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The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame Chapter 7

The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame

Chapter 07 C*oc*ky

Harper Alizah Grace’s POV

“Bye for now, Am. See yah tomorrow,” She nodded her head.

“Yeah, see you soon.” She said and hugged me.

I tapped her back and smiled.

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“You act like you will never see me again, please rest assured Am. You’ll see me tomorrow.” I said and let out a soft chuckled.

“You leaved once and the possibilities that you’ll leave again is high.” She replied and looked at me sadly. I put my hand on her shoulder and gave her a reassuring smile.

“I won’t leave again,” Well, not now. I don’t know how long I will stay here.

At this moment, Amanda is the only one I know here. She’s the only I can talk and trust.

“Promise?” she asked me. I didn’t answered it quickly because I don’t know what will I answer. How can I promise her that I won’t leave?

I can’t even tell my secret. But I can’t do anything to nod my head.

“I need your words.”


“You promised.” I nod. I hope I can fulfill that promise.

“So, I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“Yeah, see you tomorrow.” She nodded her head and wave her hand. I waved back and watch her leaving.

I take a d*eep breath and face the door of my room. We stayed in our old hours for how many hours, we did the things we do five years ago.

Reading, painting and watching movie. Somehow, we enjoyed each other’s accompany. I feel like the time goes back, when we still didn’t found our mates.

How I missed that time.

I opened the door of my room and entered inside, as I closed the door I opened the light.

“Did you have fun?” I stopped walking when I heard someone said that.

I looked around the room and find where that voice came from. And I saw him, standing beside the bed while looking directly at me.

What is doing in my room? Oh, I forget, he just owned this whole palace.

“Absolutely.” I answered.

I stepped back when I saw him starting to walk closer to me.

“Ha, you got the guts to say that after you go out without my permission?”

I smirk, is that a big deal to him? Is he afraid that I might leave? I mt his deadly gaze and stop moving.

He just stopped walking when he’s in front of me. He’s too close, I can smell his delicious scent. Darn bond.

“Why I need your permission?” This time he’s the one who smirked.

“It seems like you forget what I said earlier,”

What did he said?

He stepped once that made me stepped back too.

“Did I told you that…” he said and step forward again.


“Even if you’re my mate…” he paused and step closer again.

I tried to stepped back but I can’t, the door is in my back now. I’m trapped.

“You don’t have the f*uc*king right.” He trapped me using his two firm arms in the door.

“You dare to defy me after knowing that huh,” he devilishly said.

I lower down my head and think what should I do.

“And now you’re disrespecting me.” What?

Before I can looked at him, he t*ouched my jaw and made me look at him.

“Look at me when I’m talking to you,” he warned me emphatically.

That was I’m going to do, I’m not lowering my gaze because I’m afraid to him but because I’m thinking. And one more thing, he’s so freaking tall. I will have stiff neck when I look at him so long.

“Look, I’m not really sure why are your angry right now.” He let go of my jaw and leaned back, just a little.

“Are you acting innocent or you’re just a dumb?” Oh, neither of the two.

“Nope, as far I know I didn’t defy you because you didn’t gave me an order not to leave, am I correct?” he fell silent. See, I’m right.

“Think about it, your highness. If you don’t mind kindly leave now and I won’t attend the dinner later. I’m quite tired and I want to sleep.” As I said that I pushed him away but he only captured my hand and pinned me on the door.

My body stiffened from the sudden t*ouch. This is not what I planned to happened. I thought, he’ll going to leave me alone now.

“Don’t use your smart-mouth to me, human.” I wanted to laugh the way he denotes me. A human, who know? Maybe I’m more powerful than him? He’s kinda lucky because I’m not using my mind manipulating ability on him.

“It’s not necessary for me not to tell you leave, you should know that.” I should know that huh,

“What if I say…I don’t?” I challenge him.

He smirks and put his head on my ear.

“Are ready for the consequence of defying me?” he whispered. Oh God, instead of annoyance, why I f*uc*king feel butterfly in my stomach. Why I feel suddenly hot? Damn the bond.

Get back to yourself, Alizah. I scolded myself. I pushed him back but still he didn’t let me go.

“Let go.” I said and try to jerk away.

“Why are you struggling now? Aren’t you a feisty woman a while ago?” I stopped jerking away. He misunderstood my action, I’m jerking away not because I’m afraid of him but because…

He’s too close, he’s suffocating me. His scent is too much to take, it’s really strong.

“Don’t flatter yourself, I just don’t like your perfume.” He quickly let go of me and glared.

“Perfume? I don’t use any perfume. It’s my natural scent.” How c*oc*ky, so he’s telling me that he smells divinely without any perfume?

Well, he only smells so nice to me because he’s my mate.

“Whatever, just go out now. You’re suffocating me.” I shooed him away.

“You know what? You’re the only human I know who acted like this. You didn’t even seems to be scared of me.” Well, that’s me.

“And I hate it.” He continued which made me annoyed a little. He didn’t failed to made me feel neglected.

