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The Rejected Luna’s Prince By Aurora Archer Chapter 75

The Rejected Luna’s Prince By Aurora Archer

Chapter 75 – Induction


I was so excited to hear that Willa was thinking about having children with me. I wanted more kids; I was surprised to find out that I actually wanted them instead of feeling that I had to have them to carry on the line.

I never connected with children, not that I had a chance to really be around them. But when I met Emmett, I felt my world shift. He was different than expected, and he wasn’t scared of me. So trusting, kind, and I fell in love with him more every day.

I would have as many kids with Willa as she would let me, but we never talked about it. I wanted kids with her for longer than I admitted to myself. I promised myself and her that we could take it slow, at her pace, and even though she was officially my Luna, there was no need to pressure her into anything she wasn’t ready for.

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“You want to try?” I asked her. I felt like I was in complete shock, but the good kind.

“We don’t have to,” She said.

That almost shattered me. Did she not want this? Was she worried I wouldn’t want it?

I opened my mouth to tell her that I wanted to if she did, that I wanted nothing more. She looked a bit nervous, or maybe it was excited.

“The baby is already on the way,” She said, a shadow of a smile crossing her beautiful face. She looked at me nervously, studying my face.

I took a step back, looking at her stomach.

She’s not just going to pop up like a balloon – Atlas said

We sniffed. Her scent hasn’t changed yet. She must be very early along

We have another pup – Atlas pranced around like a show dog

“Really?” I asked her. She nodded, biting her lip. I couldn’t help the smile that broke out on my face, “Really?”

I took a few steps towards her and pulled her up as gently as possible; her feet lifted from the floor, and I spun her around.

This was bliss that had to be complete and utter bliss. We were expanding our family in our home that finally felt like both of us. It wasn’t home without Willa and Emmett, and now that they both had a choice in the design, it felt real, finite.

I brought them home, and now we would fill it with another little life.

“Are you happy?” Willa asked after I set her down; her unearthly green eyes sparkled up at me, but her brown tugged slightly.

“I’m ecstatic,” I replied honestly, “Are you?” I hoped this wouldn’t be something that would make her feel trapped or stuck, not with me, but in a situation that might not be ideal. That was the last thing that I wanted her to feel.

“I am.” She smiled widely; her entire face lit up, and I let out a breath.

“This might be one of my favorite days,” I leaned down to place a k*iss on her soft lips, her hands tangled in my hair as she deepened the k*iss.

I breathed in the scent that was Willa, the scent of home. Goddess, she was everything I didn’t this I deserved, but every day she made me feel like I might be worthy of her, of Emmett, of it all.


There was a tugging sensation every few minutes. It was getting deeper, like a physical cut. I ripped off my shirt, but there was nothing to indicate any cuts, bruises, or something externally wrong.

Come here – I linked the doctor and poured myself a drink pacing my office.

A soft knock came on the door.

“Come in,” I called down my drink, that was fast.

Camilla tentatively opened the door with Theo next to her wrapping his hands around her thigh, “Theo wanted to say good night.” She said, averting her eyes for some reason. She changed recently, losing some of that confidence, spark, and hardness that I liked about her.

“Goodnight,” I nodded at him.

“We’re going to read four books tonight,” Theo said, bouncing up and down.

Camilla looked at him lovingly. Her demeanor completely changed when she looked at our son, “Yes, after the bath.” She said, running her hands through his hair. Theo made a disgusted face.

“Listen to your mother,” I knelt down to his level.

“Fine,” He stomped out, and Camilla looked at his back, smiling.

I had to admit she was a much better mom since the incident. I don’t know if she was traumatized by her time in Crescent Moon’s dungeon or what they did to her. It didn’t matter. She was softer, timider. It didn’t work for me, but she and Theo were inseparable now. She even seemed to soften to my mom. I didn’t care what happened if she was going to protect and raise my heir, she could stay.

I winced as another cutting pain cut through my chest.

