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The Alpha’s Exclusive Stripper by Selena Madrid Chapter 107

The Alpha’s Exclusive Stripper by Selena Madrid

Chapter 107

Six years later…

“THE LITTLE monsters had escaped their prison again.” Trevor glanced at the servants who were sleeping peacefully outside Atasha and Andreas’ room. He frowned. “These useless guards! I should replace them all tomorrow.”

I elbowed Trevor. “Hush. Look at their faces. They looked so tired. You should be giving them bonuses for not resigning.”

Trevor just snickered and grabbed my h*and.

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“Let’s go arrest the culprits before they go berserk again.”

I shook my head. It was past ten in the evening. An hour ago, Trevor and I sent the kids to sleep. They either pretended to have fallen asleep or they had woken up while we were gone.

Lately, the most reports we received were not about the citizens but about our twins. In the past, when they cried, the ground used to shake and the windows used to break. I’d lost count of the number of cribs and beds they destroyed unconsciously.

Andreas and Atasha were very adorable kids. The castle had become lively because of them but they were also extremely playful. These days, they are into manas. Yesterday, I heard they made all of the castle servants float while they played. This morning, they froze the garden. That was the reason why we made sure that there would always be mages to supervise them when we were in meetings.

They couldn’t control their powers yet but Trevor and I had crafted them bracelets. We put it on them tonight to keep their manas in check and to ensure that they wouldn’t accidentally send people flying again.

It was not h*ard to follow their tracks. There were chocolate bits on the floor.

We found them in the kitchen, hiding under the massive mahogany table. Both of their plump cheeks were filled with chocolates. My heart melted when we caught them giggling to each other.

Trevor and I had to stop for a moment to watch them.

Atasha was holding a chocolate box. “When I grow up, I will build a chocolate factory, Deas. You?”

“Mommy and daddy said that I should always have your back. That’s why I’ll support you, Tash. You become the choco factory owner. I’ll become a dentist. Your customers will be my patients. I’ll give them discounts.”

Trevor grinned while I couldn’t help but laugh softly. While most of the kids in the kingdoms were now asleep, here they were, discussing life plans already.

Atasha’s eyes shone. “What about me, Deas? Can I get a discount, too?

“You’ll be rich. You’re going to become a choco factory owner, remember? And you’re going to give me lots of work someday. I’ll have to charge you extra for that.” One pout from the soon-to-be factory owner and the future businessman slash dentist wavered in an instant. “Fine. You, mommy, and daddy get big discounts.”

Trevor cleared his throat. “Alright, choco warriors. Come out. Time for a late-night meeting.”

The twins gasped.



Andreas and Atasha crawled out of the dining table as soon as they saw us. They threw their arms into the air. Trevor scooped up Atasha while I took Andreas. We lifted them high and they squealed. Our laughter filled the dining area.

“Who gave you the box of chocolates?” I asked after a while.

“It’s Grandpa but we worked h*ard for it, mommy!” Atasha answered defensively.

“Yes, mommy. We helped Grandpa serenade Nana Addison.”

Trevor and I glanced at each other. A naughty smile curved his l*ips. I knew that there was something going on between dad and Addison. I usually catch them stealing glances at each other every time we have dinner. And I had no complaints. Addison had fallen into his charms since day one and everyone could see how much her vibrant personality had changed dad as well.

“You worked h*ard, huh,” Trevor said, amused. “And what exactly did you do?”

“We sang Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star for them. And it worked! Nana Addison really liked our performance.”

“That’s why we earned these chocolates, daddy, mommy. We gave our best in singing.”

I laughed. “I’m sure you did.”

We had the kids sit on the dining table. Atasha hugged the box as if she was protecting it with her life while her other h*and was entangled with Andreas’. They were holding each other with their dirty h*ands. They truly got each other’s backs.

They looked so messy, so adorable, and so… beautiful.

“Mommy and I are not mad at you both. We won’t snatch the box from you, Atasha, so you can relax now,” Trevor said as he fought back his laughter. “But a whole box is a lot, sweetheart. You might get a toothache if both of you eat them now. How about sharing them tomorrow with other kids?”

Atasha and Andreas nodded.

At times like this, I just liked to sit down as well and just listen to my husband talk. How he treated our kids was still a revelation to me. We take turns in putting the kids to bed. Trevor was never the type to read bedtime stories but he would always have time to share his adventures with his wolf with the twins.

From the moment he started talking to them while they were still in my womb, I knew then that Trevor was going to be an amazing father. He was patient.

Usually, dad steals the kids every morning. He plays with them and sends them to school but Trevor and I picked them up. Despite our busy schedule, we always make sure that we would have time for our family, to play with the kids, and to simply chat with them. We still have weekly family trips.

