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The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame Chapter 9

The Alpha King’s Mistake by BlackFlame

Chapter 09 City

Harper Alizah Grace’s POV

I was walking towards Amanda’s room and knocked on her door. But instead of her greeting me, Lance was the first one I saw.

“Do you need something?” He asked me. I nodded my head.

“Is Amanda’s already awake?” I asked him.

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“Yes, she is. Why?”

“Can I have a moment with her? I mean we will just roam around the palace for me to familiarized this place.” I answered.

“Oh, sure queen. Wait a minute, I’ll just going to call her.” I nodded my head and watched him go back inside their room.

After a few seconds she came out with Matthew in her hand.

“Aunt!” he immediate greeted me when he saw me. I smile at him and offer my hug. He run towards my direction and let me hugged him.

“How are you little boy?” I asked him while letting him go of my hug.

“I’m perfectly fine!” He answered energetically, I chuckled and messed up his hair which he just giggled.

So cute. His mother came closer to me and smiled.

“You wanted to roam around the palace?” she asked me. I nodded my head.

“Yeah, I have nothing to do anyway, how about you? Are you free?”

“Yes I am, let’s go?”

“Mommy? Can I come too?” Matthew asked his mother. Amanda looked at him and kneel down.

“Soon honey, you need to stay here for the mean time. Is that okay with you?” She gently asked her son. Matthew pouted his lips and crossed his arm. Oh? Looked at him, he’s so damn cute.

“I want to come mommy! Aunt, pretty please can I come?” he begged. Aw, my heart melt from his voice, I walked closer to him and kneel down in front of him.

“Alright then little kiddo. But promised me, you will behave?” he quickly nodded his head and hug me.

“Yey! I’ll come.” I stand up and chuckled. He’s so energetic like his mother.

“Let’s change our destination, we will go to the city.” I told to Amanda.

“He will let you?” She asked me. You, she means my mate. I know that he won’t let me go so… well escape.

“No… I don’t want what are you are thinking right now. I’m fine with it if we are the only one who will go but we have my child.” Yeah, she’s right. We can’t do that.

“I’m not even answering it, but you really know me well Am,” I said and chuckled softly.

“Ha! I know how your mind works, haha. So, where we should really go?” I remained silent for the mean time and think what we should do.

“We are still going in the city, prepare and I’ll see you both outside this palace. I’ll go talk to him.” She nodded her head.

“Do you think he will let you go?” She asked me.

“Not in this life time, but in this place? Maybe yes and anyway, we will just roam around the city. I won’t leave.” I answered. She nodded her head in agreement.

“You’re right. So? We will see each other outside?” she asked to confirmed.

“Yes.” As I said that I look to Matthew who is innocently listening to our conversation.

“I’ll go now.” After saying that, I t*ouched Matthew’s cheeks before leaving.

I walked in the wide and long hallway towards his room. I not sure if he’s still there or he leaved. After leaving in the dining room last night, I never saw him again until now.

Well, we aren’t sharing room anyway so how will see him this early? We are minding our own business. It’s already six o’clock in the morning.

As I reached the third floor, I looked for his room which is next to mine. I was about to knock when it suddenly opened. A woman exited his room, her hair was messy, the same as her clothes.

She stopped walking out when she saw me. I’m not dumb not to know what happened to her, or to them precisely.

Is this the reason why I feel extremely pain last night? Why my wolf still asleep right now? He’s f*uc*king another girl. Damn it. I can’t help but to feel anger and disgust right now. I’m still f*uc*king his mate, even if he doesn’t love me. At least he should respect me.

F*uc*king a mate less were-woman? This is terrible so cruel of him. Well, I can’t blame him though, he’s still a man with need. And one more thing, he doesn’t know me.

She quickly lived when she saw my expression, obviously she knows me. This is unbelievable, he’s really something. He’s having affair with another woman while I’m here. He really has the guts.

I calm down myself before entering his nasty room without his so-called permission. As I got inside, I saw him sitting down at the edge of his bed. Half-naked. I see, someone had fun last night while I am suffering from d*eep, unbearable pain.

“Did I told you to leave already?” He coldly said without even looking at me. This room filled with their scents and it’s k*ill*ing me inside. I took a d*eep breath and h*arden my expression. He disgusts me.

“I’ll leave after I say this,” He quickly looked at me. I saw shock in his eyes at first but it only lasts for three seconds.

“What are you doing here?” He asked me, seriously.

“Just going to say something,” I answered coldly.

He stood up from his bed so I saw his naked body. He only wore boxer, I quickly removed my gaze on him.

“Spill it.”

“We’re going out,” I answered.

“What?” he asked me again. I know that he heard it so I need to repeat it?

“I know you heard me right.” I simply answered.

“Look at me when you are talking to me.” I slowly moved my gazed back on him. He wore white shirts now.

“I don’t want to look at you.”

I saw him smirked at me, he found this amusing huh. What if I slept with another man? What he will going to feel? Still happy? Well, I doubt that. He will definitely going to murder me, us.