“Is everything okay?” She asked me, seeming concerned, “Theo don’t go too far,” She called after him smiling.

“Yeah, just some pain; I have the doctor on the way. Need anything else?” I asked through gritted teeth.

“Okay then.” She turned away, “Did you respond to the invitation?” Camilla asked, looking at my desk where the invite to The Royal Ceremony, Willa’s crowning, still laid open.

“No,” A chill went through me thinking of it.

Willa, a princess, I shook my head.

“I will,” Camilla said, and I looked at her.

“Not as a Luna.” I restored and hurt flashed her face before she made her face hard and turned away from me.

I never would forgive her for going behind my back, getting her stripped of her title. She was useless, but my mom was happy to step back in. I didn’t have time to think about what this meant for the future of the pack. At least I had Theo but would any other kids be seen as heirs with her in case something happened?

I pushed those thoughts away as another shooting pain rippled through me. The doctor came in hours later, minutes probably, but it felt longer.

“What took you so long?” I snarled at her, and she jumped.

“I-I’m sorry Alpha I was finishing up a labor. We have a new baby boy in this pack.” She gave me a tentative smile. Someone else could have handled that.

My dad stood towering above her. “What are you doing here?” I breathed through clenched teeth.

“Saw the doctor running and wanted to check on you.” He said.

“What is the matter? Do you want me to run some tests? I can bring you to the clinic.”

I clenched at my heart again, “It’s these stabbing pains, every few moments.”

My dad’s eyes widened, and he looked at our head doctor, who was frowning. “That’s not normal.” She said, taking a step towards me.

“Of course it f*uc*king isn’t. That’s why I called you,” I growled.

“Son, she is only trying to help.” My dad said, but he looked worried.

“Tell me exactly what is going on,” The doctor said, and I tried to describe it. She asked a million more questions than she needed to.

“Just tell me what is going on,” I clenched the arms of my chair.

“Is there something else going on,” Her voice softened, and I didn’t like it, “Did Camilla do something? Reject you?” She averted her eyes.

“What?” I scoffed, “No.” I snarled.

Did she reject me without telling me? She seemed annoyed with me recently, but she wouldn’t leave even if her title was stripped. She wanted to stay with Theo.

“It could be a heart attack. You’ve been through a lot,” My dad suggested. I didn’t realize he was still here.

“Id.iot,” I mumbled.

“I have never seen that happen,” The doctor said, “It’s something else; it sounds like a tie-breaking.” She shrugged, “I’ve seen this before after a death of a mate, a rejection, even though that’s rare,” Her voice sounded accusatory, and I would have commanded her to get out if another shooting pain floored me. “When a pack member leaves sometimes,” She shrugged, going on.

“Wait,” My dad stopped her, I tried to look at him, but my face felt hot, cold sweat dripped down my face, “A lot of pack members left after,” He trailed off, “Maybe they are joining Crescent Moon officially.” He said.

“Why. Wait.” I managed out.

“I don’t know, I can figure it out if you’d like.”

“Get out,” I commanded them both.

The doctor stood up and looked at me sympathetically. It was the last thing I needed. My dad paused at the door, “You brought this upon yourself, son.” He frowned.

“You didn’t stop me,” I spat.

“You are a man of your own free will, I cannot and will not force you into anything. This is the result of your choices,” He shook his head, “We can only help Theo be better, not turn into you.” He left, and that cleaved my heart.

A wave of regret and sadness helped dull the shooting pain, I felt completely helpless, hopeless, and desperate.

I tried to wrap my mind around how all of this happened, it all started with Willa, with my rejecting her.

I wondered what life would be like if I wouldn’t done that, it would be better. I couldn’t change that, though, I couldn’t take it back.

That was the worst part of all.


I felt like we were in some drive-through pack ceremony. I was worried Caspien would be bled dry by the end of it. Most of the pack members decided to join tonight, and the ones that didn’t were still in attendance. We held it in the packhouse, and most of Crescent Moon showed up, even the ones that didn’t live here.

