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The Rejected Luna’s Prince By Aurora Archer Chapter 73

The Rejected Luna’s Prince By Aurora Archer

Chapter 73 United Pack


I looked at my mate, my Luna, shocked. I was rarely shocked, but she had done it. I knew deep down that most of them wouldn’t have come if it weren’t for her by my side.

Her wide green eyes met mine and she shook her head slightly, “I don’t believe it, I thought maybe a few.” She chewed on her full bottom lip a little v appearing between her brows.

I looked back at Holden, Griffen, and Cali.

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“When?” I asked, “Why wasn’t I notified?”

I should have been here earlier, but I knew I wouldn’t have cut my time short with Emmett and Willa. I was glad that I didn’t know earlier but the angry Alpha Prince thing was still hard to shake sometimes.

“It happened so fast, and we knew you were already on the way back,” Griffen answered confidently under my hard stare.

“What’s the plan?” Holden asked Willa and me.

“Cali, Nora, and I already made note of everywhere vacant and liveable that people could move into.” Willa said before I could open my mouth, “We ask them their preferences and catalog them all this tonight.” Her voice didn’t waver.

“How many places do we have vacant in the packhouse?” Cali asked Willa, twirling a curl on her finger.

“With guest rooms and vacant apartments, we could maybe house a third tonight.” Willa replied, turning to me, “Is there a hotel or anything near? Just so we can get this sorted tonight and tomorrow before moving them into new residences.”

“There are a few that would be perfect,” I looked towards Holden, “Call them and see if they have enough vacancy at this last minute, I would prefer to not have them too split up if possible.”

Holden nodded pulling out his phone to make the calls.

“I don’t want to make anything official yet,” Willa looked up at me, “I know that this is a huge move, and some people might have done it impulsively or because they felt pressured. I want to make sure they really want to be here and actually enjoy it before they officially switch to Crescent Moon.”

“I agree,” I squeezed her hand and I was rewarded with her brilliant smile.

She was coming into the role I knew she was born for. She was a natural leader, and seeing her in action made me fall in love with her even more than I already was.

I silently thanked the Moon Goddess for this blessing that was Willa.

“Let’s make the announcement,” I smiled down at my Luna.

“Cali and Griffen, I want you guys in charge of making sense of who these people are, Willa can help identify them later, but now we need to address the potential new pack members as a whole.”

Griffen nodded and looked around checking his pockets for something, Cali handed him a pen without looking at him and Griffen looked almost appreciative.

The crowd parted for us but only barely quieted. The chatter was replaced with hushed whispers.

I wished I had a stage, a microphone, something.

This place had decent acoustics but we also built it so that it wouldn’t be too noisy because the apartments above were open to the common areas.

My mom came up to me, followed by two omegas with, of course, a microphone.

“Always one step ahead,” I gave her a quick hug.

She smiled up at me, “You’ll have to fill me in on everything tomorrow. I want to get back to my grandson,” My mom patted my arm, “I’m proud of you, we’re proud of you.”

“Thanks, Mom.” Emotion clogged my throat.

I changed as an Alpha because of Willa. She made me stronger, better. She made me better for Crescent Moon, the Alpha that I never thought I could be, one I knew I never would have been without her.

I looked around at the new faces, the future of my pack, our pack.

We would build a new era together. None of this would be possible if it weren’t for her. This was Nolan running his pack into the ground, yes. But more than that it was Willa showing how competent of a leader she was compared to him.

She went back to a place that almost broke her and used nothing but strength and wits and the power of truth to end up still leading half the pack that she was once destined to take over. I know she didn’t choose any of the things that happened to her, couldn’t change them, but I was so indescribably proud of how she handled them, even if she wasn’t.

She pushed past the events for Emmett until she found the strength to do it for herself.

Now, she was standing next to me, in front of our pack, one she was responsible for growing and now leading.

“Speech,” Holden yelled.

The Monarch can take most of them. They had an event cancellation, so they’re happy to recoup some losses – Holden linked me

Talk to Cali and see where everyone is going after this. Have cars ready.

“Want to start?” I looked at Willa, and she shrugged but nodded.

I handed her the microphone making sure it was set up first. Of course, it was. My mom was a step ahead of my dad and me always.

“Hi, everyone,” The room quieted instantly at Willa’s soft yet steady voice, “We are honored to have you here. Words can’t describe it.” Her voice wavered, and I placed my hand on her lower back to help relax her. She took a deep breath leaning back into my touch.

