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The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame Chapter 8

The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame

Chapter 08 Dinner

Harper Alizah Grace’s POV

After I sat down I looked at the unfamiliar faces in front of me. Aren’t they going to introduce their selves? Anyway, I’m not interested on them.

“Now that we are complete, shall we eat?” I looked at the person where that innocent voice came from.

It’s Matthew, he was sitting beside his father. Oh, I didn’t noticed him earlier.

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“Hey Matthew!” I greeted him and smiled at him.

He also looked at me and smiled widely.

“Aunt!” He greeted back and waved his hand. So adorable. My smile slowly faded when someone cleared his throat. It’s the man besides lance. Who is that?

“So, your highness your mate is a human?” here we go again. I pity their senses, such a weak creature. They really thought I’m a human. Tsk.

“What if I was a human? Is that a problem?” I asked him. His glare can’t escaped from my sight, he glaring at me without knowing I can k*ill him right now.

From his aura… he might be one of the former leaders of this kingdom. The Former Beta? I’m not sure but it is.

“Sharp tongue, I see. Yes, there’s a big problem of you being a human. You can’t be our queen,” oh, look. Someone hates human too. I wonder, what human did to them to acted this way?

“I respect your opinion but… your opinion is not needed here. I didn’t choose to be his mate, it’s the Moon Goddess plan. I don’t want to create misunderstanding here, so drop this topic and just start eating.” I answered sassily.

The man glared at me even more which only made me amused. Staying here was fun also, there a lot of persons I can annoy. He was about to talked but the king stopped him.

“Cut it, we will discuss about this matter later.” I just smirk in my head.

“Pardon me, your highness.”

I saw him only nodded, he accepted his apology. But why that man said sorry? He didn’t even do anything wrong. He just asked if I was a human and I can’t be their queen. He’s just being honest, well glaring at me is not good, but it’s alright with me.

I’m just messing them around.

“And you,” I looked at him when he said that. Huh? Me? Why me?

“Don’t talked when it’s not needed.” He coldly said to me. What?

“I will talk whenever I want, we have the freedom of speech.” I tried to pissed him off. He gave me a warning look so I smiled. I’m starting to love seeing him angry.

“Don’t start me, human.” The way he called his mate, if he called me human should I start to call him Lycan? Nah, that’s too lame. I’ll call him your highness but in fake and sarcastically way.

“I would not dare, your highness.” I replied and gave him a fake smile.

He stared at me for a few seconds and then looked away. ‘crazy human,’ he commented in his mind. Haha, only if you know, King.

“Everyone, start eating.” He announced.

He’s the one who surrendered arguing with me this time. Ha! I won. I start getting food and eat it slowly and tasting the tenderness of the meat. It’s delicious.

We all ate silently, then sometimes they were talking expanding the territory. Aren’t they satisfied enough? Why they need to widened their territory? Geez, persons who are thirsty to power.

We stopped eating when I’m full. I stood up from my seat and looked at them.

“Thank you for the food but I’m full now, excused me.” I excused.

All of them stared at me.

“You’re done? You only ate a little,” Amanda asked me.

“You forgot Am, I ate already in our old house.” I replied on her.

“Yeah haha, I forgot.” She answered back inwardly.

“So, I have to go now. Thanks for the dinner, everyone… please enjoy your meals.” As I said that I started to leave.

“Hold on,” I stopped moving when he stopped me. What does he need?

I confusedly looked at him.

“Why?” I questioned him.

“Are you really testing my patience?” he asked me. Am I? I shook my head.


“Go back to your seat.” He ordered me.

What? Why would I go back? I’m done eating.

“No.” I said again firmly.

He looked seriously at me and put his knife and fork down.

“Do I need to make you?” he warned.

“I’m done eating so why should I go back?”

He really loves to make a scene. We are arguing in front of them with this nonsense matter.

“Go back.” He ordered empathically.

I don’t understand him why he wanted me to sat down again. Is he really insane? Or what?

“No, I won’t.” I answered firmly.

“Harp, just go back.” Amanda told to me. Okay fine, I go back and sat down on my chair.

I glanced at my mate who is giving me a death glare. Did I annoy him much? It looks like he wanted murder me.

