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The Claiming by Cooper Book 6 (Ezekiel & Gianna) Chapter 377

The Claiming by Cooper Book 6

The Gamma Tournament by Cooper (Ezekiel & Gianna)

Chapter 12 Gianna

It’s so good to see Jordan again. It really feels like she’s the sister I never had.

As we walk to the pack hospital, she asks me about my weekend and I tell her about how wonderful Ezekiel was, giving me the experience I always dreamed of having as a teenage girl. I tell her about running into Daniel and how he apparently regretted divorcing me as he had stalker pictures all over his house.

“I’m still not sure how I feel about his being charged with my kidnapping,” I tell her.

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“I think it’s a good thing. It sounds like he was trying to take you anyway. You know Ezekiel would have killed him and if for some reason he couldn’t find you, multiple packs would have hunted him down to get you back. You have a family now, a very large family. The best thing for Daniel is that he isn’t in any place where we can get to him. We take family and pack very seriously here. No one hurts one of ours,” she says seriously.

I pull her into a hug. “Thanks, Jordan.”

“You don’t have to thank me. You’re part of my pack, but more than that, you’re like my sister. I was never close to any of my sisters, but with you, it feels like we’re kindred spirits. I know that you and Ezekiel want to go explore the pack where Aunt Mila lived and that Ezekiel is considering entering the Gamma Tournament, but if the two of you decide that you’d like to stay here, I would be willing to consider either one of you as my Gammas,” she says.

“Jordan, I don’t know the first thing about being a wolf. I haven’t even shifted and who knows if I’ll be able to,” I say to her.

“You will. You’re an Alpha. You’re stronger than others and believe me, if anyone can make you stronger, it’s Ezekiel.”

“I really appreciate you having faith in me, but I’d be terrified I’d let you down,” I tell her honestly.

She turns and takes my hands. “You could never let me down. Look how strong you’ve already proven yourself to be. You survived the rogues, you’ve had a child, found out you were a werewolf, found your mate, marked and mated, you’re pregnant again, you said goodbye to your human life, and you did it all within one year. Gianna, do you realize how incredible that is? How amazing you are?” she asks me.

“Well….” I begin, not really sure what to say to that.

“Trust me. Even in the werewolf world, that’ s impressive. You’re stronger than you give yourself credit for,” she says and then holds my h*and as we walk into the pack hospital. “Hello, Carolann. Gianna and I are here to see Alpha Evangeline,” Jordan says.

“Right this way, Alpha. Your brother is here as well,” Carolann says.

“Perfect, you can talk to both of them about their timeframe for heading back to their pack,” Jordan says to me.

When we step into the room, both Jaxon and Evangeline have a baby in their arms. “Where’s little JJ?” Jordan asks, going straight to her brother and holding out her arms. The baby he’s holding has a pink cap on.

“Isabel, your Aunt Jordan wants to hold you and I know from experience that if I don’t let her, I’ll have to fight her later. No one likes to see an Alpha cry,” he says as he hands Isabel over to Jordan. “And JJ is with Luna Katerina.”

“We certainly don’t like seeing your father cry sweetheart,” Jordan says to Isabel as she turns to Evangeline. “Named after her great-grandmother?”

“Yes, it’s not exactly the same, but I figured the nickname Issy would still work for our daughter.”

“Does Isabella know yet?” Jordan asks.

“Are you kidding. She’s on her way here now,” she says before turning to me. “Welcome back, Gianna. How are you feeling?”

“I’m great. And who is this precious little boy?” I ask.

“Gianna, let me introduce you to Phillip, named after his great- grandfather,” Eve says.

“Oh, Jaxon. Does he know?” Jordan asks.

“Yep, he came by earlier to meet his great- grandson.”

“That’s perfect, actually. Now they both have a grandbaby named after them,” Jordan says.

“Did you want to hold him?” Eve asks me. “Of course,” I say and take Phillip into my arms.

“Have you given any thought to your little girl’s name?” Jaxon asks me.

“Yes. We haven’t told anyone yet, but I told him I’d like to name her after my mother. I don’t know how she got me out of the pack, but I’m sure, knowing what I know now, that she did it to protect me.”

All three of them look at me.

“Mom, Uncle Seth, Grandma Nina and Grandpa Phillip will all be so pleased,” Jordan says.

“Really? I was worried that it might bring back bad memories,” I say.

“No, I think it’s perfect. A new start, just like you,” Jordan says.