I could literally say I was living the dream with the best husband, wonderful kids, and good friends around me.

Zane and Zephyr were still our friends. They had found their second-chance mates. I heard that both of them were planning a double wedding soon.

“Brush your teeth again and wipe yourselves so all of us can now go to sleep. You still have school tomorrow,” Trevor added.

They hurried to the sink after we put them down. Once they were done cleaning up, they extended their little h*ands to us. I wiped their faces with clean towels.

“Carry me, daddy, please!” Andreas requested, jumping.

Trevor indulged our little boy. He had Andreas sit onto his shoulders while Atasha held h*ands with me and her daddy. Together, we walked back into their quarters as they happily sang Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star once again.

I lived for moments like this. For my husband’s smiles as he listened to them. For our twins’ stories and their sweet giggles.

Andreas and Atasha’s rooms were just right next to each other but there were still nights like tonight when they liked to sleep in one bed together.

“We love you, mommy,” they both said after some time as they lay next to each other while embracing their favorite teddy bear. They were yawning but they still put on bright smiles for us. “We love you, daddy.”

Again, I watched Trevor freeze for a split second before smiling just as brightly. And I couldn’t blame him. The kids’ “I love yous” will always be the highlight of our days.

Trevor and I k*issed their foreheads. “We love you, too.”

As soon as we closed the door to Atasha’s room, Trevor wrapped me with his jacket and lifted me up. “Time for your moon bath, love.”

He teleported and brought us to the back garden where he stood under the moonlight with me in his arms.

“I’m okay now, Trev. Until when are you going to do this?”

Every night, Trevor still carries me like this for half an hour to keep me healthy.

He k*issed my forehead, the tip of my nose, and my l*ips before he looked me in the eye. “Until forever.”

After six years, my alpha king still makes my heart leap. He still looked at me as if I was the only woman he could see. Every night, he still holds me and makes love to me as if it was our first time together. He still worships my b*ody and never forgets to treat me as his queen. He still makes ‘I love you’ sound so special the way he makes morning k*isses and night hugs so meaningful.

And when he uttered forever, I knew he would do just that.

That’s just who he was.

My mate.

My husband.

My alpha.

Many years ago, when I asked the moon goddess for even a little bit of happiness, she had given me so much more. She gave me love, hope, and warmth through Trevor.

She gave me forever.

“I love you so much, Trevor,” I whispered after k*issing him this time. “You complete me.”

He softly smiled. “And you sustain me. You are my life, Priscilla. My world. My everything.”


“THOSE who believe will always be rewarded. Maybe the rewards don’t always come right away but they do come. The moon goddess always sees our hearts. She sees our struggles. She knows the tears you cried and what you had to endure. And someday, she’s going to make it worth it. She’s going to give you a fairytale,” I told the kids in the orphanage which Trevor and Priscilla had built for the past years.

“Just like the king and queen’s fairytale?” one of them asked.

I nodded and beamed. “Yes, darling.”

“But we heard the king isn’t always a good man. Some said that he used to be the scariest beast of all. Is that true?”

“Well, that is true but my amazing daughter changed him,” Jeremy quickly added as he sat beside me. He gave me a yellow rose this time before he turned to the curious kids. “She tamed the beast.”


“Many believe that what makes a fairytale is a prince and princess. But I beg to disagree. It’s their love,” he told them. “If you want a fairytale, you have to work h*ard for it like the King and Queen did. Their devotion for each other has changed them and continues to change them for the better.”

It seemed like the kids, especially the little girls, still wanted to ask questions but they stopped when they heard the drums roll, a sign that the military drill was about to begin.

A drill which the royal family participates in at least once a month.

The kids rushed to the balcony. Jeremy grabbed my h*and as we followed them. And together, we watched the royal family shift. King Trevor’s crimson wolf and Queen Priscilla’s white wolf led the drill. Behind them were princess Atasha and prince Andreas’ wolves. They were white with stripes of crimson.

Time had passed by so quickly. The prince and princess were both twenty years old now but each time they ran so freely like this; I still feel like seeing little versions of them back when their parents were still teaching them how to run and hunt.

And when all four of them roared together, the crowd cheered for them.

They were the reason why many had turned into believers. Into dreamers. The royal family was a picture of love. Of freedom. Of a fairytale. Of forever.

When they turned to us, Jeremy and I waved with them along with the kids. I smiled and I could picture them smiling back behind their wolves.

Their fairytale was not easy. It was something that they fought and bled so h*ard for.

And God, what a fairytale it had been.

3 thoughts on “The Alpha’s Exclusive Stripper by Selena Madrid Chapter 107”

    1. That was surprisingly à veautiful and sweet story, even though there os some chpters that are not completed but it was a nuce read overall.

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