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The Claiming by Cooper Book 5 (Jace & Jordan) Chapter 327

The Claiming by Cooper Book 5

The Beta Trials by Cooper (Jace & Jordan)

Chapter 54 (Jordan)

Gianna asks a lot of questions as we drive back to the pack.

After a couple of hours, my mother calls. I look at Jace who gives me a side eye and I take the call off of Bluetooth.

“Hey mom,” I ask, chipper.

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“Hey sweetie. How’s it going? Any luck with the human?”

“Yeah, I met Gianna, that’s the woman that got away from the guys that kidnapped her. Jace and I are bringing her home.”

“You got her to agree to come with you?” she asks.

I can tell that Gianna is paying attention to my conversation. I have no idea how much she can or can’t hear.

“She’s pregnant, mom. She’s scared and those men are still after her. She’ll be safe in our community.”

“Where are you?” my mother asks, finally picking up on my hesitant conversation.

“We’re in the car heading home.”

“And she’s with you now?”

“Yes. Dr. Braxton felt it would be good for her to see our community doctor and have her baby checked. She is showing signs of the rabies and distemper viruses.”

“Is she contagious?” my mother asks concerned and I see Gianna look over at me. I’m guessing she can hear everything my mother is saying. S*hit! “Dr. Braxton wouldn’t have recommended her coming with me if she was, mom. She took the first vaccine and I have instructions on what our doctor needs to look for when we get back. Dr. Teresa needs to run some tests on her baby,” I tell her.

“Jordan, do you think this is a good idea?”

“Yes, Mom. Gianna and her baby will be fine. You’ll see. Are you at home?” I ask her.

“Yes. I’m about to get on a call with the other council members. I’ll let them know that you have the human and are bringing her back.”

“I’ll come see you when we get home,” I tell her.

“I’ll let the pack know that they need to stay out of sight in wolf form while she’ s here.”

“Thanks, talk to you soon,” I say and quickly hang up before she says anything else that Gianna might overhear.

Jace gives me a look telling me that he too thinks Gianna overheard my mother.

It’s quiet the rest of the way to the pack lands. Gianna watches out the back window, looking around, but continuing to stay quiet.

“You’ll be safe here. Those men won’t be able to get to you,” I tell her as Jace stops at our front gate and checks in with the patrols. He greets us, using our titles, and Gianna continues to watch everything around her.

The guard lifts his nose sniffing the air, then looks at Gianna.

Jace mind links him to stop and we move on.

As we pull away, Gianna turns to look back at the guard then looks all around the pack lands as if she’s searching for something.

When we pull up to the pack hospital, she gets out, sniffing the air and doing a full circle as she looks around. “Is everything okay, Gianna?” I ask her.

She turns, looking at me. “What is this place?”

“It serves as our community healthcare facility and hospital,” I tell her honestly. “You’re not planning to lock me up in there, are you?” she asks as Dr, Teresa comes out.

“I would hope not. How very unethical, and while the food isn’t perfect, I would hope that everyone who is here remains because I’m doing a good job. I’m Dr. Teresa and you, my dear, are pregnant,” she says, extending her h*and.

Gianna smiles, shaking her h*and then putting her hands over her stomach. “What was your first clue?” she asks jokingly.

“Come, lets get you settled. I’ve spoken to Dr. Braxton. He’s a lovely man, but not a woman and not a mother or future mother. You and I both know, it’s not the same,” Dr. Teresa says, and surprisingly, Gianna walks to her and follows her inside.

She continues to look around, checking out everything as Dr. Teresa leads us to a room where she tells Gianna to get undressed and put on a gown.

When she steps out, I give Dr. Teresa the information that Dr. Braxton gave me.

“Has she asked about her advanced pregnancy yet?” she asks me. “Yes.”

Dr. Teresa looks back at the door then back at me. “You’ll have to think of something to tell her, Alpha.”

