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The Claiming by Cooper Book 6 (Ezekiel & Gianna) Chapter 378

The Claiming by Cooper Book 6

The Gamma Tournament by Cooper (Ezekiel & Gianna)

Chapter 13 Mason

As the time for the elections gets closer, I can feel my mate’s nervousness increasing. She loves this work that she does. She loves feeling like she makes a difference in the packs. I do too, but having watched the struggles that Jordan has had being a female Alpha, I understand better the importance of my mate’s role on the council.

I watch as Jara stands, strong and powerful, giving her speech about what she stands for, what she believes in and what she’ll fight for if she is re-elected as a council member. It’s nothing that she hasn’t done her entire life. Ever since the moment I saw her on that stage for the first time at her claiming, she has always stayed true to herself, always fought for what was right, no matter the consequences.

I’m suddenly reminded of the first time I saw Jara, getting out of the van on the morning of the first day of the claiming all those years ago. She was one of five and she was the last to exit the vehicles. She had stepped out and looked at the large group of males assembled as if we were so far beneath her that we’d never be worthy of her. I had wanted her instantly and that need, that d*esire, that love has only increased as the years have gone by.

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I watch proudly as once again, my mate shows just how intelligent and compelling she is, eloquently speaking to the camera as every werewolf in every pack watches her.

When she’s done, she makes her way to sit beside me. I wrap my arm around her and pull her to me.

‘That was so s*exy. Do you know how much I want you right now?’ I ask in our mind link.

She nudges me with her elbow.

‘You worked your magic to distract me all afternoon, Alpha,’ she says, knowing how much I like it when she calls me Alpha. ‘Let’s plan a celebration tonight, after you win,’ I say.

‘If I win.’

“WHEN you win,’ I say firmly, turning to k*iss the side of her head as we watch Melinda on the video monitor.

As we watch her, I realize how mature Melinda is now.

“She’s come a long way, hasn’t she?” I ask quietly.

“She was always incredible. Always special,” Jara says, reminding me, once again, that I have Melinda to thank for bringing Jara back to me after the dark days of losing our first pup. It was her message from Mila that finally pulled Jara out of her deep depression. For that alone, Melinda has my vote for the second female on the council.

We watch as the others take their stand and give their speeches. In truth, most of them are good, although Alpha Aiden reminds me too much of the past for me to ever give him my vote. Something about his position, what he wants with the packs feels too similar to where we were when we fought to end the claiming. I have no intention of going back in time and I’m hoping others agree.

When it’s done, we all begin to submit our electronic votes. The council put a system in place where the data is automatically calculated at the end of the night. Because everyone will vote at the same time, the system can become overwhelmed, so everyone has until midnight to cast their votes.

My first vote is for my mate, of course. After that, I have to fight to submit my vote. When I see that Jara is struggling to cast her vote as well, I take her h*and and lead her to dinner.

“We have time, baby. Let’s get something to eat and go see our grandbabies. We only have a couple of weeks before Jaxon, Evangeline and Gianna leave.”

“It’s not like we can visit them,” she scoffs.

“Yes, in between visiting Teagan and Reagan who are both expecting now and then going to see Reagan, I’m sure we’ll see our grandbabies a lot over the next year. Add to that, once you are re-elected, you’ll be dealing with the rogues, the bears, the humans and goddess only knows what else, I’m absolutely sure you should pass up this opportunity to see your grandchildren,” I say sarcastically.

She turns, hands on h*ips, her eyes narrowing at me as she steps into my space. “Mason Stern, are you making fun of me?”

I grab her h*ips and pull her against me.

“What if I am?”

“You know it’s dangerous to take on an Alpha female,” she says, leaning against me.

“I’ve never been one to back down from a challenge, my little Luna,” I tell her.

She opens her m*outh to reply when we hear our oldest grandson.


Jara immediately pulls away from me and turns, opening her arms for Jaxon Junior, who is running full out on his fat little l*egs. She scoops him up, hugging him and k*issing his fat cheeks, making me smile.

“Googoo!” he squeals when he sees me, p*umping his l*egs and arms excitedly. Then he screams loudly when Jara nibbles on his n*eck.

Isabella comes walking up. “Oh thank the goddess you caught him. I had no idea my great grandson could run so fast,” she says. “Hello Isabella. Are you here to see your new great grandbabies?” I ask her.

“I am,” she says, wiping her brow. “I told Katerina I’d put this one to bed while she voted. You can see how well that’s going.”

