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The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame Chapter 6

The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame

Chapter 06 Old House

Harper Alizah Grace’s POV

“Hey.” I greeted her.

She didn’t talk and just stared at me.

“Mommy, aunty was talking to you.” Matthew told to his mom.

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Amanda looked at her son again and smiled.

“Go with your nanny now, I’m just going to do something. Is that okay with you honey?” she asked her son.

“It’s okay with me Mommy but what you should do? Can I do it too?” He bubbly asked his mother. So cute of him. His mother fell silent for a few seconds before she answered his question.

“I will talk with your aunt, honey.” She replied and caress his hair.

“Oh, you will talk with her? About what mommy?” He asked again.

“Stop asking me now honey, Lena! Bring my son to his father.” She said nicely to the lady with her.

The girl named Lena nodded her head and get Matthew,

“I’ll see you later, Honey. Don’t give your nanny and father a headache.”

“I promise mommy, see yah later!” Matthew energetically said and said goodbye to his mommy.

When he and his nanny leave, she looked at me again.

“You’re back.” That was the first sentence that came out in her mouth.

“Yes, I’m back.” I almost whispered.

We stared each other but suddenly she rushed towards my direction and hug me.

“You’re really back, after five long years you’re back.” She said while embracing me so tight.

I smiled and hugged her back. Yeah, after five years, I’m finally back. She let go off me and faced me again. I’m so glade that she’s not angry with me.

“What happened that night? Why the royal guards were dragging you out?” she asked me. She’s in the verge of crying.

“The King kicked me out.” I answered. She gasped and her eyes widened.

“Kicked you out? Is that because you’re a human?” she asked me in disbelief.

“Partly but that’s not the main reason.”

“Not the real reason? Then why he kicked you out of the palace?” She asked me one again.

I looked around the area, someone is coming near to us.

“Do you know a quiet place to talk at?” I asked her.


“Because I will say to you something confidential.” I answered.

“I know some place, follow me.” She replied and sign me to follow her. I nodded my head followed her.

We walked in to the long hallway towards a place. A quiet place like she said.

“Here, no one came here frequently.” She informed me.

I looked around the place, it’s beautiful and relaxing here. It’s a garden, why no one go here frequently?

“If you’re wondering why they came here frequent it is because there so many placed like this in this place,” she answered the question in my thought.

Alright, that answers the question in my mind.

“So? Kindly continue what you were saying earlier?” she asked me.

“What is the real reason why he kicked you out?” she continued.

I let out a d*eep sigh before answering her question.

“I am his mate.”

Her eyes grew wider again because of my answer.

“What? The King’s mate was you?!” She said in disbelieve. I can’t believe it either.

“Yeah, I’m his mate but he rejected me that night.” I continued. Her jaw dropped and her eyes grew even wider.

“He rejected you?!” She literally yelled. Gladly no one is around except the two of us.

“You heard me right. He rejected me because he can’t accept the fact that his mate is just a mere human.”

“I know he hate no crap that… he despises human but even you? You’re his mate but he rejected you?! Is he serious?” She’s getting mad right now while me? Guilt starts to kicked in.

She still didn’t know my real Identity? I mind linked her the moment I leave. She didn’t receive that? Do I need to tell who I am right now?

“Tell me harp, you didn’t accept his rejection right?” she asked me once again.

I took a d*eep breath and answered…

“I just did.”

“You accept it? Why? Why you didn’t even fight for him?” This time, I can’t help myself but to laugh.

“Fight for him? You know me Am. I won’t fight for someone who didn’t even want me.”

“But… He’s your mate.” She insisted.

I nodded my head.

“Yes, He is. But he rejected me and even banned me in this place.” I said to her. She quickly looked me.

“Banned you?”

“Yes, that’s the reason why I just came back just now.”

“You mean he just not rejected you but also kicked you out?” I nodded my head.

“I don’t know that…” she paused and looked at me. I saw pity in her eyes, I came closer to her and tapped her shoulder.

“Don’t pity me Am, I’m alright and what important right now is… I’m back. Sorry for leaving you that night.” She holds my hand on her shoulder.

“That must be terrible for you, I’m sorry for our king’s behalf.” She apologized. I gave her a reassuring smile.

“You don’t have to say sorry for him, anyway let’s move on now. We have a life time now to cope up with those five years we missed.” I tried to change the topic. She smiled and nodded her head.

“Yes we should, lets go? I have something to show with you.” She invited me.

“Hmm, let’s go.”

We didn’t go inside the palace instead we go out. The warriors that guarding the gate bowed when they saw us approaching.

“The King ordered us not to let her go outside the palace premises,” one of them said while pointing.

“Don’t you dare to point your f*inger on her, she’s your future queen.” The man quickly put his hand bowed and all of them bowed at me.

“Your highness.” They greeted. See what title can do. I sign them to stand up, they quickly obeyed me.

“We’re going out now, but don’t worry will be back later.” She told to them.

They nodded and opened the gate for us.

A smile from in to her lips as we got out, I just chuckled softly because of what happened. She acted like a strict woman haha. I know her well she can’t stay serious for a long time.

“Where are we going?” I asked her.

She glanced at me then she looked at her way again.

