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The Rejected Luna’s Prince By Aurora Archer Chapter 81

The Rejected Luna’s Prince By Aurora Archer

Chapter 81 Epilogue 4 – The Wedding


“I’m sorry I’m not much help,” Rachel sat on the chaise lounge in the penthouse hotel suite Cali insisted we rent.

“You’re going to give birth any minute.” I shook my head at her, bringing her a blanket and tucking it around her.

I was surprised that she still wanted to be part of the wedding, but she insisted that it would be better for her to be pregnant than with three newborns.

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“Are you ready?” Cali asked, shifting on her feet. Her stomach was swollen but not near Rachel’s, even though she was further along.

“I’m not nervous,” I smiled at her, remembering her nerves on her wedding day.

I was mated, marked, became his Luna, and had two children with Caspien now. The wedding was a formality that I never really thought of. My parents were never married. Caspien’s parents wore wedding bands, but I don’t know if they ever had a ceremony. The ancient band that Caspien had my diamond on was probably never intended as a wedding band. Marks were all that we needed. The mate bond was rarely ever broken. That thought that used to curl my stomach and turn my thoughts into an angry pit of rage didn’t affect me in the least anymore.

“Can we put on your dress yet?” Lola bounded up, her short hair pinned back.

“It’s almost time,” Nora got up and placated Lola with a glass of champagne.

“I promised Anthony that he would be the first to see you in it,” Rachel said from where she was lying.

He designed it for me and saw me in it for multiple fittings. I would placate him, though, I owed him that much, and it was a beautiful dress. Today wasn’t really about me anyway. This was more for our parents and friends. I was happy to be tied to him in every way, but a piece of paper and another ring wouldn’t solidify anything further.

“You’re the chillest bride ever,” Cali snorted, “I can’t believe I was more stressed than you.”

“You’ve spent your whole life, well, most of it, in the human world. Marriage to you is what marking is to us.” I shrugged.

“He’s here,” Rachel announced, and Lola bounded to the door and flung it wide open. Anthony walked in, scanning the room until he laid his eyes on me.

“Belissimo, Willa.” He rushed up to me and appraised my hair and makeup.

“You were born here. You can drop the act,” Rachel snorted from the chaise. She didn’t bother to greet her cousin besides that.

Anthony rolled his eyes at me but turned to Rachel with a broad smile, “And how are my little cousins doing?”

“Breakdancing on my bladder, so I would say fine,” She sat up, groaning.

“Did you find out the gender?” He asked, helping her adjust herself.

“Two boys and a girl,” Rachel said.

“I cannot wait. I’ll design-”

“What? Their onesies?” Cali cut in.

“Well, no,” Anthony frowned, “That sounds horrible. Something when they’re older then,” he amended.

“You’re looking great, too,” Anthony looked at Cali’s swollen stomach.

“A bit easier to manage with one.” She looked at her stomach, and Rachel groaned.

“I am so insanely jealous.”

“You’ll probably go first. A few more days.” Cali tried to sound reassuring.

Cali was a few weeks later, but the doctor predicted an early birth for Rachel. He recommended bed rest after this week, and Rachel reluctantly agreed to start only once the wedding was over.

“Let’s turn you into a bride,” Anthony walked back up to me and led me to the pedestal in front of the mirrors before making sure my dress was perfect.

Another knock sounded on the door, and Lola squealed. She raced to it, almost tripping over herself and spilling some of her champagne in the process. I didn’t have to guess who it was. By her reaction, it was her mate, Navi. Navi graciously offered to round out the bridal party and wear a fitted black suit that showed off her incredible figure.

She twirled Lola around; Lola’s girlish giggles pierced the room before Navi set her down.

“Come hang with us.” I offered for the millionth time. Navi made herself useful, helped our parents set up, and ensured we and the guys had everything we needed.

Lola met her here. She had been living in the older village in the forest and was visiting from a trip abroad when they met by chance in the packhouse.

Lola dated a few guys and had been with a few girls but insisted she didn’t have a preference. Until Navi. Navi was her preference in every way, and I knew that feeling well. I was overjoyed that they found each other, and even though I had only known Navi for a week, it was obvious why they were paired.