“Why?” he asked me. Unbelievable, he really asked me that?

Hmm, if he wished to sleep with another girls, I won’t do anything to it. It’s he’s decision, but he should never asked anything with me.

Not my mind, my body, my soul and my heart.

None of those.

“No certain reason, anyway… as what I’m saying a while ago. We’re going out.”

His eyebrow met and seriously looked at me.

“With whom and to where?” he asked me.

“Me, Amanda and Matthew.” I answered.

“Where?” he asked. He’s talking to me as if he did not do anything wrong.

“Just on the city,”

“Alright.” I glanced at him when he said that. He agreed? That easy?

“But… guards will go with the three of you.” He continued. As what I thought so.

“It’s fine with me but… I have a condition to tell.” He nodded his head and sign me to tell.

“They should stay ten meters away from us.” He thinks about my condition.

“fine, how long?” he asked me once again.

“We’ll go home before lunch.” I replied.

“Okay, anything else you wanted to say?” is he sure that he’s asking me that? If he’s thinking that I’ll open the topic about what he did last night? I won’t.

I shook my head.

“Nothing else, I have to go now.” As I said that I turned my back on him.

He’s really cruel, he didn’t bother to explain what happened. Well, what am I expecting? A miracle? Of course, he will never explain because for him what should he explain?

I opened the door and leave. As I got outside, I closed the door and leaned back on it.

This is f*uc*king hurts, I supposed not to feel this way because I’m not in love with him. I hate him, I hate him from not knowing who I am, from rejecting me and from treating me this way.

I started to walk and go inside my room to prepare.

After a few minutes, I went out my room and go outside the palace. As I got there, I saw Amanda and Matthew with five guards behind them.

“Let me guess, he agreed but in return we will be escorted by this guards.” She guessed it right. I nodded my head.

“Yeah but don’t worry, they will guard us ten meters away.” I answered and gave them a smile.

“He agreed? Ha! I knew it, he still has some soft spot for you.” My smile quickly faded. Had some soft spot for me huh? Is that a joke? He f*uc*ked another girl last night, and much worse is… I suffered last night, secretly.

I shook my head.

“Let’s go, Am. I said to him that we’ll be back before lunch so we only have…” I paused and looked at my wrist watch.

“Still have almost 4 hours left.” I continued,.

“Alright then, Matt! Come on now honey, we’ll going to leave.” She called her son.

“Really mom?! Yey! Let’s go!” My mood lightened up because of him.

“Can I carry him?” I asked Amanda.

She looked at me and smiled.

“Of course, you can, matt! Your aunty wanted to carry you.”

Matthew immediately ran towards my direction and made me carry him.

“Thank you, aunt!” He cheerfully thanked me.

“You’re welcome, Kiddo.” I replied and smiled.

“Let’s go.”

We started to move our feet, the city was near to the palace so we will just walk.

“Are you sure that you’re going to carry him till we reach the city?” Amanda asked me. I nodded my head. Matthew weight’s nothing on me, so… it’s fine.

“Yeah, don’t worry Am.” She nodded her head. How I wish that she knows my secret, I am still deciding if I’ll tell to her the truth.

“Mommy! Aunt! Look, there’s bird flying in the sky.” Matthew cheerfully said while pointing the birds in the sky.

“Yes, honey. We see.” Amanda replied and smiled to her son.

Matthew giggled and laughed so happily, he moved suddenly but thankfully I held him quickly so he didn’t fall.

“Matt! Stop moving too much! Your aunt won’t hold any longer.”

“I’m sorry mom, I’m sorry aunt,” He apologized. I chuckled softly.

“It’s okay, Kiddo.”

After a few minutes we reach the city, all of the persons who saw us bowed their heads and greeted. All of them know Amanda but me? They see me as a human. No one knew that I’m their king’s mate.

Anyway, he didn’t made an official announcement that he found his mate. So how could they know?

“Please, don’t mind us.” Amanda said and smiled.

All of them nodded their heads and go back with their task.

“Go down for the mean time Matthew, let your aunt rest.”

“Alright Mom, Aunt… please let me down for you to rest.” He gently said to me.

I smiled genuinely, I hope this child won’t change. Hope that he will be like his father, never hurt his mate. I admit that… I’m disappointed.

I’m disappointed with him, and with this situation. How my life turned in to this? From peaceful to chaotic.

“You two didn’t take your breakfast right?” I asked them. They shook their head, well, me too.

“Let’s have some breakfast first.”

“I want pancake and… hot milk!” Matthew energetically exclaimed. Amanda and I, chuckled.

“Alright then, let’s have some pancake and hot milk.”

Children is fun to be with, they didn’t lie, can’t hurt someone. They are pure and innocent. Not like adults, they lie, pretend and hurt someone.

They some were thinking children is the one who is h*ard to manage? In my opinion, a man ages 13 and above were the h*ardest one to control because they have their own mind to think, to decide and to take an action.

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