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The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame Chapter 53

The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame

Chapter 53 Questions

Harper Alizah Grace’s POV

No one of us dared to talk, not until he decided to break the silence.

“I’m sorry.” He mumbled suddenly. Why he’s saying sorry?

“I know saying sorry is not enough for you to forgive me.” My eyebrows met, why is he acting this way again?

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“But, as what I said. I’ll try to gain your trust even if it will takes time. I’m willing to wait.” He continued.

“What are you saying?” I asked him in confusion. He slowly smiled.

“Since I found you again, I wanted to announce to the whole world that I found my mate, the queen of werewolves.” He continued.


“I will held a coronation next week. By that time, the whole world will know about you.” I blinked twice. Is he really going to do that?

“I hope you will accept me, us, the whole werewolves race.” He said while looking directly in to my eyes.

I just couldn’t do nor say anything, I just stared back.

“But before that, I should mark you first.”

The Marking. I’m seriously speechless. Damn, I didn’t expect him to say that.

“Say something please.” I heard him pleaded. I closed my eyes lightly and then opened it again.

“I got no words to say, but… Can you give me a time to think?” He nodded his head.

“Sure, I’m not rushing everything. I wanted you to think about it carefully, but please, do give it a chance.”

“I’ll see what I can do.” I shortly replied and averted my gaze at him again.

“Can you tell me about yourself?” he asked me again. I let out a sigh.

“What do you already know about me?” I asked instead of answering quickly what he asked.

I’ve been living here for how many days but I realized, we still didn’t know each other.

“I guess, you didn’t even know my full name.” I continued and look at him.

“I know, I still remember it.” He answered. I slowly smirked when I heard him say that.

“Tell me, what is my full name?” I asked him.

“Harper Alizah Grace Larkspur, the woman who I regret rejecting five years ago, the person I wanted to gain her trust.” He answered and then smirked too.

“How about you? Did you even know my full name?” he asked in amusement. Is he challenging me?

“Of course, I know. Who wouldn’t know your name, your highness?” I answered back. He raised his brow and sign me to say his name.

“King Zachary Vance Spencer Montegromery, the man who rejected me five years ago and who’s acting so clingy and annoying now.” I answered.

“You found me annoying?” he asked. I raise an eyebrow too.

“Yes, you are.” I answered, well that’s partly true but the real reason why I said that is just to annoy him.

“You found me clingy too?” he asked while coming near to me. He held my hand while grinning from ear to ear. My eyes slightly widened when he hovered over my body.

“Get off me.” I complained but he just smirked.

“Tell me, repeat what you said. I might be clingy but just to you but I’m not annoying.” I glared at him.

“But you are, you’re annoying me when your clingy like this.” I told to him while trying to pulled away from his grip.

He just tightened his grip and widened his grin.

“You can get away from my grip, honey. You called me clingy and annoying—” I cut him off.

“But that’s my opinion, what i feel. Is that a bad thing?”

He chuckled in amusement.

“It is honey, really, really a bad thing.” I frowned. Why he’s making it a big deal?

“It’s not a big thing okay, You’re really annoying and clingy.” I insisted.

“But it is, no one called me clingy and find me annoying.” This time, I looked directly in his eyes.

“Well, me.” I answered bravely, he smiled.

“You’re quite brave honey,”

“Stop calling me honey, I’m not sweet.”

“What? Honey is quite a good endearment.” He said and let go of my hand. Finally, but my eyes widened again when he changed our position. I was the one who’s staying above him. What the f*uc*k?

I was about to get off above him but he stopped me.

“Don’t, I love our position now.” I gave him a death glare.

“Nope, I’m not comfortable.” I said and insisted to get off. He couldn’t do anything but to let me.

“Since I can’t sleep, shall we play twenty questions?” I suggested.

“What twenty questions?” he Asked me. Don’t tell me, he doesn’t know that game. How pitiful.

“It’s a game, I will ask you twenty questions and you’ll going to ask me too. I’ll ask you, you’ll ask me.” I answered.

“Ah, I see. How about… What if, I don’t want to answer your question?” he asked. I smirked.

“If you don’t want to, of course, there will be a punishment. The game will have a twist, if you can’t or don’t want to answer, the one who asked will give a punishment. For example, if I don’t want to answer your question, you’ll give a punishment.” I answered. He grinned.

“Sounds so fun, alright. Let’s play now then.” I nodded my head and sat down on the bed, the same as him.

“Who will going to ask first?” he asked me.

“Let play scissor, paper, stone stick.” He nodded and get ready.

“In a count of three, let’s do it.. in one, two, three. Scissor paper stick.” I half sang.

He did paper, while me, I did stone. Geez, he won.

“Alright, you’ll ask first.” I said and sigh, I just hope he won’t ask about my family.

“Before I ask, how can I be sure that you’re answer is true?” he asked me.

“Play safe and honest.” I answered simply. He nodded.

“Okay then, this is my first question. How old are you?” I blinked. That’s his first question? Ha, what a waste.

“I’m twenty four.” I answered. What about him? Well I don’t want to waste a single question just ask that simple matter.

“My turn, are you an only child?” I asked. The solely reason why i play this game is to fish about his personal life.

“Nope.” He answered shortly. I bite my inner lips, that’s it?

