want someone messing up with me but he always doing it.

Sebastian just chuckled and raised both of his hand as a sign of surrendering.

“I’m Cody, the first prince. Obviously their cousins.” The other one introduces himself and pointed Sebastian and my mate. I just smile, this one look so kind and a gentleman.

“Oh, that’s unfair! You smile at him.” I heard Sebastian exclaimed. I looked at him and gave him a look. If he didn’t try to k*iss my hand, I would smile at him.

“Stop being childish, Seb. She only smiled to those persons who deserve her smile.” Lance said, yeah, that’s partly true.

“She didn’t smile at me.” I heard my mate murmured.. Who would smile at him? he’s grumpy when the first time I met him and now, he become clingy and too good to be true.

I let out a sigh.

“Okay gentlemen, this matter is over. Go back into your won rooms now.” I gently order them. They all stared at me, what? They don’t want to obey me? do I need to use my power to them?

“she’s right, we’ll see each other tomorrow.” Cody agreed.

“Okay then, I’ll go ahead first. Maybe my wife is grumpy now.” Lance said next. A brilliant idea form in my mind. I opened the mind link between me and Amanda.

“Are you still up?” I asked.

“Yeah, waiting for my husband to go back in our room. He said, he had an important matter to do but he would be just quick.” Ha, got you.

“He’s here in my mate’s office, he’s drunk. Punish him, don’t forgive him tonight. Make this night his worse nightmare.” I told her.

“What? He’s drunk? That bastard!” she cursed that made me grinned wider. Lance, your dead.

“That’s all I want to say, night Am.” As I said that, I cut the mind link and focus on them again.

“Sure, bro.” Sebastian told to him.

“Me too, I’ll go now.” Hiro said.

“Say hi for me to Zandea, she still doesn’t know that were here.” Cody said, Hiro nodded his head.

“I will, bro.” It seems like they forgot about my existence here now eh?

Hiro and Lance leaved the room first.

“We’ll get going now then too.” Sebastian said to me and to my mate. I just nodded my head, they nodded back.

I watched them left and then when the door closed I looked emotionlessly at him. Now, we’re just alone.

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