There was so much love and warmth in the air. It was charged with it. Everyone was so excited to meet the new pack members and I couldn’t have been prouder of everyone in Crescent Moon and Blue Ridge for coming together like this.

Caspien looked down at me, nodding his head slightly. He looked like he was in his element, but he was softer than I had seen him at other events. He seemed more himself, the Caspien that I knew.

Cali was standing to my side and jumped. I grabbed her arm, looking at her.

“Mindlinking still scares me sometimes, and Holden shouts in my head when he’s bored,” She rolled her eyes, “He literally is so annoying.”

“You love it,” I countered, smiling at one of my best friends.

“I do,” She smiled; she didn’t even bother fighting it.

“Welcome, all of you,” Caspien said, his voice booming. I didn’t realize it was over, I hoped I looked polite and warm despite the exhaustion that loomed over me, “We are blessed and honored to have each and every one of you, this is your home now, and we will work to make it feel that way. We appreciate your trust in us, and we do not take that lightly.” Caspien stood next to me and squeezed my hand.

“I won’t bore you with another speech. You’ve heard enough from me for a lifetime,” A few people in the crowd laughed, and Caspien softened a bit. It was weird to see him like this. The Caspien I knew was starting to seep into the Dark Prince front he put on in public, “We hope you stay for the party.”

The crowd cheered, and he handed me the microphone.

“I just want to say how nice it is to see some familiar faces again, to have people from my home pack mix with my new pack. I have to stop now, or I might cry,” People laughed, but I was being serious, “Welcome and let’s party.”

The party allegedly went long into the night. I left a bit after it started. I talked to as many people as possible, but I was fading, and Caspien realized it. So far, at least, he was being cautious but not hovering as Griffen did.


“It was intense, people were shouting about mates everywhere, and I don’t think anyone slept,” Cali’s eyes were wide as she was explaining the rest of the party over brunch in our house the next morning.

“You definitely didn’t,” Griffen mumbled; Cali shot him a look.

“It was a d.amn good party.” Holden said, “The proper way to bring people together; some people mentioned they have never been to a pack party before Holden said.”

“The events were usually held for visiting ranked members,” I shrugged, “They would come for ceremonies, but the dinners and parties were for the other visitors.”

“That’s f*****g s.tupid,” Cali said.

“I can agree with that,” Griffen nodded at her.

“A success all around,” Holden said, “I can’t believe you have any blood left, Cas,” He shoveled a huge bite of egg into his mouth.

“I can’t believe you dipped so early,” Cali said, eyeing me over her mug.

“I, I was a bit tired,” I looked at Caspien, who nodded, “I’m pregnant,” I said, holding my breath at the reaction I knew I was going to get.

It was complete silence for a few long moments until someone, probably Cali or Holden, dropped a fork.

“What? I want one.” Holden frowned, Cali slapped him on the shoulder.

“Don’t make this about you,” Griffen said, “Congratulations, Willa, Caspien, another addition will be amazing.”

“Thank you,” Caspien said.

“Werewolf s.hlongs,” Cali shut her eyes smiling, “I am really happy for you, Willa. You deserve everything and more.” She said seriously.

“Thanks,” I swallowed. I would eventually need to learn to take a compliment.

“Come on,” Holden grabbed Cali’s arm.

“Hey, I wanted to finish my bacon,” She shouted.

Holden threw her over his shoulder and grabbed the plate of bacon, “Sorry, but I have to make a baby.” He said and took her out of the room.

“That went as well as I expected it to go,” Caspien said, pinning me with his icy stare.

I shrugged, “At least they know. Eventually, we’re going to have to tell the parents.”

“Good luck with that,” Griffen murmured over his plate.

Our parents took it worse than expected. Better maybe. Tears and more tears, a few squeals of joy, a happy dance, and more tears. I almost wished we had called them. I was bracing for them all to be worse than Griffen was with Nora.

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