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The Claiming by Cooper Book 5 (Jace & Jordan) Chapter 332

The Claiming by Cooper Book 5

The Beta Trials by Cooper (Jace & Jordan)

Chapter 59 (Jordan)

“I’m going to ask Elijah to sit in on our council meeting. We can talk to him afterward, give him the head’s up. I’d like to hear what he has to say about Carter, too.”

We get back to the packhouse and set up the conference room once again. We still have other Alphas and their mates in our pack, so all of them begin filtering into the room. Jaxon comes in, jogging over to me.

“Jax Jr. is being fussy, so Eve was going to skip this meeting. Do you think I need to make arrangements for her to be here?”

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“No, I think it’ll be okay since you’re here,” I say.

“So, you know what this is about?”

“Yeah, there’s a lot going on Jaxon,” I tell him.

“Isn’t there always,” he says, smiling and pulling me into a hug. “Let me know what you need from me.”

I smile as he goes to find a seat next to our parents, Elijah and Layan. He really is the best brother.

Jace turns on the video and I see Dr. Braxton, Luke, Brynn, Balor and Kyra on the screen. It looks like they have moved to the hotel so all of them can be part of the video call.

“Dr. Braxton, I have some information for you,” I tell him.

“That’s good news, Alpha Jordan, because I also have news for you and I’m guessing the two go together,” he says. “You did DNA testing?” I ask him and everyone in the room and on the conference line goes quiet.

“I did,” he says. “And I’m guessing that I’m going to confirm what you’ve found out about our interesting young lady.”

“On that note, let’s begin this meeting. A lot has happened in a very short amount of time, and I’d like to bring all of the packs up to speed. Alpha Jordan, let’s start with you,” Councilman Jason says.

I begin by letting everyone know about my meeting with Gianna, her letting Dr. Braxton take her blood and that she is pregnant by the rogues. I let them know there are other pregnant females and others being held captive and raped so the rogues can reproduce.

“Balor and his clan have graciously helped us search for these women, but so far, we have not found them. My understanding is the den where they had them hidden has been moved since Gianna escaped. After speaking with Gianna, she agreed to return to my pack and after Dr. Braxton gave her the first vaccine, he determined that it was safe for her to remain here. She is currently in our pack hospital being treated by Dr. Teresa.”

“And did you talk to her about the amulet?” Councilman Saul asks. “What amulet?” Jaxon asks.

“Perhaps we should let Dr. Braxton give his update first,” I say.

The council agrees and Dr. Braxton begins to explain about the amulet they found, telling the same story he told us earlier today.

“Where is this amulet?” Councilman Antonio asks.

“We’ve currently placed it in a cave, back at the clan, away from others. The amulet is too powerful to keep close. Gamma Luke and I could both feel the effects even when the amulet was across the room.”

“So now, Alpha Jordan, please tell us about your discussion with the pregnant woman,” Councilwoman Gia says. “You asked her about the amulet?”

“Yes, she said the n*ecklace is hers,” I begin, and the video erupts with people talking over each other. I sit, crossing my arms and waiting. No one has the information that I have, except Jace. They’ll have to quiet down soon to get answers.

I hear a sharp whistle behind me, and I turn, seeing my father with his f*ingers in his m*outh.

“How about everyone shuts their m*outh so my daughter can finish filling us in on her conversation with Gianna,” he says. When it goes quiet, he turns to me and nods.

I smile at my father before turning back to the video. I give them the update that Gianna is a foster child who never knew her parents, and the only thing she was given from them was the n*ecklace. I also let them know that the cameras at the fire station were taken out, so it’s likely that whoever her parents were, knew that the cameras were there and destroyed them so they wouldn’t be caught. “Hold up,” Tobias says. “You’re saying this human woman isn’t really a human after all? And that her parents, her werewolf parents, tried to hide her by giving her this amulet?”

“It would appear so,” I say.

“But why?” several people ask.

“I believe I may be able to answer that. You see, I decided to compare Gianna’s DNA to others that I have collected over time,” Dr. Braxton says.

“And did you find a match?” Councilman Antonio asks.

“I did, two matches actually, the mother and the father,” he says.

“Are you going to tell us?” Councilman Antonio grits out.

“Our female’s DNA matches that of Alpha Typhon,” Dr. Braxton says.

“Typhon? That man has two kids running around now?” Alpha Luke asks. “I’m assuming that since this girl is pregnant that she’s young?” he asks.

“Yes, she’s a couple years older than I am,” I say.

“You said the mother’s DNA was a match, Dr. Braxton. To our knowledge, Alpha Typhon didn’t have any children with a werewolf. But I’m assuming that the mother is a werewolf since you have her DNA,” my mother says.

I know any conversation about Alpha Typhon is h*ard for my mother, even to this day. Between the death of her sister and the death of her unborn child at Typhon’s hands, she still struggles to talk about him. My father wraps his arm around her shoulder, and I turn back to the camera.

“Yes, the woman’s DNA is a familial match, Luna Jara. To yours, and to Alpha Jordan’s,” he says, and I feel like all the air just rushed out of me.

“What?” I ask, stunned, but my mother explodes across the table.

“That’s impossible! I was never with that man! I would have killed him before I would have let him t*ouch me. That woman isn’t my child!”

I feel Jace come up behind me, his hands on my shoulders, anchoring me as I try to take in what Dr. Braxton is saying.

‘Breathe, Jordan,’ he says softly in my mind.

“Not you, Jara,” my father says quietly, watching the video screen as he pulls my mother into his lap. My mother turns to look at my father, frowning.

“You think this woman is the daughter of Mila and Typhon, don’t you doctor?” my father asks.

You could hear a pin drop with the absolute quiet as everyone holds their breath for Dr. Braxton’s response.

“Yes, that’s exactly what I think.”

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