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The Alpha’s Exclusive Stripper by Selena Madrid Chapter 106

The Alpha’s Exclusive Stripper by Selena Madrid

Chapter 106 (Priscilla)

“HER MAJESTY’S mana is dropping!”

“She’s losing energy!”

“Her heartbeat is unstable!”

I could feel buckets of cold sweat forming on my face. The doctors had warned me that it wouldn’t be easy to give birth because the twins were so strong that I was told they would drain most of my energy and powers but I went ahead especially when I found out that Trevor and I were having twins.

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A boy and a girl. They had given me extra courage.

But I could feel that courage slipping away now. Fear crawled into my c*hest. I closed my eyes as I felt my whole b*ody tremble.

“Get the royal mage-”

Before the head doctor could finish her sentence, I heard the door open.

“Your majesty, you are not supposed to be here-”

“Step out of my way. My wife needs me,” I heard my husband speak. Seconds later and I felt his solid h*and on mine.

Trevor k*issed my h*and.

I opened my eyes when I felt his mana and his warm energy pouring all over my b*ody. He was transferring his energy to me. He wiped the sweat off my forehead with his other h*and.

A tear slid down my cheek. “Trev…”

He smiled softly and held my h*and t*ighter. “I got you, love. I got you and our babies. Don’t be afraid. All four of us are in this together.”

I nodded shakily.

“Breathe, your majesty,” the doctor reminded me. “And remember to push. We could almost see the head now.”

I let out a scream and pushed one more time. Trevor didn’t let go of my h*and until we both heard a cry. It was the loudest cry I’d ever heard in my whole life.

The wolves outside all roared to welcome their prince.

“You make me so proud, love,” Trevor whispered as he planted a k*iss on my forehead.

Ten minutes later and our princess was born.

“They are so beautiful, love,” I heard my husband say.

I forced a smile although I could feel my face starting to lose its color and my limbs getting cold. For a moment, all I could see were silhouettes crowding my bed but even those started fading. Why now? I still wanted to see their faces. I still wanted to know what my babies looked like.


I closed my eyes as my h*and slipped from Trevor’s grip.



IT WAS the seventh night now.

For seven straight nights, Trevor would carry my daughter to the garden for a moon bath. He would stand there for hours with my daughter in his arms. She hadn’t woken up after giving birth. Her pulse had been weak since then but we could all feel her fighting. Her wolf was right there inside her, sleeping and recharging and with the moon bath, we could feel her slowly regaining her strength.

When Andreas, my grandson, stirred, I rocked him softly in my arms. He was Trevor’s tiny version. I smiled when I saw him yawn before drifting back to sleep. His twin sister Atasha, who was Priscilla’s carbon copy, had been in the dreamland for a while now.

There were countless servants outside the twins’ quarters but I wanted to look after my grandchildren personally since I couldn’t be there for their mother.

My son-in-law truly amazed me. Every morning, he spent quality time with the twins, still had time to attend a court meeting in the afternoon, and at night, his time was devoted to my daughter. I didn’t see him complain or waver because this time, my daughter had a heartbeat and it was a miracle what her heartbeat could do to a man like Trevor. It gave him strength.

Every day, he was showing his people how men should love their women. His sheer devotion to his wife could move mountains.

I could still remember the piles of pregnancy books I saw in his office when I visited him last month.

When he told me with confidence to watch him make Priscilla happy, he fulfilled it.

Every day, I watched my daughter glow. I watched her become braver. She knew the risks of pregnancy and I saw how uneasy Trevor had become after hearing what the doctors had to say but even if she could feel herself getting weaker each day, she didn’t lose her smiles and her hope.

I watched her and her husband become the best versions of themselves for the past months. I watched them encourage each other, fight together, and rule together.

They were a picture of a loving couple although the council knew not to mess with them and not to be fooled by their sweetness because together, they were unrivaled. The kingdoms under them had prospered and lived in peace.

My only hope was that my daughter could finally see her children. I wanted her to see the adorable creatures that she had fought so h*ard to have.

I carefully put my grandson in his crib.

I looked at the two cribs and took a deep breath. Trevor made Andreas’ crib while I volunteered to make Atasha’s.

“Good night, little warriors.” I glanced at Trevor and Priscilla outside the window. My gaze softened. “Good night, my children. May tonight be the night that all your wishes come true.”


THE MOMENT I opened my eyes, what greeted me was pure darkness. In another time, I would have been terrified but Trevor had made sure that fear would be the last thing I would feel when I woke up.

I could feel my husband’s strong arms around me, assuring me that I was not alone. I could feel his heartbeat. I could hear him breathe.

In the middle of the silence, I heard him drop a k*iss on my forehead and whispered, “I’m with you, love.”

I nodded, my throat was dry when I answered, “I know”

I felt his muscles tense.

I waited until I could control my mana again. It only took a few seconds but it felt so long. And when I could finally see Trevor’s face again and found out where we were, tears rolled down my cheeks. There was a thick blanket surrounding my b*ody as he carried me in the garden.

“How long was I out, love?” I asked in a hoarse voice.

“Eleven nights.”

I caressed his cheeks and he closed his eyes as if he was feeling my warmth. I sobbed. “I made you wait for me again. I’m so sorry I woke up too late-”

“No, love,” he said, shaking his head. He looked at me and smiled tenderly. “I told you. You will never be too late. You will always be on time. The time you come to me, the time you wake up, the time you are back in my arms will always be the right time.”

My c*hest swelled with so much emotion. “You must have been very tired. Have you been carrying me like this the entire time?”

He rubbed his nose against mine. “It doesn’t matter. Didn’t I tell you? I will be your soldier. I will be your feet when you can’t walk, your eyes when you can’t see, and your strength when you are weak. I will carry you wherever and whenever, love.”

My shoulders shook as I wept in his arms. “I love you so much, Trevor. Thank you for loving me”

He rewarded me with a glow in his eyes and that glorious smile that I still fall for. And I knew fifty years down the line, that smile will still have the same impact in my heart. “Loving you is what I do best, wife.”

“I know. And I will always be grateful for it.” I smiled back. “Let’s go back inside, Trev. I want to see our twins.”

Gently, Trevor released me and guided me until I could stand again. With my h*and in his, he teleported us towards the twins’ room. The servants beamed upon seeing us, they immediately opened the door.

The room was quiet but it was as if our prince and princess had felt our presence. They started to cry. I ran towards their cribs and cried when I saw them for the first time.

“Hi,” I greeted in a broken voice. “Mommy is finally here. I’m sorry I took so long.”

I took Andreas in my arms while Trevor leaned down and carried Atasha. Both of them had stopped crying at once. I leaned my head on my husband’s shoulder as tears slid down my cheeks once again.

Our little family was now complete at last.

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