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The Cursed Alpha’s Mate by Moon Flood Chapter 95

The Cursed Alpha’s Mate by Moon Flood

Chapter 95

“I’ll go get it,” I volunteered. Several pairs of eyes turned to me as I spoke.

Throughout the night into the day, I followed Valens around, rallying the warriors and trying to keep their spirits high while Valens discussed strategies with their commanders. Not unexpected but we hadn’t seen Skylar when we expected her. I knew she would prefer to make a sneaky entrance than arrive when she was expected. I felt like I knew her schemes better than these strategists but they had won numerous wars while I had no experience.

We were at the southern borders where we expected would be the easiest part for Skylar to enter the pack. The elders had decided there was no point going out to find her. We could lure her in and have the upper hand that way since we would be battling on familiar grounds.

“Gavin will drive you.” Jabari threw his keys to a burly warrior who I’d come to know was named Gavin. “You are sure you know where it is?” He asked me.

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“Yes, it’s in his office. I’ll be back soon.” I followed Gavin out of the small shed we were in.

Jabari had to rearrange the border control so he was pouring over documents when I left. I knew without a doubt that he would have thought twice before letting leave his sight without Valens accompanying me. My mate had to rush to the other end of the pack at the rise of another set of traitors championed by Zavier. Clover decided she would go find somewhere to rest right as he left. I wasn’t a fool; I knew she was following him but I left Valens to deal with her.

Gavin drove through the empty roads and to the pack offices. There were barely any cars on the road, with a few people on the streets. I watched a group of teenagers vandalize pack property as we went by. Getting to the office, I found that ugly graffiti decorated the main building. It was a horrifying image of a decapitated wolf.

‘These little s*hi*t,’ Artemis hissed in a voice tightened with anger.

The decapitated wolf looked suspiciously like my mate.

“I’ll find a place to park,” Gavin said when he saw the look on my face at the sight of the drawing sprayed on the glass walls of the office.

“No need for that. I’ll be down in ten minutes. Just be ready so we get back as soon as possible.”

I ignored the disgusting image as I walked into the office building and went to the elevators. There was no one at the main office. Those who could work from home were mandated to do so due to the curfew while the rest had moved bases to avoid getting attacked by the

tyrants and traitors that were the Redville members who refused to recognize Valens as their Alpha.

The elevator took me to the highest floor and as I got down, I felt a violent wave of disgust mixed with apprehension slam into me. I just had to grab Valens’ seal so that Jabari could make some decisions with the Alpha being too far away.

“Get the seal and go,” I muttered to myself but still, I took a d*eep breath before I opened the office door. I swiped the card, grabbed the door handle, and stilled. Entering the room, I was met with darkness. I turned on the lights and smiled.

“When I got out of the elevator and felt such disgust, I should have known to expect you,’ I said to the chair backing the entrance. Skylar turned in the chair, her face blank and eyes sunken.

“What are you doing in my office?” Her voice was unlike what I remembered. She sounded quiet, looked innocent and demure but her eyes – her eyes told a different story. Her eyes held so much hatred that they almost glowed. The hatred warmed something inside me.

“I think you have things wrong. This is Alpha Valens’ office and you, a wanted criminal, are in his seat.” I rubbed my palms together before folding my arms.

“This seat is mine. My father is old enough to retire and with my brother gone, I am his successor,” she sounded as if she was speaking facts, looking at me as if I was the one who didn’t know the process of inheritance when in reality she was the one who chose to forget her father lost.

Zavier and all his supporters lost. It was a fair fight and they lost. Redville was officially under Valens now. The war we avoided by what was supposed to be gallantry on the part of our Alpha was upon us again.

“I hate to be the one to break you out of your delusion, but that seat is not yours. It is Valens’. Your father is being a sore loser as are you and I swear to the goddess, this will not end well for you.”

“Remember when you had better sense than to talk back at me?” She pushed the seat back and stood, her eyes trained on me as she moved. “Remember when you still had a l*ick of sense in you?”

“Skylar, months have passed. You do not know who I am or what I am capable of.” I looked at the clock on the wall. I had to deliver the seal soon. “I am not someone you should try to bully al this point. Your gang is finished. Shouldn’t you be more worried about them? Broke Lucien out of the dungeons and for what? For him to gel k*illed?” I snorted, ignoring the slight pang in my chest as I casually leaned against a wall.

“The bastard was supposed to be by my side but he wanted to run off on his own,” she said. Her voice devoid of emotions. “You ruined his life. You ruined Bethel’s life and you ruined yours too.”

“Keep my brother’s name out of your mouth!” She snapped, slamming her fist into the desk.

“Or what? What are you going to do if I don’t? Come off it, Skylar. It is over for you.” I pushed away from the wall, pulling myself up. I’d waited to see her moves but it looked like she had none. She must not have expected intrusion while she basked in an office that would never be hers, no doubt daydreaming.

I would admit to being a bit surprised when she pulled a gun at me and c*oc*ked it immediately, aiming at my head. How many guns would I have pointed at my head before someone finally shot me?

“If you are going to shoot me –“ I dove underneath the table when her f*ingers moved as if to shoot. I heard her laugh after a few seconds without hearing a gunshot. I crawled to the other side of the table before I stood. As I rose to my feet, I heard a loud gunshot that made me dive back down. I heard a yelp from the door.

“What the f*uc*k did you do that for?” I heard an unfamiliar masculine voice groan in pain. “Oh goddess, I am so sorry! You frightened me!” I peeked around the table to see a man clutching his bicep with blood seeping out.

“I thought it was this b*itc*h’s mate!” She pointed at me when I finally stood.

“Is this his mate?” The man on the floor asked, giving me a weird look. “Hell, Sky. I can’t believe you shot me.” He staggered to his feet.

“I meant to shoot her,” she was saying to the man, looking visibly distressed. She kept her gun trained on me while she watched the man who I assumed to be her mate. ‘

I wasn’t going to wait around listening to their chit-chat before I did something. The man hunched over as he stood, still holding his bicep while I crept towards Skylar. Her hands shook around her weapon.

She turned to me and I only hand a second to duck and then fly at her, knocking the weapon off her hands and slamming her to the ground. She struggled against me to reach for her weapon but I was faster, kicking it away.

Her mate came to her aide, yanking me off her by my hair. I saw stars and I was sure he ripped out some of my hair. He flung me away from her and staggered, the silver bullet in his bicep weakening him with its fast-spreading poison.

‘Shift. Let me handle this,’ Artemis whispered but it was not a wise choice considering she was an omega who would be fighting off an alpha. ‘Shift. Trust me. The magic is stronger when we shift,’ she pressed.

I had no choice but to trust my wolf, primarily because I could see Skylar start to shift, fur covering her skin and her eyes changing while her mate staggered to the ground, collapsing. We met midair; my wolf and hers.

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