What if he knew that I’m not really a human? Is he still going to treat me this way? Why there are persons who only treat someone well when they only want something from him or her?

The world is really unfair sometimes, no crap that… most of the time.

But I thought also, life would be boring without any problem or a challenge. But life would be chaotic and h*ard if we are only experiencing problem all the time.

“If you hate me, then why you still want me back?” I asked him seriously.

His face become dead serious. No c*oc*ky king now eh?

“You don’t have the right to question me.” Oh wow. Really?

“If you don’t want to answer me then let me go, let me leave.” He shook his head.

“We should end this matter now.”

He really doesn’t want to say his real reason why he wants me back huh, I won’t stop knowing the truth.

“Alright, you can leave now.” I said and turn my back on him.

I heard him opened the door and leaved. As soon he left, I looked on the door. He can be c*oc*ky sometimes but his cold personality will remain.

I just shook my shoulder and stand up. I go to the bathroom to take a bath. I feel like his scent stayed with me. Geez.

When I go out in the bathroom it’s already 8 o’clock in the evening, I took almost two hours to take a bath?

I just wear a baggy shirt and a jogging pants. What? I’m comfortable wearing those stuffs.

My body finds its way towards the bed and lay there. I was just staring at the ceiling of the room. I’m not really sleepy, I just lied on him a while ago because I don’t want to see him.

I looked at the door when I hear a knocked.

“Who is it?” I asked.

“It’s me, Emily.” Oh…

“Why?” I asked her.

“The king wants your presence.” She answered.

Did I told him that I won’t going to attend the dinner?

“Tell to your king, I’m sleepy and I badly want to sleep.”

A few seconds later, I didn’t hear any reply. Where is she?

“You go outside and join us or I will drag you out by myself?” a warned outside the door was heard. Ha, he’s hear again.

I lazily get off the bed and went towards the door. As soon I opened it, I saw his cold face. I think he should become a glazier not a king. So cold. Geez.

“What? Did I told y—” he didn’t even let me finished my sentence, how rude of him.

He pushed me and go inside my room. I looked at Emily, she’s looking down.

“You can go now, Em.” I told her. She looked at me and nodded her head. She bowed before she leaved.

When she’s away I looked at him, he’s sitting at the edge of the bed while staring at me. I rolled my eyes first before I approach him.

“Did you just rolled your eyes on me?” I smiled c*oc*kily.

“I just did.” I replied and smirk.

He narrowed down his eyes on me a gave me a warning look.

“Don’t you even dare to start annoying me, human.” I just sneered at him.

“Oh, sorry.” I apologize and gave him a fake smile.

“Are you really testing my patience, woman?” does he have that? He’s a short-tempered man and really easy to annoy.

“I wouldn’t dare your highness,” I said that only added fuels to his anger.

“Stop it.” He warned empathically.

“Alright, I’ll stop now but you should leave now.”

He looked intently at me.

“Get change.” Huh?

“Do I need to repeat myself?”

“What?” I’m making him leave but he wanted me to get change? Get change what?

“Change your clothes, you didn’t wear a bra.” I quickly covered my body when he said that.

Oh my God! I wish the ground will open and swallow me alive. He saw me… this is embarrassing!

“Get out! Just get out now, I’ll go later, just gave me a moment.” I yelled in embarrassment.

He stood up from the edge of the bed and chuckled.

“You don’t need to be embarrassed, I didn’t see anything anyway. It’s too small for me to see.” My eyes widened from what he said.

What? Too small for him to see? How dare him? My boobs it larger than he imagined. My ego hurts from what he said.

“Small? Are you insulting me?” I said and glared at him.

“Your hurt so it’s true.” Argh I hate him, I hate his guts!

“Just get out now.” I closed my eyes while signing him to leave.

“Alright see you there, human.” I opened my eyes and glared at him.

He’s really unbelievable and annoying.

He chuckled first before leaving my room. Argh, I wish I can hit him. Anyway, I’ll do my revenge later. Just wait for it your highness.

I just go in front my closet and find some decent clothes to wear. After that, I decided to fix my hair to be presentable.

I leave my room and go towards the dining room. Even if I’m not sure where the hell it is. Geez, but luckily I found it in the ground floor, besides the large and wide kitchen.

Of course, I asked some maid where the dinning room is. I don’t want to get lost in this large and big palace.

When I got there, I saw a five mens and six ladies. Who are they? Only lance, Amanda and him was familiar to me and the rest? I don’t know them, although I can feel the aura coming from each of them.

Amanda called my name when she saw me.

“Harp!” I smiled at her and approached her.

“I’m glad you found your way here,” Lance said to me. I nodded my head.

“I’m glad too,” I answered.

I was about to sit down besides Amanda when he, my mate, stopped me.

“Seat besides me.” I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. He gave me a ‘don’t argue with me look’. Okay fine.

I looked at Amanda, I saw her nod at me so I nodded back. I go towards the chair besides him and sit. He didn’t even adjusted my seat for me. How gentlemen he is, I said to myself sarcastically.

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