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The Alpha’s Exclusive Stripper by Selena Madrid Chapter 102

The Alpha’s Exclusive Stripper by Selena Madrid

Chapter 102 (Priscilla)

“WHAT are your plans regarding the mages, your majesty?” one of the lords asked during dinner.

“Trevor and Zephyr led the attack in their realm the other day. The citizens’ manas are currently being blocked. Some of the council members, including their ruler, who secretly helped Cameron are now in prison and are awaiting punishment,” Dad explained.

I now understand the reason why not many people knew about Cameron’s wickedness. After dad attacked him decades ago and they thought he died, the mages’ council begged my parents not to reveal the real reason for his death. They were embarrassed of their late king’s actions.

But after discovering that he was the man behind the Order, dad didn’t stop until every citizen in the mages’ realm found out his sins.

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Cameron had only been subdued. Trevor, Zephyr, and the mages on our side put him on a slumber spell. With his overflowing power, he cannot die. He could only be put to sleep unless I steal his powers, turn him into a human, and kill him. The last part was impossible at the moment because I was still recuperating. The last spell I performed took almost half of my powers but I wouldn’t stop until Cameron was punished.

After all that he did to me and my mother, the slumber spell was too light as a punishment.

“Trevor?” I heard dad ask after some time.

I looked up and noticed that the man he was calling had his eyes on me. My cheeks blazed. Right now, I am still trying to get back in shape. I had just returned from training with the soldiers. I’d lost track of time that when I got home, I didn’t have the extra time to change into something more appropriate for dinner. I didn’t want the guests to wait for me.

I was only wearing green army p*ants, plain black shirt, and boots. My face was free of make-up. I only managed to wash it a while ago. I untied my hair and combed it a little before joining them in the dining hall.

I started feeling dirty, ugly, messy, and very much uncomfortable the moment I saw everyone in formal clothing, especially Trevor. Tonight, he took my breath away in his double-b*reasted gray suit.

And he was looking at me like I was the only person who deserved his time and attention.

I smiled. We had been busy this past week. Trevor in his preparation for his pack’s departure and me for training and regaining my strength.

But each time the sun came down, it meant that it was our time.

We meet every night. He sleeps in my chambers. He still makes me sleep on top of him as if he was still worried that I would just disappear one moment.

“Anything you wish to add, Trevor?” I asked when everyone looked at him as if they were waiting for additional explanation from him regarding dad’s statement.

He nodded as he put down his fork and knife. “Actually, there is.”

What is it?”

“You are beautiful, love,” he suddenly blurted out. “Will you marry me?”

All of a sudden, my brain had stopped… functioning.

There were twenty-four people sitting in the dining hall including Trevor and me but everyone had stopped talking at once, including Dean and some of their pack members. Even the servants who were currently serving drinks seemed to freeze as they waited for what would happen next.

Dad, on the other h*and, choked on his food. Lord Rys beside him immediately stood up to give him a glass of water. He took it and emptied the glass quickly.

His face was still red when he exclaimed, “What the heck, Rodrigo?!”

Dean was now on his alpha’s rescue. “Pardon us, your majesty. It was not our intention to disrespect the princess. Our King and our pack had been preparing for his grand proposal in a tower he acquired near the city. Everything is ready for tomorrow night but…” his voice trailed off as he glanced at his king nervously. “This happened.”

“Explain this to me, Rodrigo,” dad insisted.

“I couldn’t help it, your majesty. My mate is sitting right there in front of me looking so conscious about herself and about her powers not knowing that she didn’t have to be. She’s okay. She’s alive. She’s healing. And she’s beautiful.” Trevor smiled, his eyes glistening with warmth and pure adoration. “She looked tired, but she’s still smiling for all of us. She’s trying every day with that light in her eyes, in her soul. She’s perfect. She’s wearing the simplest clothes but I’d never seen anything more perfect in my whole life.”

Trevor stood up and slowly swallowed the distance between us.

Unlike the proposal scenes I’d watched with Addison, there was no romantic music tonight but for me, this was better. There were colorful little birds suddenly flying around us, singing for us. I knew it was because of his mana. The white flowers on the table had morphed into something more beautiful. Each petal had different colors, reminding me of the many colors Trevor and I had brought into each other’s lives.

He stopped beside my chair and once again, he bent his knee for me, eliciting gasps from the crowd.

“You own me, Priscilla. My b*ody, my heart, my soul, they are all yours. Would you like to own me some more?” He took a diamond ring from his pocket. “If you accept this ring, you will own all of my days as well. You will own my lifetime. Will you have me, Princess Priscilla?”

Tears slid down my cheeks. Ever since we found each other again, I’d been crying more, but they were happy tears this time.

I also bent my knee and cupped his cheeks.

Trevor always knew how to make me feel good when I was feeling worse, how to lift me up when I was feeling frustrated, how to make me feel beautiful when I was feeling the ugliest, and how to love me more when my confidence and love for myself were wavering.

Tonight, in my messiest state, he looked at me the way he looked at me during my welcome party when I was wearing a gown. He still looked just as mesmerized.

Without this man, I would never know who I would be. This happiness would never be possible.

My voice broke when I asked, “How do you always know what I feel?”

“Because I’m yours,” he stated so simply, so casually, as if he didn’t just turn my whole life around tonight.

When I danced at Oblivion that night and our eyes met, I never imagined that this would happen to us. The man I thought would be my destroyer ended up being my savior. My mate. My lover.

“Your father asked me last time about my opinion regarding children,” Trevor said when I was still too overwhelmed to speak. He brushed my tears away with his thumb. And softly, he added, “Honestly, I never thought of them before I heard that question but when I pictured little versions of you running and playing around our castle, I knew it would be messy. It would take a lot of work. It’ll also be wild and crazy but I think those tiny beautiful monsters would be worth it. It’ll be an adventure for the both of us. And it’ll be amazing. What do you think, love?”

“I’d like that very much,” I said, nodding. “I’d like to see mini versions of you, too.”

When I thought I’d lost him forever, when I couldn’t cross the borders, I regretted taking those pills. I imagined a scenario where I was pregnant with his child, where there would be little Trevor around me as a reminder of our love.

“How are they going to pull this off? Her Highness will be here to rule us while Trevor will depart to rule his realm,” one of the lords commented.

There were still questions from the others, but I didn’t listen to them anymore. I heard my father sigh but he didn’t say another word as if he had lost the fight. And maybe he did.

Trevor and I had always been one. And together, there was nothing we could not pull off. This love was beyond realms. We will keep showing them that.

I reached for Trevor’s l*ips and in a clear but firm voice, I answered, “I love you, Trevor. Yes, I will marry you.”

He slipped the ring on my f*inger. It fitted perfectly. His eyes were glowing when he asked, “Are you ready for another chapter with me, love? For another adventure?”

Still smiling, I replied, “Always.”

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