She was Lola’s rock. Patient, encouraging, and never tired of Lola’s endless energy and enthusiasm. She listened to Lola’s long-winded stories, even after I got bored. After the wedding, they planned a long trip to travel the world. I was grateful they stayed for this, even if it wasn’t a werewolf tradition.

“We’re ready now.” Anthony came up holding the mound of fabric with such reverence as if it were his only child. He requested the help of Lola and Nora and yelled at them to be careful before they even t*ouched the fabric.

The fabric slipped over me, and I held my breath. The details were stunning. I didn’t even want to know how long it took Anthony to do this, and he insisted that he do most of the details by hand.

The dress was everything I didn’t know I wanted. It was a gown fit for a princess.

Strapless, with flower details on the bodice and petals trailing down the skirt with gold details woven into the petals and bodice. It wasn’t too puffy, with light gauzy material making up the skirt. I felt like a princess.

“How do you feel?” Anthony came up behind me, his eyes twinkling.

“Like royalty.”

“You are f.ucking royalty,” Cali said with a dazzling smile, “Your Highness,” she pointed to my golden tiara intertwined with my hair.

“That’s not really a thing anymore-”

“You’re royalty, f.ucking own it.” Cali cut me off with a blazing stare.


I couldn’t stop pacing, and I kept checking the gold watch that Willa got me as a wedding present. Why was it going so slowly?

“Stop pacing; you’re stressing me out.” Holden rubbed his temples, “Have a drink or something. It’s not like she’s not going to show

I paused. I hadn’t thought of that, “Do you think she won’t?” I asked.

“What? No, you literally have marked her, and she gave birth to another child.” Holden said matter-of-factly.

“What are you worried about?” Griffen asked.

“I have absolutely no idea. I want to give her everything. What if it isn’t enough?”

What if I wasn’t enough? I still had this nagging feeling that she was too good for me; I knew she was. She was kind and pure, yet strong and sure. She made me a better person in every way, but what did I give her? I didn’t want to drag her down into the dark that she pulled me out of.

Stop being so self-deprecating. She was made for us, and we were made for her – Atlas pushed in.

“You gave her a penthouse castle and a kingdom,” Holden shrugged.

“She doesn’t care about that stuff,” I said, my voice flat.

“She cares about you,” Griffen offered. “You might not be the most talkative person in the world-”

“Or even the most interesting.” Holden cut in, and Griffen scowled at him.

“But you’re a good person; she can see that more than anyone,” Griffen continued.

“I feel like I have to say something because I’m sitting here,” Jack interjected, “She’s come alive with you. She’s a new person. She’s herself completely. With Nola- well, in the past, she was great. We clicked immediately, but she was more nervous, shy, and subdued. You let her be herself, and she has grown into the person she was always meant to be. Don’t be so hard on yourself, man.” Jack gave me a smile, and his words took me back a bit. I wasn’t expecting that.

I thought I had gotten past these fears. Willa did nothing but reassure me, and I knew how much she cared and loved me. Today, though, they were unwillingly back. How could someone so perfect be destined for me?

“Thanks,” I muttered, remembering myself.

A soft knock on the door, and Jack went to get it.

“Dad, it’s almost time.” Emmett rushed in, and I scooped him up.

“I need the rings,” he whispered into my ear as if it were some great secret.

“Okay,” I whispered back, smiling down at him.

I adjusted him so I could get the rings from my inner jacket pocket and placed them in Emmett’s hands. He wrapped his fingers around the pouch and nodded at me once, a solemn look on his face.

“You know what to do?” I asked.

“Yes, Dad.” He sighed, “I’ve practiced a thousand million times.”

“Okay then,” I couldn’t help smiling at him. I fought the urge to ruffle his hair, knowing it would upset him. My mom helped him do it this morning, and he has been checking himself out on every slightly-reflective surface since.

“Go find Grandma and Grandpa, and can you do one more thing for me?” I asked him.

“Of course,” His green eyes widened.

“Can you make sure that Lilith is happy during the ceremony?”

“I can do that. She won’t even cry once,” He looked so sure of himself that I almost believed him. My mom was going to walk Lilith down the aisle while Willa’s mom minded Emmett and Loreli, our flower girl.