“I know, I just don’t know what that will be yet. I’ve barely known her 24 hours, but I’ll tell you now, she’s smart.”

“Well, I’ll follow your lead. You tell me what you want me to tell her about us and I’ll give her the information that I can about her baby without telling her what we are.”

“Thanks, Dr. Teresa.”

When she goes to get her equipment, I knock and when Gianna tells me to come in, I poke my head in.

“Is it okay if I come in?” I ask.

“I’d prefer it. You’re the only one I really know around here, and for some reason, I trust you when you say that you aren’t going to hurt me or my baby.”

“I’ll do everything in my power to keep both of you safe and healthy,” I tell her.

She nods and it’s quiet a moment while we wait for Dr. Teresa. Then, she looks up at me.

“So, if you’re a wolf pack, where are all the wolves?”

(Taylor POV)

I look at myself in the mirror. I’ll admit, the dress is everything that Jordan said it would be. I snagged some heels from her too and the overall look was very s*exy. The problem is, I don’t do s*exy. I do h*ard, strong, and powerful, but not s*exy. It gives the wrong idea to males that think they can try to get me into bed. Jace was great because he didn’t try to. Although now I know that’s because his mate was under his nose the entire time.

I pull the extremely short dress down as far as it will go, which is to say, it barely covers my a*ss. I’m obviously more curvy than Jordan, but thankfully this dress stretches to fit my curves. I’ m wearing the smallest pair of p*anties I’ve ever worn. It’s just enough to cover my private parts in case this much-too- short dress flashes my privates to the world tonight.

The front of the dress falls into a sweetheart n*eckline with thin straps that go over my shoulder, connecting behind my n*eck and across my back where a bra strap would be. Thankfully, Jordan and I are both have moderate, perky b*reasts, so I don’t have to wear a bra and the top covers me completely in the front but the back dips below my waistline.

The heels are strappy, high, black stilettos. I feel like I’m teetering in these shoes, like I’m going to go crashing to the ground at any moment, flashing my goodies to the entire world.

I huff once more, looking at my reflection in the mirror. Usually, my hair is in a ponytail or tied up t*ightly, but tonight, my curls are down, adding to my feeling of being exposed. I put light make up on, enhancing my eyes and l*ips. I’ve left every bit of my armor in the closet and bathroom, and I feel like I’m about to walk out in front of the pack n*aked.

“F*uck it! You’re an Alpha female and you’re proving a point to your mate that he needs to be more careful in his bets,” I tell myself. Then I snatch the small clutch off the counter and walk out, wobbling all the way to my door.

When I get there, I steady myself, take a deep breath and open the door. I do my best to stride out of the door, closing it behind me before making my way to the stairwell. I look down and see the living area full of pack members who are getting off patrols, just finishing dinner, or interacting with each other after a long day. I look around until I see Nolan. He’s already seen me, and his eyes are focused solely on me.

The man he was talking to stops, turning to see what took Nolan’s attention. A low wolf whistle echos throughout the room and I narrow my eyes at him, but it’s too late. The entire room looks up at me and the hoots and whistles become almost deafening.

I put my f*ingers to my l*ips and whistle over them.

“Knock it off or I’ll rip every one of your balls off at training tomorrow,” I snarl as I grab hold of the railing and begin making my way down the stairs.

Never taking his eyes off of me, Nolan moves to the bottom of the staircase and waits for me. When I get to the bottom, he puts his h*and out, then gently pulls me to him.

“Alpha Taylor, you take my breath away.”

I feel the heat in my cheeks as Nolan leans in and k*isses me.

The room erupts into hoots and whistles all over again.

When Nolan pulls back, it’s him that puts his f*ingers to his l*ips, whistling loudly, and quieting the room.

“If any of you whistle at my mate again, I’ll be the one to rip your balls off,” he says, making me smile.

Jordan was right. Nolan will definitely think twice before betting me to wear a dress again.

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