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The Alpha’s Exclusive Stripper by Selena Madrid Chapter 104

The Alpha’s Exclusive Stripper by Selena Madrid

Chapter 104

HAVE you ever experienced being so madly in love with life that you didn’t want to blink for fear that you might miss a second of its beauty? That just the thought of life makes your heart pound? Light up your world? Bring a smile to your face? I’d been like that from the second I met her.

And now, I was watching her.

My life.

Walking down the aisle.

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Priscilla used to say that she learned to dream again because of me.

As for me, I didn’t know how to dream at all. My parents didn’t give me enough reason to dream.

But Priscilla had turned me into a dreamer. A believer. And a fan.

Yes, I was my mate’s number one fan.

These past three months, I was with her as she finally gained the strength to face Cameron. She gave him exactly what he deserved and more. After waking the delusional bastard from the slumber spell, she took her mother’s powers back and turned him into a human.

And since Cameron was around three hundred years old already, losing his powers had made him older and weaker than humans. Priscilla put him in a mental facility no matter how much he begged her to just end him.

I heard that until this day, the psycho had been crying and screaming for his lost butterfly as his b*ody deteriorated quickly.

The moment Priscilla got her powers back, she truly became the butterfly Cameron wanted her to be. With her wings spread wide open, she was unstoppable. She went into the mages’ realm and made the sinners pay one by one. We were only there as witnesses. We didn’t want to deny her the chance to avenge herself.

When our eyes met and she smiled, her eyes were glowing with so much happiness, I found myself moving towards her.

“Hold him,” Jeremy commanded right away.

Zane, Zephyr, and Dean, my groomsmen, were grinning as they held my arms and shoulders.

Still glaring at them, I said, “What the heck? Let me go.”

“Fine. Go and ruin my moment with my daughter if you want me to ruin your wedding with her, you daughter thief.”

The crowd started to laugh.

I swear no one could threaten me like this except my father-in-law. I cleared my throat. “Who said I was going to ruin your moment with her? Don’t you have faith in me, sir? I was… only going to fix my shoelaces.”

The female guests giggled.

Jeremy just glared at me before his focus went back on the woman we both love. I think he will always regard me as a thief and an enemy. Even now, everyone could see that he was intentionally slowing down the walk towards the aisle.

Priscilla was now laughing at her father for being so stubborn. If I could put a turtle right there on the red carpet, I was sure it would reach me faster than them.

Not that I mind.

His daughter was marrying this thief anyway.

I still won.

“Dad… if we are going to make everyone wait this long, don’t you think we should have brought popcorn and drinks for them first?” I heard Priscilla ask which made the guests laugh once more.

Jeremy’s face flushed. “I just can’t believe my baby is getting married already.” He suddenly stopped walking and turned to her. “You are happy, right?”

She nodded, her beautiful eyes were still twinkling when she said, “Very.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too, dad. Always.”

Jeremy took a deep breath before he finally decided to walk at a normal speed. When he stood in front of me, he glared at me.

“Just so you know, until you give me grandchildren, you will remain a thief in my eyes.”

Priscilla giggled. “That means you are no longer a thief from today onwards, love. I’m four weeks pregnant-”she stopped and immediately covered her m*outh when Jeremy and I both whirled our heads towards her.

My heart just skipped a beat.

“You’re pregnant?” we asked at the same time when we both recovered.

“I was supposed to say this later but yes, I’m pregnant,” she beamed.

Jeremy embraced her and as soon as he released her, I reached out to her, lifted her, and spun her around. Her long silver hair swayed along with her gown as she laughed and I had to remind myself to breathe.

They said it was impossible to keep falling for the same person but I beg to disagree.

I wake up and fall for her every day.

For her smiles. For her laughter. For everything about her.

When I brought her down, Jeremy hugged us both.

“Good job, son,” he said as he patted me on the shoulder.

“Wow, that was a fast promotion!” Dean exclaimed.

I smirked. “Thanks, dad.”

Priscilla shook her head in amusement.

When we finally turned to the minister with my h*and holding hers, she whispered, “Addison is right. Fairytales are real. Trevor, you are my fairytale.”

“Fairytales have endings. We don’t.” I k*issed her h*and. “Love, I am your forever.”


AFTER Trevor and I took our vows in front of hundreds of witnesses, we stayed in the hall for the coronation ceremony.

This time, the coronation was not just for me. After all, I wouldn’t have been able to fulfill my mother’s dream without Trevor who protected me with his mana and strength while I unified the kingdoms.

He said I’d become a full-blown butterfly but I still believed that I wouldn’t be able to fly without him. He was my direction. My wings.

Now, who would have known that from nothing, I would become a bride and a queen?

I couldn’t stop being emotional as the new council that we formed for the past months surrounded us. The Phoenix also joined us today. I finally found out what Trevor promised them. Protection. For decades, they had also run away from the Order who wanted to steal their powers.

I felt my husband lightly squeeze my h*and as we walked into a new chapter waiting for us. Together, we bent our knees as the ritual started. Zephyr led the prayer. Zane read our future responsibilities. Lastly, the minister took a step forward and gently t*ouched our heads.

“With the blessings of the moon goddess bestowed upon me, I now declare you, Trevor Rodrigo and Priscilla Blanche as the new King and Queen of the unified kingdoms. May the blessings of the moon be with you always and forever!”

The minute the minister had placed the crown on our heads, both of us stood up and everyone kneeled.

“Glory to the new King and Queen!”

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