Somehow, I did my revenge well haha. Plan to annoyed him with my cost.

“We will talk later, everyone continued eating.”

He’s the most childish king I knew, I mean… every may knew him as cold, intimidating and dangerous king but for me, he’s the dumbest one.

He’s impulsive decision maker, hot-tempered man, and he’s letting his anger take control of his mind. Ha had trust and anger issues.

After a few more minutes, the others were done eating. In that how many minutes, I just stared on my plate and sometimes to Matthew who is eating energetically.

That kid was really cute.

“Are you done eating sweety?” Amanda asked his child.

He looked at hie mom and nodded his head.

“Yes mom,”

“Good, come on we should go and wash your hands now.” She invited him. I watch him stand up and took her mother’s hand.

“Thank you for this wonderful dinner your highness,” Amanda thanked and bowed her head.

“Thank you for the food, king.” Matthew bubbly said and copied her mother’s action.

All of the person who joined the dinner did the same before they lived. What? I need to say thanked him and bow my head? I will definitely not going to bow in front of him. His not my king, not my alpha. I am an alpha with my own.

“Raised your heads,” they quickly obeyed what he said. The power of the king huh.

“Thank you your highness, we will take our leave now”

Oh, I get it now. How courtesy, they will just leave when everyone was done eating. So bad of me earlier.

Amanda looked at me.

“See you later harp, Matt, say bye to your aunt.” Matthew smiled widely and came closer to me.

“Bye aunt!” as he said that he k*issed my cheeks. I giggled and patted his head.

“What a charming boy, go ahead now.” I told to him and caress his cheeks.

“Thank you,” he said before he goes with her mother and father.

When everyone was gone, he spoke.

“You really don’t have manner, aren’t you?” I looked at him.

Are we going to talk about manner now? Yes it’s my mistake leaving a while ago but I said goodbye in nice way and I also say thank you, well not to him but the food.

“Don’t make it a large problem, your highness. I’m sorry, it so bad of me.” I apologized.

“Stop it.” Huh? What should I stopped?

“What?” He looked at me seriously. There’s a hint of anger in his eyes, this mad Alpha King who is angry always.

“Stop calling me your highness,” Oh, that was what he means. I secretly smirked from what I thought, It’s time to annoy him again.

“Then what I should call you? Alpha king?”

“Neither that.” He answered emotionlessly.

“Wolf.” I answered again that makes him glared at me.

“Are you f*uc*king kidding me, human?” he asked angrily. I chuckled from his reaction, he’s mad again.

You should have a long patience, Alpha king… because I will annoy you as long I am here inside your territory.

“No, why would I?” I asked and gave him a fake smile.

He stood up from his seat and grabbed my wrist then pulled me up. His eyes were full of rage, he looks like he wanted t k*ill me but he can’t. Of course, he would never dare. I’m his mate, and if in case he’ll murder me I would not let him. I’m not weak like they were thinking, but I should play along with them.

In order to… Hide my true Identity.

“Don’t you dare to pissed me off, woman. You don’t know what I can do to you.” He warned. I’m completely aware what he can do. See, claiming me back? There’s something strange about that. He’s too harsh on me.

What is your true reason? You despise me for knowing I am a human, but I’m really not.

His face was too close to mine, I can even feel his warmed and his scent… he really smells so good. But no, I should be drown by this bond. I tried to get his hand off my wrist but he didn’t let me.

“Is this how you treat your mate?” I asked him that makes him loosen a bit his grip on my wrist.

“Being sadistic? You didn’t find me to claim me again, right? It’s because you need something from me?” I continued. I expect him to show some emotion but he didn’t, instead he just blankly stared at me and let go off my hand.

“I don’t know what are you talking about,” He denied. Oh, I see, he doesn’t really have intention to tell me the reason why. Alright then, even if he won’t tell me… I’ll find way to know the truth.

“As you said so. If this argument was done? I will take my leave now.” I said and turn my back on him.

I started to walk towards my room, when I got there I closed the door and then rushed down on the bed. He’s quite annoying in that moment, yeah I know he’s the Alpha King but I will said again, he’s not my king.

Defying him will not consider as a sin because I am not part of his underlings. I’m not below and belong to anyone. I am the first tribid creature in this world.

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