“I’d be happy to put him to bed if you want to go see Evangeline. I don’t think she’s been released from the pack hospital yet,” Jara says.

“She hasn’t but that’s okay. I spent most of the afternoon with her and the babies. I’d say I’m getting too old for this, but I love every minute of it,” she says.

Jara hands JJ to me, and I give him k*isses, and tell him to be good for his great grandmother before handing him back to Isabella.

Isabella gives him a k*iss, then turns to Jara. “I’ll be voting for you and Sophia, Jara. Good luck,” she says before walking off.

Jara grabs her phone and quickly logs back in. She’s able to get her next vote in before the lines get overwhelmed again.

As we walk into the dining hall, many pack members let Jara know they voted for her and they can’t wait to see her back on the council. I know it’s making her more nervous, so we get some food and then go outside to eat in a quieter area.

I take a chance and log in, able to vote for not only Melinda but also Antonio before the lines get overwhelmed again.

It goes like that all night and Jara walks around talking to people, holding our grandbabies, holding other people’s children and grandchildren while they attempt to vote.

It’s after midnight when we finally make our way back to our home. I built this house for me and Jara when Jordan got close to taking over the pack. I wanted a place where we could get away from the hustle and bustle of the pack and just be together, just us, or with our family. A home. I love the pack and I dedicated most of my life to them, but now, it’s my time to relax and be with my mate and our family.

When we crawl into bed, my mate’s head is a mess of thoughts and worry. I pull her to me, running my f*ingers through her hair and purring loudly. I know it’s the magic trick that helps my mate fall asleep whenever she’s struggling. Tonight, she doesn’t fight me, she lets me lull her into sleep.

I lay awake until I know the results have been posted. I log into my phone and smile when I see my mate has been re-elected for another term. It means our life will be busy for another few years, but it also means that my mate will be very, very happy tomorrow when she finds out and that is worth every bit of stress that the next few years will bring.

Emily POV

Tonight has been a crazy night. It was election night, and the pack has been full of excitement for the elections. I’ve watched them as they’ve logged into their phones, tablets and computers all night long, trying to log their votes. Even Gianna and Ezekiel have been trying to vote.

“Why aren’t you voting?” I ask Levi.

He’s never far away from me. And after the ordeal I had with the rogues, I would have thought his closeness and constant need to be around me would make me nervous, but it doesn’t, it has the opposite effect. He makes me feel safe and it’s something that I crave right now.

“I’m not technically part of a pack, so I don’t get to vote on the council members,” he says, watching me the way he always does, as if I’m the most precious thing in the world to him.

It took me awhile, but being immersed in the wolf society, I’ve realized what this is. He thinks I’m his mate. I haven’t asked him, but I’ve watched how Ezekiel is with Gianna and I’ve asked her about it.

When Detective Desmond asked to meet with me and Bailey earlier, I was surprised when he asked if I felt like I was being forced to stay here. I don’t and actually, I feel drawn to Levi, like leaving him would be like leaving a part of me behind.

I asked him once what would happen if I went back to my previous life and he told me he’d follow me. He said if I didn’t want him around, he’d still watch over me, but from afar. That made me sad, not just because I would hate for him to look after me and never be near me, but also because the thought of being away from him makes me sad.

I’ve also heard the rumors around the pack that werewolves can’t be mated to humans, but if that’s the case, then why is Levi giving me so much attention. I’m not a child. I’ve dated many men in my life, been in short and long-term relationships, but no one has ever treated me the way Levi has. He’s truly the most amazing man I’ve ever met.

Since tonight was a celebration, I’ve had a few drinks and I’m using my liquid courage to ask the question that has been on my mind for days now, maybe even weeks.

I turn, reaching out to stroke his cheek, feeling bold, but also knowing he won’t pull away. He doesn’t disappoint me and rather than pulling away, he leans into my t*ouch, his eyes closing as if my t*ouch is the most wonderful thing in the world, and maybe for him, it is.

“Can I ask you something?”

He opens his eyes, not moving away from my h*and. “You just did,” he says smirking at me. “But you can ask me as many things as you want.”

“Am I your mate?” I ask.

He jerks back, looking at me, searching my face for…well, I’m not sure what he’s searching for.

“Would it scare you if I said yes?” he asks.

I shake my head, no.

He looks at me a moment longer.

“Good,” he says, taking my face in his hands. “Because the answer is yes,” he says, and he takes my m*outh in a passionate k*iss unlike any k*iss I’ve ever had in my life.

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