“We have rooms prepared for the evening, we want to make sure all of you get a place that you will be happy in. It might take a few days to get everyone settled here, so bear with us.” She smiled at the crowd.

“You are under no obligation to stay here if you don’t like it; think of it as a trial run.” A few people laughed, and it widened her smile, making her relax a bit, “If you choose to go back to Blue Ridge or move on, that is completely fine. We understand that this is a different pack layout than you are used to, and you are not obligated to join Crescent Moon.”

She handed the microphone to me, sensing I had a few things to add, “You are more than welcome here,” My voice boomed over the microphone, “We want you to be comfortable if you choose to be here. My Beta Griffen and Gamma Cali will be a*s*sisting with your relocation. Make sure you see them before you leave. Holden, my Gamma, will give you a room here or in a hotel nearby until we can give you a more permanent location.”

I looked at Willa and handed her the reigns back, “I know you must be exhausted, if you need anything let us know. We will handle your moving costs to make this as easy as possible for you, even if you don’t end up staying here.”

Everyone looked expectantly at us. This would be a long night trying to get this all sorted.


A long night didn’t even begin to cover it. I had Holden send up bottles of champagne and food to all of their rooms, no matter if they were staying in the packhouse or the hotel.

I couldn’t comprehend how much of a change and challenge this would be for them, and if we could make it even a slight bit better, then that was enough for tonight.

You’re getting soft – Atlas teased

I wouldn’t go that far –

Willa leaned her head on my shoulder, her eyelids have been dropping as we sent the last of the people off.

Cali and Griffen were able to write down at least names, numbers, and basic preferences of everyone, but we knew that they would have actually to see the city and our original packlands before they made a decision.

Their packhouse or hotel stay would probably be longer than a night or two, but as Willa mentioned, she didn’t want anyone to have long-term regrets from a short-term decision.

“Bed?” I asked her, placing a k*iss on her soft hair.

I breathed in her scent that was home now, had been home for a while, closing my eyes. She nodded, her silky hair moving under my lips.

I had never indoctrinated so many people into this pack at once, not even a fraction of it. This was beyond what any of us anticipated.

“One step at a time,” Holden said, stretching his arms behind his head, yawning louder than necessary.

“We can decide a date for those that know they want to join, and the rest can make up their minds after,” Griffen suggested.

“I like that idea,” Willa said, “Before or after the ceremony?” She asked me.

The royal ceremony was set to take place next week, I scrubbed my beard, trying to think what would make the most sense, but I was painfully tired.

“We sent those invitations to a lot of packs; we can’t change the ceremony. Maybe before so they can fully enjoy crowning their new Princess.” I loved those words on my lips and how Willa’s cheeks slightly flushed when I spoke them.

“Okay,” Her thick lashes fluttered, pinning me with her unearthly green eyes.

“It’s settled then,” Griffen said, anxious to get back to his child and mate, “If that is all-”

“Go to sleep,” I commanded, and he gave me a brief smile before turning to the elevator.

“We have a few long days ahead of us,” I wrapped my arm around Willa.

Holden and Cali fell into step next to us.

The long days ahead seemed like paradise with her by my side.


I woke up groggy and confused.

My eyes felt like sandpaper, and I could barely open them even though bright light filtered through the small crack in the curtains. It was well past early morning.

I reached for Caspien, but the bed next to me was cold.

What time was it?

I looked at the bedside clock rubbing my eyes against the sleep I couldn’t fight. S*hi*t, it was almost noon.

I couldn’t remember the last time I slept so deeply. Even though it was late at night, I got more than enough sleep, more than I was used to recently. Maybe it was because it was later than I was used to. My body clock was off.

I couldn’t shake the groggy feeling, even with the happiness of the night before, even with being worried about missing something now that Caspien was long gone.

I stretched but ended up laying back down, sleep tugged at me again, and I couldn’t fight it even if I wanted to.


I woke up startled, not remembering falling back to bed.

My stomach churned, and I grabbed it, trying to stop the feeling.

I must be starving.

I sat up, but the room spun with me.

I grabbed my hair, hanging my head to my legs.

I couldn’t remember ever feeling sick, ever feeling nauseous, really.

Except when I had Emmett.


Shock and nausea coursed through me, and I ran into the bathroom, seeking any sort of relief.

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