“Why are you looking at me like that? Your questions is answerable by yes or no.” Oh, right. He got me there. Maybe I’ll asked why and what questions.

“Okay, your turn.”

“When is your birthday?” he asked me. Seriously? Is he making a slam book about me? I grinned.

“Three months from now.” I answered. His eyebrows furrowed.

“What, you didn’t asked the specific day and time.” I amusedly said.

“You got me there too.” Well, karma is a b*itch.

“My turn, Is your father still alive?” i asked. He become silent on what i asked.

“Yes, but seriously ill.” He answered. Oh, that’s too sad.

“Sorry for asking, shall we move on? Ask me.”

“I heard that Amanda is your best friend. How is that happened?” he asked me.

“Well, it was all started ten years ago or more I think. I met her and then surprisingly we clicked. We used to live in the same roof, not until i met you in the coronation night and you… Exiled me.” He’s face softened.

“I’m really sorry about that.” He apologized again. I just nodded, what is done is done, We can’t turn back the time and change everything.

“Your turn.”

“Why did you reclaimed me after rejecting me?” i seriously asked him.

“I realize what I did is wrong, my wolf suffered, the same as me.” They suffered too just like I and Reenah suffered.

“Okay, your turn.”

“Do you have any siblings?” He asked.

I shook my head, I’m not sure about that. I’m the only child of my father but my mother? Nah, I don’t know if I have another siblings with her since I didn’t see her since birth.

“Nope, I don’t know.” I answered that made his brow met at the middle.

“Why you’re not sure?” he asked. I smirked.

“Nah, one question a time. It’d my turn, wait yours.” He sigh.

“Okay then, asked.”

“Since your asking about siblings, how about you? How many siblings you have?” I asked him.

“Two, the one is dead.” He answered. He didn’t mentioned where is his another siblings. This is too suspense.

“Okay my turn now, why you’re not sure?” he’s really curious about that huh.

“I leave with my father when i was a child and I didn’t have the chance to met my mother so… I don’t know if i have half siblings or i haven’t.” I explained. He nodded his head, I know he has something in his mind again. He wanted to ask me why I’m not living with my father any more.

“Where is your other sibling?” I asked him.

“He’s living with the first princess, he’s my younger brother. Age 15.” He answered. Oh, in the Jane pavilion? I see.

“Where is your father now? Why you’re not staying with him?” He asked. As what I assumed.

“He’s dead.” I simply answered.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t asked that.” He apologize. I shook my head.

“Not a big deal, I’ve move on now.”

“Good to hear, you should move forward and continue to live and survive.” I nodded. He’s right, I remember, my father were saying those word to me when he’s still alive.

“Be brave always, don’t let anyone will harm you. If you will experience misfortune in the future, don’t give up and fight. Think that everything will be alright.” He’s a great father. So rational and brave, I really wish that bloody night did not happened.

“Harper? Are you alright?” I was pulled back in to the reality when i heard him asked that.

“Yeah, still fine. Who will ask next?” i asked him.

“You, you’re the one who will ask me.” He answered. I nodded.

“Did you ever experienced to fall in love?”

He shook his head.

“No, I’ve been waiting for the right girl and that’s you. To be honest, I’m quite expecting that my mate will be a werewolf, but I guess, the moon goddess planned different. I’m too dumb at first not to see this, but… You’re worthy to wait for.” He said that made me slight smile. That’s sweet and slightly t*ouched my heart.

“How about you?” he asked me. I shook my head too.

“Nope, I didn’t.” I shortly answered.

“I’ve been waiting for the right person in the right time.” That’s not the real reason why I never experienced of falling in love. I’m afraid that anyone will know my secret and the history will repeat itself again.

Falling in love is a weakness.

“Why did you treat me so bad when you get me in my house?” I asked him.

“I’m f*uc*king annoyed with the guards, I told them to get you carefully but they end up chasing you. And to be honest, I’m not sure about what i feel that time. So, I’m so sorry i really treat you so bad.” I nodded, sounds so reasonable enough.

“About that, why there’s a barrier surrounding your house?” he asked me seriously. I bite my inner lip, how will i answer that?

“There is?” i answered innocently. Of course, he’s thinking I’m a human. A human can’t create an invisible barrier right?

“Oh, forgot about it. Maybe that place is being protected by someone.” And that’s me.

“My turn, why you’re keeping a lot of woman here at the palace.” He become silent on what i asked.

“I prefer not to answer that.” Why though? Is he afraid that i will find his word not rational?

“Okay then, punishment.”

“Whatever might it be, I’ll accept it.” I grinned wider.

“Sure, you’ll sleep on the floor tonight.” I answered. His eyes slightly widened.

“What?” I gave him a meaningful look.

“You said you will accept my punishment, so, you’ll going to sleep on the floor.” I repeated and then smiled. Ha, got you.

“Okay fine, but after this game.” I nodded.

“Alright, ask me now.” He slowly smirked too.

“Are you willing to marry me?” What kind of question is that?

“That’s not a valid question.” I complained. Marry him? I can’t say no or yes.

“What? I wanted to ask you this.” Argh.

“I preferred not to answer the question.” I stated and then frowned. He’s tricky, dang.

“Punishment.” He said meaningful.

“Okay, state your punishment.” Before he answered he grinned from ear to ear.

“K*iss me on my lips.”

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