“Hey, are they still having elections tonight?”

Evangeline asks.

“Yes, and the two of you need to vote. I’ll make sure that you get the link to the ballots,” Jordan says.

“Vote for what?” I ask.

“The council members. All five spots are open. Three individuals are resigning their seats, but mom and Alpha Antonio are running for their seats again,” Jaxon answers me.

“You should talk to Mom. She’ll give you an honest assessment of the individuals running and there’s a site where you can go to look up their information about why they are running, what they want to change or not change in the packs, that sort of thing,” Jordan tells me.

I h*and Phillip back to Eve.

“Did you read Aiden’s stance?” Jaxon asks derisively.

“About pack members not being allowed to leave their packs? Sure did,” Jordan says as Eve shakes her head.

“Is he that afraid that he’ll lose his pack members?” Eve asks.

“I thought maybe things would change when he mated to Justina, but so far, he’s still as rigid as ever. Those northern packs are just different than we are,” Jordan says. “Tobias isn’t like them,” Jaxon says.

“No, you’re right, he’s not. And neither is Stefan, Aiden’s brother, but both of them are starting new packs, so it makes sense that they would want the others to be able to join. Which only makes Aiden’s stance even stranger to me. He has a brother who could benefit from having members of his old pack join his budding pack. I mean, I can’t imagine not wanting any of our pack members to join your pack if they choose to. It’s already a h*ard life, but it could be very rewarding to those who are looking for an adventure,” Jordan says.

Jaxon looks at me. “How about you,

Gianna? Are you looking for an adventure?” he asks smiling, giving a side eye look to his twin.

“Ezekiel and I haven’t decided yet. We do definitely plan to join you for a little while at least, if that’s still okay.”

“Happy to have you, as long as you know that it’s nothing like being here. We have very little in the way of amenities. We’re building it all as we go, but the new packhouse is at least started. And the bears are close enough that if something happens, they can come to our assistance.”

“And when are you leaving?” I ask him.

“Two weeks,” Evangeline answers. “Then, we’ll plan to join you.”

I say my goodbyes, leaving Jordan to talk more with Jaxon and Evangeline and I go in search of Luna Jara.

Before I find her, I find my mate, and he comes jogging over, k*issing me deeply, as if he hasn’t seen me in days, rather than an hour. The more affection he shows me, the more I crave it.

“Where are you headed?” he asks me.

“Looking for Luna Jara,” I tell him.

“She’s in Jace’s office I believe. We just left there and are showing Desmond around the pack lands. He’s going to start training with you, Emily and Bailey. Jace wants to see where his strengths are and, hopefully, we can help him get strong enough to shift,” he tells me.

“That would be fantastic,” I say.

“Yes,” he says, nuzzling my n*eck. “After you’ re done with Luna Jara, Zeke will need to nurse, and you probably need to rest.”

“I’m okay for now, but we’ll see. Hey, did you hear about the elections tonight?”

“I did. I haven’t been in a pack since I went off to train to become an elite fighter, so I’ ve never participated. Not that they’ve always held elections. But this will be my first time too,” he says.

“I’m going to talk to Luna Jara and see what I need to know and where we go to get the information,” I tell him.

“Good, find out for both of us and you can let me know. I need to get back to Jace and Desmond. I’ll find you as soon as Zeke begins fussing,” he says and heads back to meet up with Jace and Desmond.

I find Luna Jara and spend the next hour learning about the candidates, where to get their information, their stand about different pack-related things and how Ezekiel and I can vote. I learn that they will all make a statement and then every pack member who has come of age will be allowed to vote. Because it’s electronic, the votes will be in by tomorrow morning.

“This is so exciting,” I say when Ezekiel comes to find me. We go to our room, and I explain to him about the voting and that tomorrow, the new council will be announced via video and then we’ll have our first meeting with our new council members.

Then I tell him about my conversation with Jaxon and Eve, about them leaving in two weeks and that they think Mila is a good name for our daughter.

“I will be happy to name her after your mother, Gianna. It sounds like she was a strong woman who did everything in her power to protect you,” he says. “So, you’re ready to head out with them in two weeks?”

“I am. That gives us time to get settled and figure out what we need to take with us, but I’m excited. I’m really hoping that just being there will make me feel closer to her,” I tell him.

“I hope so and who knows, maybe we’ll find something that will give us a clue about how she got you out of there,” he says.

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