“To somewhere you already know,” she answered me.

“Where exactly? I knew a lot of places.”

“It’s a surprise haha, anyway when he banned you here where did you go? Why are you here again?” she asked me.

I took a d*eep breath before I answer her question.

“I lived in the human world.”

She quickly looked at up upon hearing that.

“Really? In the human world?” I nodded my head.

“Yeah the place where I really belong,” no, there’s no really place I’m belong at.

I’m not a human, not a full werewolf, vampire and witch. I really don’t know where I should live in.

“How are you there? Isn’t h*ard? I mean you live in our world for almost the rest of your life.”

Yeah it’s quite h*ard at first. but what I can do? I need to adjust to survive.

“It can’t deny the fact that it’s really h*ard, living in this world and human world are the same. There’s too many problems and danger we might face.” I answered.

She nodded her head as sign of agreement.

“You’re right, anyway harp, if the king banned you here and rejected you. Why are you here again?” she asked me.

The answer of her question was still unknown. I’m not convinced with his words the he wanted to claim me back.

After rejecting me, he’s claiming me back? Ha! There’s really something wrong about that. But for now, I will believe his words not until I will find his real reason.

“Harper?” she called me. Ah, she’s waiting for my answer.

“He wanted me back and even he rejected me we still have the bond.” I told her.

“Huh? Bond after rejection? How is that happen?” She asked me. That was also the question in my mind.

“That is one of my reason why I came back here with him. I wanted to know the reason why we still have the bond after he rejected me and not seeing me for five years.” I answered and think about my situation.

But how will I find answer on that question? Who will going to help me to seek for the truth?

“That’s really confusing,” she commented. Yeah, damn confusing.

“Let’s talk something new, I became annoyed just thinking of him.” I tied to change the topic.

“You’re really something else, Harp. You’re the only person I knew who is mad with her own mate.” She joked. I just chuckled and smiled.

“Anyone can be made, especially when that person did something really terrible to you,” I answered back.

She only chuckled softly.

“Well, I can’t blame you from being angry with him. He rejected you once and dragged you out in his territory. If my mate did that to me in our first meet, I will definitely him for the rest of life she swears.

“Lucky you, he didn’t reject you.”

“He’s the one who is lucky with me, he had a sweet, careful and beautiful mate.” She said and flipped her hair.

“Yeah lucky him haha. Anyway, I heard that you’re pregnant?” I asked her.

She looked at me.

“Oh, you already knew? You just came back this day,” she said in disbelief.

I gave her a curt smile.

“I have connection haha, just kidding. I heard it from Emily, Nova and Addison.”

“Oh, three sisters.” Huh? The three of them were actually sisters? They didn’t look like one.

“Sisters?” I asked her. She nodded her head.

“Yeah, they didn’t look the same right?”

“No, so I’m quite shock right now.”

“Haha, to solve the mystery. They are not really sisters, the were foster sisters. They are an orphan who treat each other as sisters, my husband let them work here as a maid.” Oh, that’s explain it. I really thought they were blood related.

“Anyway, we’re here now.” She said and stopped walking.

I looked the place in front of us. The edge of my lips slowly rose as I recognize where are we.

Our old place, our house.

“I send maids every week to clean this house, hoping that someday you’ll come back.” She said to me while looking at the house.

It’s really good to be back.

“Thank you, Am. Thank you for understanding me and sorry for making you wait,” she slowly looked at me and smiled so widely.

“It’s okay Harp, what important now is… you’re here.” I’m so lucky to have her as my friend.

“I really appreciate it, Am.”

“We’re drama queen right now again like before, haha. Anyway, let’s go inside?”

She was about to walk but I stopped her.

“Is your husband won’t look for you?” I asked her.

She shook her head.

“I ready informed him that I am with you.”

“Oh, he knew me?” I asked her.

“Yeah, I’m always telling you to him.” He knows me without even meeting me, he’s kinda confused when I met him earlier maybe he doesn’t know that I am his wife’s best friend.

“When I told you that my best friend that I was talking about is you, the Alpha king’s mate, he’s shocked. Well, I can’t blame him, I’m quite surprised too.” Not just the two of you, am I also.

Just imagine my emotion when the time I smell his delicious scent in the coronation night? The first time I laid my eyes on him and see how despised me for knowing that I’m a human but I am his mate.

Only if he knew…

I’m not really a human.

“Harper?” she called me.

I unconsciously looked at her.


“You’re spacing out.” Ah, I shook my head.

“Nope, I’m actually listening to you.” She raised her eyebrow and cross her arm.

“If you can lie to others then you can’t lie to me, I know you. If you’re listening what is the last word I said?” she asked me.

I gave her a mischievous smile.

“The last word you said is… said.” I said and grinned.

She narrowed down her eyes on me and playfully punch my shoulder.

“That’s cheating!” I just chuckled on her action.

What? Said is really the last word she said.

“I did not cheat, Am.” I replied and laugh. She looked so cute when she’s frowning.

“Hmmp!” she hissed.

I just looked at her while smiling.

I’m so guilty, I’m lying on her without her knowing it. I keep my real identity for my safety and also hers.

‘I’m sorry, Am’ I whispered in the air.

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