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The Alpha’s Exclusive Stripper by Selena Madrid Chapter 103

The Alpha’s Exclusive Stripper by Selena Madrid

Chapter 103

I LIFTED my arms and sword above my head and when the soldier fell into the trap and charged forward, I hid my smile. When he tried attacking me, I blocked him with my sword. I raised my foot towards him and pushed him off balance. When he fell on the ring, I took advantage of it. Before he could move, I pointed my sword on his n*eck.

The soldiers below the ring clapped their h*ands.

“You are faster and better than before, your highness,” Lord Rys uttered proudly.

I was still sweating when I sheathed the sword. “Thank you, my lord. I owe it to my team. They’ve worked really h*ard as well”

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The soldiers bowed their heads and smiled.

I smiled back but I didn’t think any of them had seen it since Trevor showed up all of a sudden. He spun me around and pulled me to his c*hest as if he was blocking others from seeing me.

It had been a week since he and his pack departed but there were times when he would appear out of the blue because of the promise I made.

“Don’t look at me like that,” he said, frowning. “I’m just saving the poor soldiers’ hearts from falling for you, too. I told you not to smile so casually.”

My smile widened when I heard the possessiveness in his voice. Only Trevor would think something like that I indulged myself and embraced him t*ighter. We linked with each other every day but hearing his voice wasn’t enough anymore. I hadn’t seen him in two days.

When I peeked behind him, everyone had already left the training room. The training was supposed to end half an hour ago anyway but we decided to extend it a little and spar for a bit.

‘“Missed me?” Trevor asked.

I nodded. “Very much. And you?”

He g*roaned as he buried his face in my hair. “Still suffering from Priscilla deficiency. This s*hit gets worse every day. If I could put you in my pocket, I would.”

i giggled.

He lifted me up and I automatically wrapped my l*egs around his waist. He teleported and brought us to my quarters. He pinned me on the wall and tore my shirt apart along with my bra with such urgency. I closed my eyes and m*oaned the minute his m*outh searched for one n*ipple and s*ucked it.

“What happened this time?” I asked as I ran my f*ingers through his hair.

Trevor was frowning the day we sent him off the borders. In fact, he looked murderous when he thought of his own council members and so I told him he could come to me to de-stress.

I could still remember the sparkle in his eyes after he heard that. Tm really going to do that, love. No take backs later, alright?’

He made me promise and so I did.

Since then, he had been linking with me and showing up in my office and in my chambers to de-stress. And his only way of doing that was through… s*ucking my n*ipples, leaving me hot and wet. The next thing I know, I was the one who needed to de-stress.

He bit my n*ipple like a starved man while his h*ands massaged my b*reasts.

“I was annoyed.”

“By what?”

“Their faces.”

My b*ody was burning up for him and yet, I found myself laughing so h*ard. “Trevi What kind of reason was that?”

“What can I do?” he growled. “Your face is the only one I want to look at.”

I held his cheeks. I did receive updates from his beta every now and then, informing me how moody he had been ever since coming back. But it won’t be for long. I’d been doing my best to cross the borders every day.

But I still haven’t won against them so far.

It was frustrating but what I found the most frustrating was this man.

After he got his fill, there was a satisfied smirk on his face as he put me to my bed. He wanted to take me. I could see it in his eyes. I could hear it through his wolf. And I could see it through the bulge in his p*ants. He wanted more.

But for some reason, he wasn’t giving it to me like he was teasing me.

“You know that’s not fair, right?” I asked when he was about to release me. “Now, I’m stressed too. You need to help me out here, love.”

He leaned in and ran his f*ingers between my l*egs and g*roaned when he felt how wet I was. “Do you want it so bad, love? Do you want me inside you now?”

“Yes,” I whimpered. “Please, Trev.”

“Then be a good mate and I’ll give it to you.” He l*icked my n*eck. “I will t*hrust inside you again and again and hit your favorite spot until you scream my name, until you beg me to stop.”

“And if I beg, will you stop?” I whispered.

He rubbed his e*rection between my t*highs and with a devious glint in his eyes, he replied, “No. Because I know you, love. In the bedroom, your ‘stop’ means ‘go on’.” He pinched my n*ipples. “Your ‘no’ means ‘yes.’ And I’ll go on and on until you worry if you can still walk properly the next day.”

He bent down and claimed my l*ips for a quick, wet k*iss and then he was gone, leaving me breathless.

Two weeks after that, he didn’t show up. At all.

It was alright. My world didn’t stop spinning. I was okay.

Today, I completed my training, had dinner with dad, went to my quarters, took a bath, and stared at the bed.

I dropped the towel on the floor. My eyes watered.

Who was I kidding?