“You boys ready?” I asked.

“And girls, well, girl,” Navi, Lola’s mate, entered the room.

“Are you?” Griffen looked at me, seeming nervous.

“Yes.” I was ready to marry the love of my life.


My dad wrapped my arm in his and squeezed me tight, taking shallow breaths. “Dad, it’s okay.” I tried to soothe him.

“l-just-l am so happy for you, after, well, you know,” He choked on his words. “We didn’t know if there was a chance for this. But seeing you this happy, it made everything worth it.

“It did.” I agreed, “Now let’s get me married so we can stop with the ceremonies.” I tried to joke.

“Fine, fine, but walk slow. I don’t want to give you away just yet.”

“Dad, we’re not human, and you have an apartment less than a minute’s elevator ride away.”

“I know, but just the sentiment.” He took a deep breath.

The music changed. The door opened, and I looked at my dad, tears shining in his eyes. He made his face stoic and gave me a brief nod.

We started to walk down the long aisle. It felt a bit pointless because we only invited a handful of people. We were having a reception open to the pack and other ranked members this afternoon. Caspien and I wanted this just for us. We shared so much of our lives with the pack, and I loved having them there for it, but we both wanted the ceremony to be family and close friends only.

The room was tasteful, an old dark wood church. White flowers dotted the front pews, and a thick carpet of white petals lined the aisle.

Caspien was standing under an archway of flowers and greenery, but I stopped looking around when my eyes met his. His icy stare bore me with such intensity that it made my breath catch. No matter how many times I saw him, I never got used to his sheer intense beauty or the way that he made me feel, even from across the room.

There was so much love, affection, and adoration in his gaze. The bond only intensified those feelings, but it wasn’t just the bond, it had never just been the bond. My feelings for him grew each day, and I had no idea that anything like this could exist.

I was the luckiest person in the world.

“This is it,” My dad sighed, letting me go as Caspien cleared the last few steps between us.

“I would say take care of her, but I know you will. You already have.” My dad looked at Caspien briefly before pulling him into a tight hug, “Thank you,” my dad whispered.

Caspien pulled back, bewildered. “For what?”

“For everything you’ve done for us and our daughter and grandson.”

“It’s an honor, an absolute honor,” Caspien said and swallowed.

“Should we, maybe?” I nodded toward the officiant.

“Yeah, of course,” Caspien and my dad cleared their throats. He took my hand and led me up the few steps, “Willa, you, you look, wow.”

“You too,” I took him in.

I’ve seen him in a full suit before, plenty of times. But every time, it took my breath away. His golden crown sat on his hair, and a few midnight pieces fell over his forehead. The fact that this man dressed up to marry me blew me away.

“Mama, look at me too,” Emmett said, and I turned to see his little matching black suit clamping on a smile.

“You look dashing,” I called out, and our friends and family laughed.

“Shh.” Emmett said, putting a small finger to his lips, “Lily is sleeping.” He frowned.

“Dad,” Emmett whispered too loudly, “I’m watching Lily,” Emmett said proudly.

Caspien’s lips tugged into a blinding smile, “Thank you, you’re doing great.” Emmett smiled back at us.

“Are we ready then?” The officiant asked.

“Yes,” I said, not looking away from Caspien. I was lost in that moment, to everyone and everything that wasn’t my prince and how he looked at me.

“Willa, will you go first?”

C.rap, it was time, my hands felt clammy, and I went to move them from Caspiens, but he held mine tighter and gave me a shy smile that I still rarely saw.

“Okay then.” I smiled at him, “Hi.”

“Hi.” He raised an eyebrow, fighting back a laugh.

“Basically, you know how I feel.” I shrugged.

“Tell me.” His voice was deep and filled with need.

How could I deny him anything? I knew I couldn’t.

“I’m going to try to keep this short and hopefully not too cheesy. You know how I feel about you.” I swallowed, “I don’t know what I can promise you that you don’t already have. You have everything and you worked for it, and I am so incredibly proud of you.”

