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The Claiming by Cooper Book 5 (Jace & Jordan) Chapter 346

The Claiming by Cooper Book 5

The Beta Trials by Cooper (Jace & Jordan)

Chapter 73 (Jace)

I watch my mate as she comes out of the bathroom, drying her hair and deep in thought. I love that I was able to surprise her and show her that this moment is important to me. I know she’s nervous. Hell, I’m nervous. I’ve dreamed of this moment since I turned 18 and realized that she was my mate. I just never thought that I would be here, with her, ready to seal our bond. And now that I am, I better not get f*ucking stage fright.

When I extend my h*and, wanting her to come to me, she doesn’t hesitate and as I lift her onto the bed, I let go of all of the concerns of the day, all of my doubts over the past eight years, and all of my insecurities that I’m not good enough for this incredible woman. She is mine, I am hers, and now it’s time to make it official.

I lay her down gently, then stand, looking down at this gorgeous woman. The candlelight flickers, and shadows dance across her b*ody. I’ve looked at her b*ody, every night for weeks, t*ouched her in nearly every possible way, finding all the ways that make her whimper and m*oan, except for the ones that I will find tonight. Tonight, there will be no more secrets left between us.

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I watch her face as I move my h*and down her b*ody, stroking her cheek, down her n*eck and shoulder, until I feel the rise of her b*reast. I stroke my f*ingers around and under the swell of her b*reast, watching as her m*outh falls open at my t*ouch. My f*ingers move up to her n*ipple, already puckered and t*ight with her d*esire. I hold her gaze as I rub my thumb over her n*ipple, feeling her push her b*reast into my h*and.

Then I slowly caress my way between her b*reasts to the one closest to me, gently squeezing it as I lean down, my eyes staying on Jordan’s, as I flick her n*ipple with my t*ongue. I watch her eyes go dark with d*esire, her h*and coming to stroke my t*high, and I slowly s*uck on her n*ipple, swirling my t*ongue around it until she begins to whimper.

I pull off and stand up straight, still watching her.

“I love the sounds you make for me, Jordan.”

“I love how you make my b*ody sing, Jace.”

I growl a low, possessive growl as I flatten my h*and on her stomach and slowly move to the apex of her t*highs. I look down, seeing her l*egs are together. I slide my h*and between them and gently push the t*high farthest from me away, opening her. Then I slide my h*and up to the apex of her t*highs, sliding my f*ingers between her p*ussy l*ips and feeling how slick and w*et she is for me before gently pulling her other t*high out, spreading her wide for me.

“Jace,” she whimpers, her h*and coming to stroke my aching c*ock.

I slide my f*ingers back up to her warm, w*et p*ussy l*ips, sliding them through her slick w*etness, rubbing her c*lit then sliding two f*ingers inside her, before moving back up and over her c*lit, then sliding them back inside her.

I slide my f*ingers back up to her c*lit, rubbing her in just the way she likes it as she whimpers, arching for me. I lean down, my free h*and going into her hair as I l*ick her l*ips, requesting entrance, t*ouching her t*ongue with mine when she gives me entrance.

Our t*ongues dance together as my f*ingers rub her c*lit, working her up and bringing her to the edge, just as she is doing with me as she continues to stroke me exactly as I like it.

Just before I let her fall over the edge, I pull back, watching her come undone for me, gritting my teeth against my own need to come, then losing the battle as she leans up, taking me into her m*outh. I growl as she m*oans around my c*ock, s*ucking and licking me as I come, as I continue to stroke her through her o*rgasm.

When she slides off of me, she looks up, with d*esire and love in her eyes.

“I need you inside me, Jace.”

I move over top of her, settling my h*ips in between her t*highs, already h*ard again and ready to be inside her.

“You are mine, Jordan,” I tell her, k*issing her more forcefully this time.

“Show me, Jace,” she says as line myself up at her entrance.

I sit up on my elbows, my hands on either side of her face as I slowly slide inside her. She pulls her knees up, wrapping her l*egs around my waist.

“I won’t break, Jace. You don’t need to treat me like I’m fragile,” she says. “You may not be fragile, Jordan, but you are precious to me,” I say and press myself deeper inside her.

She s*ucks in a breath, as I begin rocking my h*ips, sliding in and out of her.

When I hit resistance, I lean down, taking her m*outh in another deep, passionate k*iss before I plunge into her, bottoming out. I feel her b*ody flinch, then relax as her h*ips begin to move against me.

I grit my teeth against the pure p*leasure I feel at being inside her. It’s so much better than I ever expected and I’m so glad I already came once, or our first time would already be over.

“More Jace,” she says, moving her h*ips faster against mine.

I nip at her chin. “Are you always going to be this greedy in bed, Jordan?”

“Are you complaining?” she asks, nipping at my n*eck.

“Never,” I say, pulling her hands over her head and holding them with one h*and while I hold my weight off of her as I begin to move faster inside her, t*hrusting h*ard and bottoming out each time.

“Jace!” she m*oans loudly, her b*ody arching against me.

I use my free h*and to hook under her knee, pinning her l*eg against her b*ody allowing me to t*hrust deeper.

I feel her b*ody tensing up, her inner walls fluttering against me as my own need for her begins to overwhelm me. I begin t*hrusting h*arder, faster, feeling my own o*rgasm rapidly approaching.

Just as I’m on the verge of coming again, I feel her walls clamp down on me, her contractions pressing against my c*ock, adding to the already incredible sensation of being inside her. I feel my canines extending. Her b*ody is arched, her throat exposed.

“Mine!” I yell as I slam my canines into her n*eck, remarking her as mine just as my b*ody shoots off like a f*ucking rocket.

My b*ody jerks with the force of my o*rgasm and I have a moment of pure bliss before I feel her canines sink into my marking spot again, sending my b*ody into another o*rgasm, the p*leasure nearly unbearable.

Her b*ody feels so good, that it takes everything in me to pull out, just as my knot begins to form.

“Jace,” Jordan says, trying to hold me inside her.

“I have to Jordan, I’m knotting,” I say, staying as deep inside her as I can with my knot outside her b*ody.

We lay there p*anting, my forehead pressed against hers.

When we catch our breath, she leans up, k*issing me softly.

“I wouldn’t have minded,” she says, shocking me. I sit up and look at her. “If you had knotted me, I would have been okay with that.”

“It was your first time and there’s so much going on right now. We haven’t even talked about when you want to have pups.”

“Yeah, but the threat of me being marked by a rogue is gone now, and while we do have important things to think about and worry about, it would be nice to consider having a little one someday soon. I mean, Jaxon and Evangeline are making it work, why couldn’t we?”

I lean in and k*iss her and the rest of the night, I work very h*ard to give my mate exactly what she asked for. The first knot was h*ard for her, but after that, she seemed to crave it.

I’d like to say that I felt bad the next morning when my little mate had a h*ard time walking. But it’s h*ard to feel bad when we both have massive grins on our face.

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