Everything wasn’t okay. I ached for him. I missed him. It was a struggle to look at the bed without remembering him lying there. Every night, I lay in his position on the bed. I could still smell him in my pillows.

We still call each other a few minutes every night and ask about how our days had passed by but hearing his voice and seeing him were two different things.

I know that he was busy, that’s why I try not to link with him and went back to using my phone to hear him. I didn’t want to distract him with my voice. Now that he was back in his domain, the things he needed to do must have piled up.

I took a sharp breath and glanced at the clock on the bedside table. It was past ten in the evening. I put on my nightgown and grabbed my phone. He hadn’t called yet tonight. I hated myself for being clingy but if I don’t hear his voice tonight, my wolf might go berserk.

I sat on the bed and dialed his number.

After two rings, he answered the phone.

“Hello, love,” he said softly.

“Hi, Trev.” I cleared my throat. Hesitation filled my voice when I asked, “Are you busy? Were you sleeping?”

“No. Not at all. Is something wrong, love?”

I closed my eyes. “Nothing. I just… miss you so much, Trev.”

My l*ips parted when I realized that he hung up on me.

I fought back the tears. Maybe he lied. Maybe he was actually busy tonight.

I was about to lay on the bed when I heard a noise from the balcony and my wolf suddenly whimpered. My heart was beating wildly inside me again.

I ran to the balcony and opened the glass door.

He was there and was still in his navy-blue suit as if he was in a meeting. He looked tired but he smiled when our eyes met and then he uttered, “Hello, love.” My voice cracked when I asked, “Why are you here?”

“You missed me.”

“And you don’t?”

“It was hell, love.” He spread his arms. “Come here.”

I ran in his waiting arms and sobbed when I felt his embrace at last.


EVERYONE put in a massive effort for this birthday banquet. It was probably the biggest and grandest birthday I had. The royal hall was filled with the kingdom’s best liquor and the food was made by the best chefs.

I could at least appreciate their d*esire to celebrate this with me.

There were currently a group of musicians playing in the center while the women danced while wearing their most provocative costumes. The men, especially the lords, were obviously having a good time.

And I would have felt the same way if my mate was here.

The look in her eyes when we last saw each other a few days ago had been stuck in my mind. I glanced at my wristwatch. It was almost nine in the evening. The party had been going on for two hours.

I turned to my beta. He immediately came to me.

“Yes, your majesty-”

“End it. I can’t sit in this f*ucking throne anymore. I do appreciate the effort but I don’t need a grand celebration, you know that.’’

All I needed as a birthday gift was Priscilla’s hugs and k*isses.

Her smiles, too.

“Make sure that the performers will be well-compensated. Send everyone home and give them gifts of appreciation. You know the drill.”

With one signal from Dean, the noise had stopped at once. The guests looked disappointed as they lowered their heads and started to leave.

But all of a sudden, the host announced, “Princess Priscilla from the Vampire Realm is here to wish His Majesty a happy birthday.”

I stood up when I saw her walk down the hallway, looking insanely beautiful while wearing that red long gown which hugged her curves perfectly. Behind her were her servants who came carrying a bunch of gifts without knowing that the best gift was her.

Her presence.

Her victory against the borders.

The guests kneeled upon recognizing who she was in my life. Our wolves were humming together and everyone could hear it. It was finally a happy birthday.

As Priscilla walked towards me this time, I wondered how she could think I could survive a day without seeing her, without breathing her in.

Every night as she sleeps, I’m with her.

I just couldn’t reveal myself yet. I thought she needed the extra motivation to pass through the borders. And tonight, she finally made it. I couldn’t be prouder. It looked like tonight was going to be a long night.

Someone was going to be rewarded handsomely.

I didn’t let her walk too long. I met her halfway. I stopped when I was only a step away from her.

She beamed. “I finally won against the borders, Trev!”

A soft chuckle escaped from my l*ips as I stroked her cheek. “It seems like you did. I love to see you win.”

But after looking around, her smile wavered. Anxiety crossed her beautiful eyes when she asked, “I saw some guests outside. They looked like they were about to leave. Am I late?”

I glanced at the guests and the performers before linking with my beta.

“Tell everyone to come back, Dean. Hurry. Those who will return the fastest will be rewarded.”

A few seconds later and the guests returned, looking bewildered but my pack welcomed them as if they had just arrived.

I smirked before I announced, “No, love. You aren’t late at all. You will never be too late. In fact, the party is just about to start.” Everyone gasped but none of them got to say anything when I added, “You would like what the performers prepared for us.”

Dean shook his head before he linked with the performers. “Act like you will all be performing for the first time tonight. I know that some of you are tired but hang on. Those who will perform brilliantly will be highly compensated.”

The performers bounced when they heard about the compensation.

That was all it took for the party to start all over again.

But this time, with my queen beside me.

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