His eyes flickered, and he took a deep breath, “I can only promise you myself. I can only promise you what I know I can give. I promise you unconditional love and support. I can promise you I’ll be there in any capacity you need, whether as your Luna, your mate, your friend, or your wife.” Caspien smiled widely, the smile that was only reserved for me, made for me.

“I can promise you only that I can give you, but you have every single part of me, and I hope that’s enough.”

Emotions I didn’t think I would feel clawed at me. Try not to cry. I didn’t want to cry.

That is all! ever wanted -Caspien linked me.

“I see you, every part of you, even the parts you try to hide. I love every single one of them. I love every version of you I’ve met and those I have yet to meet.” Caspien let out a shaky breath.

“I promise that I will give you everything I have. I promise you everything I am and everything I will become. I promise to give everything to us.”

Caspien swallowed but didn’t move his hands from mine to wipe the single tear that fell down his face.


I felt a bit better when we were finally in the church. I nodded to the guests, the few of them that we invited.

The music changed, and the doors opened. Holden and Cali walked in first at the pace of f.ucking turtles. I swear Griffen and Nora walked even slower. We were wolves, for f.ucks sake. I fought the overwhelming urge to link them to start running.

I had to see her.

Emmett walked slowly and seriously down the aisle, and I had to fight to keep a straight face. He was so adorable, my heart filled with love at the sight of my son helping us on our wedding day.

A year ago, I never thought this would happen. I started losing hope of finding a mate, and when I found her, I didn’t think she would want me. A year ago, this day seemed like a dream I wouldn’t have even considered.

“Here.” He gave the rings to Holden, “Keep them safe.” Emmett said seriously.

“I will guard them with my life,” Holden promised, holding a hand over his heart.

Loreli skipped down, throwing petals over the ones already on the aisle.

“Good job.” Holden smiled proudly at his little girl.

The music changed again, and I held my breath. We were so close. I needed to see her.

The door slowly creaked open, and there she was.

My world shifted.

I couldn’t take my eyes off her beautiful face. She murmured something to her dad and fixed her brilliant green eyes on me. I was undeserving. I thanked the Goddess for allowing her to be mine. With every step, my nerves settled. She was my haven, my home.

I took her hands in mine and finally looked at her dress. It was regal; she was born to be royal. I didn’t know what to expect but she floored me in it. The dress clung to her gorgeous figure. Gold details were woven in, and I noticed some were flowers. I would have to send Anthony a personal thank-you note. He outdid himself.

Her vows choked me up.

To see her how she saw him, for her to give herself to me and promise to be mine in every way in front of those we loved and cherished. I guess there was something to be said about human traditions.

I never even thought about a wedding until I met Willa. I wanted to claim her in every way and show the world that she was mine. That this incredible woman chose me time and time again in every way possible. It was my proudest accomplishment.

Also, we have pups- Atlas butt in, You know what I mean

“Caspien, when you’re ready,” The officiant said.

Everything fell away beside her. I didn’t have anything prepared, I tried numerous times, but it didn’t sound right. I decided to go for it and pour myself out to her, and hopefully, some of it made sense.

“Nothing in this world or the next will be too big or impossible for me to get for you. Everything I am is because of you. I honestly don’t know where I would be if you didn’t enter my life. I am yours in every single way possible and vow to be there will be until the end of this life.” I took a shaky breath. “After that, I’ll find you in the next life and claim you again.”

Willa gave me a brilliant smile that made her eyes dance.

“I will spend every second of every day trying to be good enough for you.”

And I will spend every second of every day proving to you that you are perfect in every way –She linked me.

I smiled at her and shook my head. “You have me, and I give myself to you completely and in every way possible and impossible, and I don’t even know what that means.”

Willa laughed, one of my favorite sounds.

“I promise you the world and the next.”

I just want you – She linked me looking up at me under thick lashes.

You can have that too.

I pulled her close and pressed her lips against mine. Emotions clogged my throat; I was continually overwhelmed by the depth of feelings I had for her.

Someone coughed, probably Cali, and we were reluctantly pulled back to the real world.

The officiant asked us to say our I do’s and I held my breath until she said yes.

We left the place hand in hand with my mark on her neck, a gold crown on her head, and two rings I gave her on her finger.

She was fully and completely mine, and no one in this world has ever been happier or more blessed.

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